Class AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder

    • Field Detail

      • minStep

        protected final double minStep
        Minimum step size (s).
      • maxStep

        protected final double maxStep
        Maximum step size (s).
      • dP

        protected final double dP
        Position error (m).
      • dV

        protected final double dV
        Velocity error (m/s).
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder

        protected AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder​(double minStep,
                                                        double maxStep,
                                                        double dP)
        Constructor. Should only use this constructor with Orbit.
        minStep - minimum step size (s)
        maxStep - maximum step size (s)
        dP - position error (m)
      • AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder

        protected AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder​(double minStep,
                                                        double maxStep,
                                                        double dP,
                                                        double dV)
        Constructor with expected velocity error.
        minStep - minimum step size (s)
        maxStep - maximum step size (s)
        dP - position error (m)
        dV - velocity error (m/s)
    • Method Detail

      • getTolerances

        protected double[][] getTolerances​(Orbit orbit,
                                           OrbitType orbitType)
        Computes tolerances.
        orbit - initial orbit
        orbitType - orbit type for integration
        integrator tolerances