1   /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
2    * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.data;
19  import java.io.Serializable;
21  import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
23  /** Elements of the bodies having an effect on nutation.
24   * <p>This class is a simple placeholder,
25   * it does not provide any processing method.</p>
26   * @author Luc Maisonobe
27   */
28  public final class BodiesElements extends  DelaunayArguments implements Serializable {
30      /** Serializable UID. */
31      private static final long serialVersionUID = 20170106L;
33      /** Mean Mercury longitude. */
34      private final double lMe;
36      /** Mean Mercury longitude time derivative. */
37      private final double lMeDot;
39      /** Mean Venus longitude. */
40      private final double lVe;
42      /** Mean Venus longitude time derivative. */
43      private final double lVeDot;
45      /** Mean Earth longitude. */
46      private final double lE;
48      /** Mean Earth longitude time derivative. */
49      private final double lEDot;
51      /** Mean Mars longitude. */
52      private final double lMa;
54      /** Mean Mars longitude time derivative. */
55      private final double lMaDot;
57      /** Mean Jupiter longitude. */
58      private final double lJu;
60      /** Mean Jupiter longitude time derivative. */
61      private final double lJuDot;
63      /** Mean Saturn longitude. */
64      private final double lSa;
66      /** Mean Saturn longitude time derivative. */
67      private final double lSaDot;
69      /** Mean Uranus longitude. */
70      private final double lUr;
72      /** Mean Uranus longitude time derivative. */
73      private final double lUrDot;
75      /** Mean Neptune longitude. */
76      private final double lNe;
78      /** Mean Neptune longitude time derivative. */
79      private final double lNeDot;
81      /** General accumulated precession in longitude. */
82      private final double pa;
84      /** General accumulated precession in longitude time derivative. */
85      private final double paDot;
87      /** Simple constructor.
88       * @param date current date
89       * @param tc offset in Julian centuries
90       * @param gamma tide parameter γ = GMST + π
91       * @param gammaDot tide parameter γ = GMST + π time derivative
92       * @param l mean anomaly of the Moon
93       * @param lDot mean anomaly of the Moon time derivative
94       * @param lPrime mean anomaly of the Sun
95       * @param lPrimeDot mean anomaly of the Sun time derivative
96       * @param f L - Ω where L is the mean longitude of the Moon
97       * @param fDot L - Ω where L is the mean longitude of the Moon time derivative
98       * @param d mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun
99       * @param dDot mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun time derivative
100      * @param omega mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon
101      * @param omegaDot mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon time derivative
102      * @param lMe mean Mercury longitude
103      * @param lMeDot mean Mercury longitude time derivative
104      * @param lVe mean Venus longitude
105      * @param lVeDot mean Venus longitude time derivative
106      * @param lE mean Earth longitude
107      * @param lEDot mean Earth longitude time derivative
108      * @param lMa mean Mars longitude
109      * @param lMaDot mean Mars longitude time derivative
110      * @param lJu mean Jupiter longitude
111      * @param lJuDot mean Jupiter longitude time derivative
112      * @param lSa mean Saturn longitude
113      * @param lSaDot mean Saturn longitude time derivative
114      * @param lUr mean Uranus longitude
115      * @param lUrDot mean Uranus longitude time derivative
116      * @param lNe mean Neptune longitude
117      * @param lNeDot mean Neptune longitude time derivative
118      * @param pa general accumulated precession in longitude
119      * @param paDot general accumulated precession in longitude time derivative
120      */
121     public BodiesElements(final AbsoluteDate date, final double tc, final double gamma, final double gammaDot,
122                           final double l, final double lDot, final double lPrime, final double lPrimeDot,
123                           final double f, final double fDot, final double d, final double dDot,
124                           final double omega, final double omegaDot,
125                           final double lMe, final double lMeDot, final double lVe, final double lVeDot,
126                           final double lE, final double lEDot, final double lMa, final double lMaDot,
127                           final double lJu, final double lJuDot, final double lSa, final double lSaDot,
128                           final double lUr, final double lUrDot, final double lNe, final double lNeDot,
129                           final double pa, final double paDot) {
130         super(date, tc, gamma, gammaDot, l, lDot, lPrime, lPrimeDot, f, fDot, d, dDot, omega, omegaDot);
131         this.lMe    = lMe;
132         this.lMeDot = lMeDot;
133         this.lVe    = lVe;
134         this.lVeDot = lVeDot;
135         this.lE     = lE;
136         this.lEDot  = lEDot;
137         this.lMa    = lMa;
138         this.lMaDot = lMaDot;
139         this.lJu    = lJu;
140         this.lJuDot = lJuDot;
141         this.lSa    = lSa;
142         this.lSaDot = lSaDot;
143         this.lUr    = lUr;
144         this.lUrDot = lUrDot;
145         this.lNe    = lNe;
146         this.lNeDot = lNeDot;
147         this.pa     = pa;
148         this.paDot  = paDot;
149     }
151     /** Get the mean Mercury longitude.
152      * @return mean Mercury longitude.
153      */
154     public double getLMe() {
155         return lMe;
156     }
158     /** Get the mean Mercury longitude time derivative.
159      * @return mean Mercury longitude time derivative.
160      */
161     public double getLMeDot() {
162         return lMeDot;
163     }
165     /** Get the mean Venus longitude.
166      * @return mean Venus longitude. */
167     public double getLVe() {
168         return lVe;
169     }
171     /** Get the mean Venus longitude time derivative.
172      * @return mean Venus longitude time derivative. */
173     public double getLVeDot() {
174         return lVeDot;
175     }
177     /** Get the mean Earth longitude.
178      * @return mean Earth longitude. */
179     public double getLE() {
180         return lE;
181     }
183     /** Get the mean Earth longitude time derivative.
184      * @return mean Earth longitude time derivative. */
185     public double getLEDot() {
186         return lEDot;
187     }
189     /** Get the mean Mars longitude.
190      * @return mean Mars longitude. */
191     public double getLMa() {
192         return lMa;
193     }
195     /** Get the mean Mars longitude time derivative.
196      * @return mean Mars longitude time derivative. */
197     public double getLMaDot() {
198         return lMaDot;
199     }
201     /** Get the mean Jupiter longitude.
202      * @return mean Jupiter longitude. */
203     public double getLJu() {
204         return lJu;
205     }
207     /** Get the mean Jupiter longitude time derivative.
208      * @return mean Jupiter longitude time derivative. */
209     public double getLJuDot() {
210         return lJuDot;
211     }
213     /** Get the mean Saturn longitude.
214      * @return mean Saturn longitude. */
215     public double getLSa() {
216         return lSa;
217     }
219     /** Get the mean Saturn longitude time derivative.
220      * @return mean Saturn longitude time derivative. */
221     public double getLSaDot() {
222         return lSaDot;
223     }
225     /** Get the mean Uranus longitude.
226      * @return mean Uranus longitude. */
227     public double getLUr() {
228         return lUr;
229     }
231     /** Get the mean Uranus longitude time derivative.
232      * @return mean Uranus longitude time derivative. */
233     public double getLUrDot() {
234         return lUrDot;
235     }
237     /** Get the mean Neptune longitude.
238      * @return mean Neptune longitude. */
239     public double getLNe() {
240         return lNe;
241     }
243     /** Get the mean Neptune longitude time derivative.
244      * @return mean Neptune longitude time derivative. */
245     public double getLNeDot() {
246         return lNeDot;
247     }
249     /** Get the general accumulated precession in longitude.
250      * @return general accumulated precession in longitude. */
251     public double getPa() {
252         return pa;
253     }
255     /** Get the general accumulated precession in longitude time derivative.
256      * @return general accumulated precession in longitude time derivative. */
257     public double getPaDot() {
258         return paDot;
259     }
261 }