Interface ObservedMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>>

    • Method Detail

      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enable or disable a measurement.

        Disabling a measurement allow to not consider it at one stage of the orbit determination (for example when it appears to be an outlier as per current estimated covariance).

        enabled - if true the measurement will be enabled, otherwise it will be disabled
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Check if a measurement is enabled.
        true if the measurement is enabled
      • getDimension

        int getDimension()
        Get the dimension of the measurement.

        Dimension is the size of the array containing the value. It will be one for a scalar measurement like a range or range-rate, but 6 for a position-velocity measurement.

        dimension of the measurement
      • getTheoreticalStandardDeviation

        double[] getTheoreticalStandardDeviation()
        Get the theoretical standard deviation.

        The theoretical standard deviation is a theoretical value used for normalizing the residuals. It acts as a weighting factor to mix appropriately measurements with different units and different accuracy. The value has the same dimension as the measurement itself (i.e. when a residual is divided by this value, it becomes dimensionless).

        expected standard deviation
        See Also:
      • addModifier

        void addModifier​(EstimationModifier<T> modifier)
        Add a modifier.

        The modifiers are applied in the order in which they are added in order to estimate the measurement.

        modifier - modifier to add
        See Also:
      • getParametersDrivers

        List<ParameterDriver> getParametersDrivers()
        Get the drivers for this measurement parameters, including its modifiers parameters.
        drivers for this measurement parameters, including its modifiers parameters
      • getPropagatorsIndices

        List<Integer> getPropagatorsIndices()
        as of 9.3, replaced by getSatellites()
        Get the indices of the propagators related to this measurement.

        The propagators are indexed starting from 0 and ordered according to the order of the propagators builders in the orbit determination engine used.

        indices of the propagators related to this measurement
      • getSatellites

        default List<ObservableSatellite> getSatellites()
        Get the satellites related to this measurement.
        satellites related to this measurement
      • estimate

        EstimatedMeasurement<T> estimate​(int iteration,
                                         int evaluation,
                                         SpacecraftState[] states)
        Estimate the theoretical value of the measurement.

        The estimated value is the combination of the raw estimated value and all the modifiers that apply to the measurement.

        iteration - iteration number
        evaluation - evaluations number
        states - orbital states at measurement date
        estimated measurement