1   /* Copyright 2002-2013 CS Systèmes d'Information
2    * Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.utils;
19  import java.io.Serializable;
20  import java.util.Collection;
22  import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation.DerivativeStructure;
23  import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.HermiteInterpolator;
24  import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation;
25  import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
26  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
27  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathArrays;
28  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
29  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
30  import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
31  import org.orekit.time.TimeShiftable;
33  /** Simple container for rotation/rotation rate pairs.
34   * <p>
35   * The state can be slightly shifted to close dates. This shift is based on
36   * a simple linear model. It is <em>not</em> intended as a replacement for
37   * proper attitude propagation but should be sufficient for either small
38   * time shifts or coarse accuracy.
39   * </p>
40   * <p>
41   * This class is the angular counterpart to {@link PVCoordinates}.
42   * </p>
43   * <p>Instances of this class are guaranteed to be immutable.</p>
44   * @author Luc Maisonobe
45   */
46  public class AngularCoordinates implements TimeShiftable<AngularCoordinates>, Serializable {
48      /** Fixed orientation parallel with reference frame (identity rotation and zero rotation rate). */
49      public static final AngularCoordinates IDENTITY =
50              new AngularCoordinates(Rotation.IDENTITY, Vector3D.ZERO);
52      /** Serializable UID. */
53      private static final long serialVersionUID = 3750363056414336775L;
55      /** Rotation. */
56      private final Rotation rotation;
58      /** Rotation rate. */
59      private final Vector3D rotationRate;
61      /** Simple constructor.
62       * <p> Sets the Coordinates to default : Identity (0 0 0).</p>
63       */
64      public AngularCoordinates() {
65          rotation     = Rotation.IDENTITY;
66          rotationRate = Vector3D.ZERO;
67      }
69      /** Builds a rotation/rotation rate pair.
70       * @param rotation rotation
71       * @param rotationRate rotation rate (rad/s)
72       */
73      public AngularCoordinates(final Rotation rotation, final Vector3D rotationRate) {
74          this.rotation     = rotation;
75          this.rotationRate = rotationRate;
76      }
78      /** Estimate rotation rate between two orientations.
79       * <p>Estimation is based on a simple fixed rate rotation
80       * during the time interval between the two orientations.</p>
81       * @param start start orientation
82       * @param end end orientation
83       * @param dt time elapsed between the dates of the two orientations
84       * @return rotation rate allowing to go from start to end orientations
85       */
86      public static Vector3D estimateRate(final Rotation start, final Rotation end, final double dt) {
87          final Rotation evolution = start.applyTo(end.revert());
88          return new Vector3D(evolution.getAngle() / dt, evolution.getAxis());
89      }
91      /** Revert a rotation/rotation rate pair.
92       * Build a pair which reverse the effect of another pair.
93       * @return a new pair whose effect is the reverse of the effect
94       * of the instance
95       */
96      public AngularCoordinates revert() {
97          return new AngularCoordinates(rotation.revert(), rotation.applyInverseTo(rotationRate.negate()));
98      }
100     /** Get a time-shifted state.
101      * <p>
102      * The state can be slightly shifted to close dates. This shift is based on
103      * a simple linear model. It is <em>not</em> intended as a replacement for
104      * proper attitude propagation but should be sufficient for either small
105      * time shifts or coarse accuracy.
106      * </p>
107      * @param dt time shift in seconds
108      * @return a new state, shifted with respect to the instance (which is immutable)
109      */
110     public AngularCoordinates shiftedBy(final double dt) {
111         final double rate = rotationRate.getNorm();
112         if (rate == 0.0) {
113             // special case for fixed rotations
114             return this;
115         }
117         // BEWARE: there is really a minus sign here, because if
118         // the target frame rotates in one direction, the vectors in the origin
119         // frame seem to rotate in the opposite direction
120         final Rotation evolution = new Rotation(rotationRate, -rate * dt);
122         return new AngularCoordinates(evolution.applyTo(rotation), rotationRate);
124     }
126     /** Get the rotation.
127      * @return the rotation.
128      */
129     public Rotation getRotation() {
130         return rotation;
131     }
133     /** Get the rotation rate.
134      * @return the rotation rate vector (rad/s).
135      */
136     public Vector3D getRotationRate() {
137         return rotationRate;
138     }
140     /** Add an offset from the instance.
141      * <p>
142      * We consider here that the offset rotation is applied first and the
143      * instance is applied afterward. Note that angular coordinates do <em>not</em>
144      * commute under this operation, i.e. {@code a.addOffset(b)} and {@code
145      * b.addOffset(a)} lead to <em>different</em> results in most cases.
146      * </p>
147      * <p>
148      * The two methods {@link #addOffset(AngularCoordinates) addOffset} and
149      * {@link #subtractOffset(AngularCoordinates) subtractOffset} are designed
150      * so that round trip applications are possible. This means that both {@code
151      * ac1.subtractOffset(ac2).addOffset(ac2)} and {@code
152      * ac1.addOffset(ac2).subtractOffset(ac2)} return angular coordinates equal to ac1.
153      * </p>
154      * @param offset offset to subtract
155      * @return new instance, with offset subtracted
156      * @see #subtractOffset(AngularCoordinates)
157      */
158     public AngularCoordinates addOffset(final AngularCoordinates offset) {
159         return new AngularCoordinates(rotation.applyTo(offset.rotation),
160                                       rotationRate.add(rotation.applyTo(offset.rotationRate)));
161     }
163     /** Subtract an offset from the instance.
164      * <p>
165      * We consider here that the offset rotation is applied first and the
166      * instance is applied afterward. Note that angular coordinates do <em>not</em>
167      * commute under this operation, i.e. {@code a.subtractOffset(b)} and {@code
168      * b.subtractOffset(a)} lead to <em>different</em> results in most cases.
169      * </p>
170      * <p>
171      * The two methods {@link #addOffset(AngularCoordinates) addOffset} and
172      * {@link #subtractOffset(AngularCoordinates) subtractOffset} are designed
173      * so that round trip applications are possible. This means that both {@code
174      * ac1.subtractOffset(ac2).addOffset(ac2)} and {@code
175      * ac1.addOffset(ac2).subtractOffset(ac2)} return angular coordinates equal to ac1.
176      * </p>
177      * @param offset offset to subtract
178      * @return new instance, with offset subtracted
179      * @see #addOffset(AngularCoordinates)
180      */
181     public AngularCoordinates subtractOffset(final AngularCoordinates offset) {
182         return addOffset(offset.revert());
183     }
185     /** Interpolate angular coordinates.
186      * <p>
187      * The interpolated instance is created by polynomial Hermite interpolation
188      * on Rodrigues vector ensuring rotation rate remains the exact derivative of rotation.
189      * </p>
190      * <p>
191      * This method is based on Sergei Tanygin's paper <a
192      * href="http://www.agi.com/downloads/resources/white-papers/Attitude-interpolation.pdf">Attitude
193      * Interpolation</a>, changing the norm of the vector to match the modified Rodrigues
194      * vector as described in Malcolm D. Shuster's paper <a
195      * href="http://www.ladispe.polito.it/corsi/Meccatronica/02JHCOR/2011-12/Slides/Shuster_Pub_1993h_J_Repsurv_scan.pdf">A
196      * Survey of Attitude Representations</a>. This change avoids the singularity at &pi;.
197      * There is still a singularity at 2&pi;, which is handled by slightly offsetting all rotations
198      * when this singularity is detected.
199      * </p>
200      * <p>
201      * Note that even if first time derivatives (rotation rates)
202      * from sample can be ignored, the interpolated instance always includes
203      * interpolated derivatives. This feature can be used explicitly to
204      * compute these derivatives when it would be too complex to compute them
205      * from an analytical formula: just compute a few sample points from the
206      * explicit formula and set the derivatives to zero in these sample points,
207      * then use interpolation to add derivatives consistent with the rotations.
208      * </p>
209      * @param date interpolation date
210      * @param useRotationRates if true, use sample points rotation rates,
211      * otherwise ignore them and use only rotations
212      * @param sample sample points on which interpolation should be done
213      * @return a new position-velocity, interpolated at specified date
214      */
215     public static AngularCoordinates interpolate(final AbsoluteDate date, final boolean useRotationRates,
216                                                  final Collection<Pair<AbsoluteDate, AngularCoordinates>> sample) {
218         // set up safety elements for 2PI singularity avoidance
219         final double epsilon   = 2 * FastMath.PI / sample.size();
220         final double threshold = FastMath.min(-(1.0 - 1.0e-4), -FastMath.cos(epsilon / 4));
222         // set up a linear offset model canceling mean rotation rate
223         final Vector3D meanRate;
224         if (useRotationRates) {
225             Vector3D sum = Vector3D.ZERO;
226             for (final Pair<AbsoluteDate, AngularCoordinates> datedAC : sample) {
227                 sum = sum.add(datedAC.getValue().getRotationRate());
228             }
229             meanRate = new Vector3D(1.0 / sample.size(), sum);
230         } else {
231             Vector3D sum = Vector3D.ZERO;
232             Pair<AbsoluteDate, AngularCoordinates> previous = null;
233             for (final Pair<AbsoluteDate, AngularCoordinates> datedAC : sample) {
234                 if (previous != null) {
235                     sum = sum.add(estimateRate(previous.getValue().getRotation(),
236                                                          datedAC.getValue().getRotation(),
237                                                          datedAC.getKey().durationFrom(previous.getKey().getDate())));
238                 }
239                 previous = datedAC;
240             }
241             meanRate = new Vector3D(1.0 / (sample.size() - 1), sum);
242         }
243         AngularCoordinates offset = new AngularCoordinates(Rotation.IDENTITY, meanRate);
245         boolean restart = true;
246         for (int i = 0; restart && i < sample.size() + 2; ++i) {
248             // offset adaptation parameters
249             restart = false;
251             // set up an interpolator taking derivatives into account
252             final HermiteInterpolator interpolator = new HermiteInterpolator();
254             // add sample points
255             if (useRotationRates) {
256                 // populate sample with rotation and rotation rate data
257                 for (final Pair<AbsoluteDate, AngularCoordinates> datedAC : sample) {
258                     final double[] rodrigues = getModifiedRodrigues(datedAC.getKey(), datedAC.getValue(),
259                                                                     date, offset, threshold);
260                     if (rodrigues == null) {
261                         // the sample point is close to a modified Rodrigues vector singularity
262                         // we need to change the linear offset model to avoid this
263                         restart = true;
264                         break;
265                     }
266                     interpolator.addSamplePoint(datedAC.getKey().getDate().durationFrom(date),
267                                                 new double[] {
268                                                     rodrigues[0],
269                                                     rodrigues[1],
270                                                     rodrigues[2]
271                                                 },
272                                                 new double[] {
273                                                     rodrigues[3],
274                                                     rodrigues[4],
275                                                     rodrigues[5]
276                                                 });
277                 }
278             } else {
279                 // populate sample with rotation data only, ignoring rotation rate
280                 for (final Pair<AbsoluteDate, AngularCoordinates> datedAC : sample) {
281                     final double[] rodrigues = getModifiedRodrigues(datedAC.getKey(), datedAC.getValue(),
282                                                                     date, offset, threshold);
283                     if (rodrigues == null) {
284                         // the sample point is close to a modified Rodrigues vector singularity
285                         // we need to change the linear offset model to avoid this
286                         restart = true;
287                         break;
288                     }
289                     interpolator.addSamplePoint(datedAC.getKey().getDate().durationFrom(date),
290                                                 new double[] {
291                                                     rodrigues[0],
292                                                     rodrigues[1],
293                                                     rodrigues[2]
294                                                 });
295                 }
296             }
298             if (restart) {
299                 // interpolation failed, some intermediate rotation was too close to 2PI
300                 // we need to offset all rotations to avoid the singularity
301                 offset = offset.addOffset(new AngularCoordinates(new Rotation(Vector3D.PLUS_I, epsilon),
302                                                                  Vector3D.ZERO));
303             } else {
304                 // interpolation succeeded with the current offset
305                 final DerivativeStructure zero = new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, 0.0);
306                 final DerivativeStructure[] p = interpolator.value(zero);
307                 return createFromModifiedRodrigues(new double[] {
308                     p[0].getValue(), p[1].getValue(), p[2].getValue(),
309                     p[0].getPartialDerivative(1), p[1].getPartialDerivative(1), p[2].getPartialDerivative(1)
310                 }, offset);
311             }
313         }
315         // this should never happen
316         throw OrekitException.createInternalError(null);
318     }
320     /** Convert rotation and rate to modified Rodrigues vector and derivative.
321      * <p>
322      * The modified Rodrigues vector is tan(&theta;/4) u where &theta; and u are the
323      * rotation angle and axis respectively.
324      * </p>
325      * @param date date of the angular coordinates
326      * @param ac coordinates to convert
327      * @param offsetDate date of the linear offset model to remove
328      * @param offset linear offset model to remove
329      * @param threshold threshold for rotations too close to 2&pi;
330      * @return modified Rodrigues vector and derivative, or null if rotation is too close to 2&pi;
331      */
332     private static double[] getModifiedRodrigues(final AbsoluteDate date, final AngularCoordinates ac,
333                                                  final AbsoluteDate offsetDate, final AngularCoordinates offset,
334                                                  final double threshold) {
336         // remove linear offset from the current coordinates
337         final double dt = date.durationFrom(offsetDate);
338         final AngularCoordinates fixed = ac.subtractOffset(offset.shiftedBy(dt));
340         // check modified Rodrigues vector singularity
341         double q0 = fixed.getRotation().getQ0();
342         double q1 = fixed.getRotation().getQ1();
343         double q2 = fixed.getRotation().getQ2();
344         double q3 = fixed.getRotation().getQ3();
345         if (q0 < threshold && FastMath.abs(dt) * fixed.getRotationRate().getNorm() > 1.0e-3) {
346             // this is an intermediate point that happens to be 2PI away from reference
347             // we need to change the linear offset model to avoid this point
348             return null;
349         }
351         // make sure all interpolated points will be on the same branch
352         if (q0 < 0) {
353             q0 = -q0;
354             q1 = -q1;
355             q2 = -q2;
356             q3 = -q3;
357         }
359         final double x  = fixed.getRotationRate().getX();
360         final double y  = fixed.getRotationRate().getY();
361         final double z  = fixed.getRotationRate().getZ();
363         // derivatives of the quaternion
364         final double q0Dot = -0.5 * MathArrays.linearCombination(q1, x, q2, y,  q3, z);
365         final double q1Dot =  0.5 * MathArrays.linearCombination(q0, x, q2, z, -q3, y);
366         final double q2Dot =  0.5 * MathArrays.linearCombination(q0, y, q3, x, -q1, z);
367         final double q3Dot =  0.5 * MathArrays.linearCombination(q0, z, q1, y, -q2, x);
369         final double inv = 1.0 / (1.0 + q0);
370         return new double[] {
371             inv * q1,
372             inv * q2,
373             inv * q3,
374             inv * (q1Dot - inv * q1 * q0Dot),
375             inv * (q2Dot - inv * q2 * q0Dot),
376             inv * (q3Dot - inv * q3 * q0Dot)
377         };
379     }
381     /** Convert a modified Rodrigues vector and derivative to angular coordinates.
382      * @param r modified Rodrigues vector (with first derivatives)
383      * @param offset linear offset model to add (its date must be consistent with the modified Rodrigues vector)
384      * @return angular coordinates
385      */
386     private static AngularCoordinates createFromModifiedRodrigues(final double[] r,
387                                                                   final AngularCoordinates offset) {
389         // rotation
390         final double rSquared = r[0] * r[0] + r[1] * r[1] + r[2] * r[2];
391         final double inv      = 1.0 / (1 + rSquared);
392         final double ratio    = inv * (1 - rSquared);
393         final Rotation rotation =
394                 new Rotation(ratio, 2 * inv * r[0], 2 * inv * r[1], 2 * inv * r[2], false);
396         // rotation rate
397         final Vector3D p    = new Vector3D(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
398         final Vector3D pDot = new Vector3D(r[3], r[4], r[5]);
399         final Vector3D rate = new Vector3D( 4 * ratio * inv, pDot,
400                                            -8 * inv * inv, p.crossProduct(pDot),
401                                             8 * inv * inv * p.dotProduct(pDot), p);
403         return new AngularCoordinates(rotation, rate).addOffset(offset);
405     }
407 }