Frame referenceFrame
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates orientation
AttitudeProvider active
Map<K,V> switchingMap
Frame celestialFrame
is defined.PVCoordinatesProvider pointedBody
Vector3D phasingCel
Vector3D pointingSat
Vector3D phasingSat
Attitude referenceAttitude
Frame bodyFrame
Frame satelliteFrame
AttitudeProvider attitudeLaw
BodyShape shape
Vector3D satPointingVector
BodyShape shape
AttitudeProvider nonRotatingLaw
AbsoluteDate start
Vector3D axis
double rate
Vector3D spin
private Object writeReplace() throws NotSerializableException
- if the state mapper cannot be serialized (typically for DSST propagator)Frame referenceFrame
AngularDerivativesFilter filter
Vector3D target
GroundPointing groundPointingLaw
GroundPointing groundPointingLaw
PVCoordinatesProvider sun
PVCoordinates phasingNormal
Vector3D center
Vector3D u
Vector3D v
double a
double b
Frame frame
double a2
double b2
double e2
double g
double g2
double evoluteFactorX
double evoluteFactorY
Frame frame
double a
double b
double c
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes the files supported names, the ephemeris type and the body name.
Frame bodyFrame
double ae2
double f
double e2
double g
double g2
double angularThreshold
double lMe
double lVe
double lE
double lMa
double lJu
double lSa
double lUr
double lNe
double pa
AbsoluteDate date
double tc
double gamma
double l
double lPrime
double f
double d
double omega
RealFieldElement<T> lMe
RealFieldElement<T> lVe
RealFieldElement<T> lE
RealFieldElement<T> lMa
RealFieldElement<T> lJu
RealFieldElement<T> lSa
RealFieldElement<T> lUr
RealFieldElement<T> lNe
RealFieldElement<T> pa
AbsoluteDate date
RealFieldElement<T> tc
RealFieldElement<T> gamma
RealFieldElement<T> l
RealFieldElement<T> lPrime
RealFieldElement<T> f
RealFieldElement<T> d
RealFieldElement<T> omega
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the frame key.
IERSConventions conventions
TimeScale timeScale
double[] lCoefficients
double[] lPrimeCoefficients
double[] fCoefficients
double[] dCoefficients
double[] omegaCoefficients
double[] lMeCoefficients
double[] lVeCoefficients
double[] lECoefficients
double[] lMaCoefficients
double[] lJCoefficients
double[] lSaCoefficients
double[] lUCoefficients
double[] lNeCoefficients
double[] paCoefficients
ExceptionContext context
Localizable specifier
Object[] parts
OrekitException wrappedException
String satelliteId
int accuracy
AbsoluteDate epoch
PVCoordinates coordinate
double clockCorrection
double clockRateChange
SP3File.SP3FileType type
OrbitFile.TimeSystem timeSystem
AbsoluteDate epoch
int gpsWeek
double secondsOfWeek
int julianDay
double dayFraction
double epochInterval
int numberOfEpochs
String coordinateSystem
String dataUsed
SP3File.SP3OrbitType orbitType
String agency
List<E> satellites
Map<K,V> satelliteInfo
object.Map<K,V> satelliteCoords
int cachedDay
double[] cachedF
double[] cachedFbar
double[] akp
double cachedAlti
double cachedHl
double alat
double xlon
double tz
double tinf
double tp120
double ro
double wmm
double[] d
double p10
double p20
double p30
double p40
double p50
double p60
double p11
double p21
double p31
double p41
double p51
double p22
double p32
double p42
double p52
double p62
double p33
double p10mg
double p20mg
double p40mg
double hl0
double ch
double sh
double c2h
double s2h
double c3h
double s3h
PVCoordinatesProvider sun
DTM2000InputParameters inputParams
BodyShape earth
double n
PVCoordinatesProvider sun
OneAxisEllipsoid earth
double[][] tabAltRho
double[] temp
double rho
PVCoordinatesProvider sun
JB2006InputParameters inputParams
BodyShape earth
Pattern dataPattern
SortedSet<E> data
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel strengthLevel
AbsoluteDate firstDate
AbsoluteDate lastDate
org.orekit.forces.drag.MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.LineParameters previousParam
org.orekit.forces.drag.MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.LineParameters currentParam
String supportedNames
BodyShape shape
double rho0
double h0
double hscale
AttitudeProvider attitudeOverride
EventDetector trigger
Vector3D deltaVSat
double isp
double vExhaust
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the frame key.
IERSConventions conventions
int mjd
AbsoluteDate date
double dt
double lod
double x
double y
double ddPsi
double ddEps
double dx
double dy
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the frame key.
boolean hasData
IERSConventions conventions
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the frame key.
Predefined factoryKey
Transform transform
Frame parent
int depth
TransformProvider transformProvider
String name
boolean pseudoInertial
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the frame key.
IERSConventions conventions
EOPHistory eopHistory
PVCoordinates cartesian
Vector3D rotationVector
Vector3D rotationRate
AbsoluteDate epoch
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the data needed for generation, but does not serializes the cache itself (in fact the cache is not serializable).
TransformProvider rawProvider
CartesianDerivativesFilter cFilter
AngularDerivativesFilter aFilter
AbsoluteDate earliest
AbsoluteDate latest
double step
String name
List<E> children
OrphanFrame orphanParent
TransformProvider provider
boolean pseudoInertial
Frame frame
BodyShape parentShape
GeodeticPoint point
AbsoluteDate date
PVCoordinates cartesian
AngularCoordinates angular
private Object readResolve()
double[] xArr
double[] yArr
double[][] fArr
Vector3D b
double inclination
double declination
double totalIntensity
double horizontalIntensity
private Object writeReplace()
double a
double ex
double ey
double i
double raan
double alphaV
boolean serializePV
serialization.private Object writeReplace()
double a
double ex
double ey
double hx
double hy
double lv
private Object writeReplace()
double a
double e
double i
double pa
double raan
double v
Frame frame
AbsoluteDate date
double mu
private Object writeReplace()
int satelliteNumber
char classification
int launchYear
int launchNumber
String launchPiece
int ephemerisType
int elementNumber
AbsoluteDate epoch
double meanMotion
double meanMotionFirstDerivative
double meanMotionSecondDerivative
double eccentricity
double inclination
double pa
double raan
double meanAnomaly
int revolutionNumberAtEpoch
double bStar
String line1
String line2
double maxCheck
double threshold
int maxIter
EventHandler<T extends EventDetector> handler
PVCoordinatesProvider body
double alignAngle
double cosAlignAngle
double sinAlignAngle
double altitude
BodyShape bodyShape
PVCoordinatesProvider targetPVProvider
Vector3D center
double halfAperture
AbsoluteDate gDate
ArrayList<E> eventDateList
int currentIndex
PVCoordinatesProvider targetPVProvider
Vector3D center
Vector3D axis1
Vector3D normalCenterPlane1
double halfAperture1
Vector3D axis2
Vector3D normalCenterPlane2
double halfAperture2
PVCoordinatesProvider occulting
double occultingRadius
PVCoordinatesProvider occulted
double occultedRadius
boolean totalEclipse
ElevationMask elevationMask
double minElevation
AtmosphericRefractionModel refractionModel
TopocentricFrame topo
EventDetector rawDetector
FilterType filter[] transformers
AbsoluteDate[] updates
boolean forward
AbsoluteDate extremeT
EventDetector detector
boolean useShiftedStates
double increasingOffset
double decreasingOffset
EventDetector detector
SpacecraftState state
boolean increasing
EventDetector detector
AbsoluteDate lastT
double lastG
AbsoluteDate t0
double g0
boolean g0Positive
boolean pendingEvent
AbsoluteDate pendingEventTime
AbsoluteDate previousEventTime
boolean forward
boolean increasing
EventHandler.Action nextAction
Frame frame
private Object writeReplace() throws NotSerializableException
- if the state mapper cannot be serialized (typically for DSST propagator)StateMapper mapper
boolean meanOrbit
This is used only in the case of semianalitical propagators where there is a clear separation between mean and short periodic elements. It is ignored by the Numerical propagator.
AbsoluteDate startDate
AbsoluteDate minDate
AbsoluteDate maxDate
ContinuousOutputModel model
Map<K,V> unmanaged
long epoch
Beware, it is not AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH
since it is in TAI and not in TT.
double offset
DateComponents date
TimeComponents time
UT1Scale ut1
AbsoluteDate referenceDate
TDBScale tdb
UTCScale utc
EOPHistory eopHistory
private Object writeReplace()
This intermediate class serializes only the frame key.
FieldRotation<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> rotation
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> rotationRate
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> rotationAcceleration
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> position
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> velocity
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> acceleration
AbsoluteDate date
AbsoluteDate date
AbsoluteDate date
private Object writeReplace()
AbsoluteDate date
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