Class FieldIntegratedEphemeris<T extends org.hipparchus.RealFieldElement<T>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FieldBoundedPropagator<T>, FieldPropagator<T>, FieldPVCoordinatesProvider<T>

    public class FieldIntegratedEphemeris<T extends org.hipparchus.RealFieldElement<T>>
    extends FieldAbstractAnalyticalPropagator<T>
    implements FieldBoundedPropagator<T>
    This class stores sequentially generated orbital parameters for later retrieval.

    Instances of this class are built and then must be fed with the results provided by Propagator objects configured in ephemeris generation mode. Once propagation is o, random access to any intermediate state of the orbit throughout the propagation range is possible.

    A typical use case is for numerically integrated orbits, which can be used by algorithms that need to wander around according to their own algorithm without cumbersome tight links with the integrator.

    Another use case is persistence, as this class is one of the few propagators to be serializable.

    As this class implements the Propagator interface, it can itself be used in batch mode to build another instance of the same type. This is however not recommended since it would be a waste of resources.

    Note that this class stores all intermediate states along with interpolation models, so it may be memory intensive.

    Mathieu Roméro, Luc Maisonobe, Véronique Pommier-Maurussane
    See Also: