Class FieldAbsoluteDate<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 AbsoluteDate date)
        Build an instance from an AbsoluteDate.
        field - used by default
        date - AbsoluteDate to instantiate as a FieldAbsoluteDate
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> since,
                                 T elapsedDuration)
        Build an instance from an elapsed duration since another instant.

        It is important to note that the elapsed duration is not the difference between two readings on a time scale. As an example, the duration between the two instants leading to the readings 2005-12-31T23:59:59 and 2006-01-01T00:00:00 in the UTC time scale is not 1 second, but a stop watch would have measured an elapsed duration of 2 seconds between these two instances because a leap second was introduced at the end of 2005 in this time scale.

        This constructor is the reverse of the durationFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate) method.

        since - start instant of the measured duration
        elapsedDuration - physically elapsed duration from the since instant, as measured in a regular time scale
        See Also:
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 DateTimeComponents location,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized by default
        location - location in the time scale
        timeScale - time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 DateComponents date,
                                 TimeComponents time,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized by default
        date - date location in the time scale
        time - time location in the time scale
        timeScale - time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 int year,
                                 int month,
                                 int day,
                                 int hour,
                                 int minute,
                                 double second,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized by default
        year - year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
        month - month number from 1 to 12
        day - day number from 1 to 31
        hour - hour number from 0 to 23
        minute - minute number from 0 to 59
        second - second number from 0.0 to 60.0 (excluded)
        timeScale - time scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if inconsistent arguments are given (parameters out of range)
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 int year,
                                 int month,
                                 int day,
                                 int hour,
                                 int minute,
                                 TimeOffset second,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized by default
        year - year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
        month - month number from 1 to 12
        day - day number from 1 to 31
        hour - hour number from 0 to 23
        minute - minute number from 0 to 59
        second - second number from 0.0 to 60.0 (excluded)
        timeScale - time scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if inconsistent arguments are given (parameters out of range)
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 int year,
                                 Month month,
                                 int day,
                                 int hour,
                                 int minute,
                                 double second,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized by default
        year - year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
        month - month enumerate
        day - day number from 1 to 31
        hour - hour number from 0 to 23
        minute - minute number from 0 to 59
        second - second number from 0.0 to 60.0 (excluded)
        timeScale - time scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if inconsistent arguments are given (parameters out of range)
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 int year,
                                 Month month,
                                 int day,
                                 int hour,
                                 int minute,
                                 TimeOffset second,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized by default
        year - year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
        month - month enumerate
        day - day number from 1 to 31
        hour - hour number from 0 to 23
        minute - minute number from 0 to 59
        second - second number from 0.0 to 60.0 (excluded)
        timeScale - time scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if inconsistent arguments are given (parameters out of range)
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 int year,
                                 int month,
                                 int day,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.

        The hour is set to 00:00:00.000.

        field - field utilized by default
        year - year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
        month - month number from 1 to 12
        day - day number from 1 to 31
        timeScale - time scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if inconsistent arguments are given (parameters out of range)
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 int year,
                                 Month month,
                                 int day,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.

        The hour is set to 00:00:00.000.

        field - field utilized by default
        year - year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
        month - month enumerate
        day - day number from 1 to 31
        timeScale - time scale
        IllegalArgumentException - if inconsistent arguments are given (parameters out of range)
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 Date location,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance from a location in a time scale.
        field - field utilized as default
        location - location in the time scale
        timeScale - time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 Instant instant,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance from an instant in a time scale.
        field - field utilized as default
        instant - instant in the time scale
        timeScale - time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 Instant instant)
        Build an instance from an instant in utc time scale.
        field - field utilized as default
        instant - instant in the utc timescale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(Field<T> field,
                                 Instant instant,
                                 UTCScale utcScale)
        Build an instance from an instant in the time scale.
        field - field utilized as default
        instant - instant in the time scale
        utcScale - utc time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> since,
                                 double elapsedDuration)
        Build an instance from an elapsed duration since another instant.

        It is important to note that the elapsed duration is not the difference between two readings on a time scale.

        since - start instant of the measured duration
        elapsedDuration - physically elapsed duration from the since instant, as measured in a regular time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> since,
                                 TimeOffset elapsedDuration)
        Build an instance from an elapsed duration since another instant.

        It is important to note that the elapsed duration is not the difference between two readings on a time scale.

        since - start instant of the measured duration
        elapsedDuration - physically elapsed duration from the since instant, as measured in a regular time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> since,
                                 long elapsedDuration,
                                 TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Build an instance from an elapsed duration since another instant.

        It is important to note that the elapsed duration is not the difference between two readings on a time scale.

        since - start instant of the measured duration
        elapsedDuration - physically elapsed duration from the since instant, as measured in a regular time scale
        timeUnit - TimeUnit of the elapsed duration
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(AbsoluteDate since,
                                 T elapsedDuration)
        Build an instance from an elapsed duration since another instant.

        It is important to note that the elapsed duration is not the difference between two readings on a time scale.

        since - start instant of the measured duration
        elapsedDuration - physically elapsed duration from the since instant, as measured in a regular time scale
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(AbsoluteDate since,
                                 long elapsedDuration,
                                 TimeUnit timeUnit,
                                 Field<T> field)
        Build an instance from an elapsed duration since another instant.

        It is important to note that the elapsed duration is not the difference between two readings on a time scale.

        since - start instant of the measured duration
        elapsedDuration - physically elapsed duration from the since instant, as measured in a regular time scale
        timeUnit - TimeUnit of the elapsed duration
        field - field utilized by default
      • FieldAbsoluteDate

        public FieldAbsoluteDate​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> reference,
                                 double apparentOffset,
                                 TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance from an apparent clock offset with respect to another instant in the perspective of a specific time scale.

        It is important to note that the apparent clock offset is the difference between two readings on a time scale and not an elapsed duration. As an example, the apparent clock offset between the two instants leading to the readings 2005-12-31T23:59:59 and 2006-01-01T00:00:00 in the UTC time scale is 1 second, but the elapsed duration is 2 seconds because a leap second has been introduced at the end of 2005 in this time scale.

        This constructor is the reverse of the offsetFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate, TimeScale) method.

        reference - reference instant
        apparentOffset - apparent clock offset from the reference instant (difference between two readings in the specified time scale)
        timeScale - time scale with respect to which the offset is defined
        See Also:
        offsetFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate, TimeScale)
    • Method Detail

      • toFUD2Field

        public FieldAbsoluteDate<FieldUnivariateDerivative2<T>> toFUD2Field()
        Creates Field date with offset as univariate derivative of second order, with a unit linear coefficient in time.
        univariate derivative 2 date
      • parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode​(Field<T> field,
                                                                                                             byte preambleField1,
                                                                                                             byte preambleField2,
                                                                                                             byte[] timeField,
                                                                                                             FieldAbsoluteDate<T> agencyDefinedEpoch)
        Build an instance from a CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code (CUC).

        CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code is defined in the blue book: CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4) published in November 2010

        If the date to be parsed is formatted using version 3 of the standard (CCSDS 301.0-B-3 published in 2002) or if the extension of the preamble field introduced in version 4 of the standard is not used, then the preambleField2 parameter can be set to 0.

        This method uses the default data context if the CCSDS epoch is used.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        field - field for the components
        preambleField1 - first byte of the field specifying the format, often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface
        preambleField2 - second byte of the field specifying the format (added in revision 4 of the CCSDS standard in 2010), often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface (value ignored if presence not signaled in preambleField1)
        timeField - byte array containing the time code
        agencyDefinedEpoch - reference epoch, ignored if the preamble field specifies the CCSDS reference epoch is used (and hence may be null in this case)
        an instance corresponding to the specified date
        See Also:
        parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode(byte, byte, byte[], FieldAbsoluteDate, FieldAbsoluteDate)
      • parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> parseCCSDSUnsegmentedTimeCode​(byte preambleField1,
                                                                                                             byte preambleField2,
                                                                                                             byte[] timeField,
                                                                                                             FieldAbsoluteDate<T> agencyDefinedEpoch,
                                                                                                             FieldAbsoluteDate<T> ccsdsEpoch)
        Build an instance from a CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code (CUC).

        CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code is defined in the blue book: CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4) published in November 2010

        If the date to be parsed is formatted using version 3 of the standard (CCSDS 301.0-B-3 published in 2002) or if the extension of the preamble field introduced in version 4 of the standard is not used, then the preambleField2 parameter can be set to 0.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        preambleField1 - first byte of the field specifying the format, often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface
        preambleField2 - second byte of the field specifying the format (added in revision 4 of the CCSDS standard in 2010), often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface (value ignored if presence not signaled in preambleField1)
        timeField - byte array containing the time code
        agencyDefinedEpoch - reference epoch, ignored if the preamble field specifies the CCSDS reference epoch is used (and hence may be null in this case, but then ccsdsEpoch must be non-null)
        ccsdsEpoch - reference epoch, ignored if the preamble field specifies the agency epoch is used (and hence may be null in this case, but then agencyDefinedEpoch must be non-null).
        an instance corresponding to the specified date
      • parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode​(Field<T> field,
                                                                                                              byte preambleField,
                                                                                                              byte[] timeField,
                                                                                                              DateComponents agencyDefinedEpoch)
        Build an instance from a CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code (CDS).

        CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code is defined in the blue book: CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4) published in November 2010

        This method uses the default data context.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        field - field for the components
        preambleField - field specifying the format, often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface
        timeField - byte array containing the time code
        agencyDefinedEpoch - reference epoch, ignored if the preamble field specifies the CCSDS reference epoch is used (and hence may be null in this case)
        an instance corresponding to the specified date
        See Also:
        parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode(Field, byte, byte[], DateComponents, TimeScale)
      • parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode​(Field<T> field,
                                                                                                              byte preambleField,
                                                                                                              byte[] timeField,
                                                                                                              DateComponents agencyDefinedEpoch,
                                                                                                              TimeScale utc)
        Build an instance from a CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code (CDS).

        CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code is defined in the blue book: CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4) published in November 2010

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        field - field for the components
        preambleField - field specifying the format, often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface
        timeField - byte array containing the time code
        agencyDefinedEpoch - reference epoch, ignored if the preamble field specifies the CCSDS reference epoch is used (and hence may be null in this case)
        utc - time scale used to compute date and time components.
        an instance corresponding to the specified date
      • parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode

        public FieldAbsoluteDate<T> parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode​(byte preambleField,
                                                                        byte[] timeField)
        Build an instance from a CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code (CCS).

        CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code is defined in the blue book: CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4) published in November 2010

        This method uses the default data context.

        preambleField - field specifying the format, often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface
        timeField - byte array containing the time code
        an instance corresponding to the specified date
        See Also:
        parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode(byte, byte[], TimeScale)
      • parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode

        public FieldAbsoluteDate<T> parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode​(byte preambleField,
                                                                        byte[] timeField,
                                                                        TimeScale utc)
        Build an instance from a CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code (CCS).

        CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code is defined in the blue book: CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4) published in November 2010

        preambleField - field specifying the format, often not transmitted in data interfaces, as it is constant for a given data interface
        timeField - byte array containing the time code
        utc - time scale used to compute date and time components.
        an instance corresponding to the specified date
      • createJDDate

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> createJDDate​(int jd,
                                                                                            T secondsSinceNoon,
                                                                                            TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance corresponding to a Julian Day date.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        jd - Julian day
        secondsSinceNoon - seconds in the Julian day (BEWARE, Julian days start at noon, so 0.0 is noon)
        timeScale - time scale in which the seconds in day are defined
        a new instant
      • createJDDate

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> createJDDate​(int jd,
                                                                                            T secondsSinceNoon,
                                                                                            TimeScale timeScale,
                                                                                            TimeScale pivotTimeScale)
        Build an instance corresponding to a Julian Day date.

        This function should be preferred to createJDDate(int, CalculusFieldElement, TimeScale) when the target time scale has a non-constant offset with respect to TAI.

        The idea is to introduce a pivot time scale that is close to the target time scale but has a constant bias with TAI.

        For example, to get a date from an MJD in TDB time scale, it's advised to use the TT time scale as a pivot scale. TT is very close to TDB and has constant offset to TAI.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        jd - Julian day
        secondsSinceNoon - seconds in the Julian day (BEWARE, Julian days start at noon, so 0.0 is noon)
        timeScale - time scale in which the seconds in day are defined
        pivotTimeScale - pivot timescale used as intermediate timescale
        a new instant
      • createMJDDate

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> createMJDDate​(int mjd,
                                                                                             T secondsInDay,
                                                                                             TimeScale timeScale)
        Build an instance corresponding to a Modified Julian Day date.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        mjd - modified Julian day
        secondsInDay - seconds in the day
        timeScale - time scale in which the seconds in day are defined
        a new instant
      • createMedian

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> createMedian​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date1,
                                                                                            FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date2)
        Create an instance as the median data between two existing instances.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        date1 - first instance
        date2 - second instance
        median date between first and second instance
      • createGPSDate

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> createGPSDate​(int weekNumber,
                                                                                             T milliInWeek,
                                                                                             TimeScale gps)
        Build an instance corresponding to a GPS date.

        GPS dates are provided as a week number starting at GPS epoch and as a number of milliseconds since week start.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        weekNumber - week number since GPS epoch
        milliInWeek - number of milliseconds since week start
        gps - GPS time scale.
        a new instant
      • getJulianEpoch

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> getJulianEpoch​(Field<T> field)
        Reference epoch for julian dates: -4712-01-01T12:00:00 Terrestrial Time.

        Both java.util.Date and DateComponents classes follow the astronomical conventions and consider a year 0 between years -1 and +1, hence this reference date lies in year -4712 and not in year -4713 as can be seen in other documents or programs that obey a different convention (for example the convcal utility).

        This method uses the default data context.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        field - field for the components
        the reference epoch for julian dates as a FieldAbsoluteDate
        See Also:
        AbsoluteDate.JULIAN_EPOCH, TimeScales.getJulianEpoch()
      • getArbitraryEpoch

        public static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldAbsoluteDate<T> getArbitraryEpoch​(Field<T> field)
        Get an arbitrary date. Useful when a non-null date is needed but its values does not matter.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the field elements
        field - field for the components
        an arbitrary date.
      • durationFrom

        public T durationFrom​(AbsoluteDate instant,
                              TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Compute the physically elapsed duration between two instants.

        The returned duration is the number of seconds physically elapsed between the two instants, measured in a regular time scale with respect to surface of the Earth (i.e either the TAI scale, the TT scale or the GPS scale). It is the only method that gives a duration with a physical meaning.

        This method gives the same result (with less computation) as calling offsetFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate, TimeScale) with a second argument set to one of the regular scales cited above.

        This method is the reverse of the FieldAbsoluteDate(FieldAbsoluteDate, double) constructor.

        instant - instant to subtract from the instance
        timeUnit - TimeUnit precision for the offset
        offset in the given timeunit between the two instants (positive if the instance is posterior to the argument), rounded to the nearest integer TimeUnit
        See Also:
        FieldAbsoluteDate(FieldAbsoluteDate, long, TimeUnit)
      • offsetFrom

        public T offsetFrom​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> instant,
                            TimeScale timeScale)
        Compute the apparent clock offset between two instant in the perspective of a specific time scale.

        The offset is the number of seconds counted in the given time scale between the locations of the two instants, with all time scale irregularities removed (i.e. considering all days are exactly 86400 seconds long). This method will give a result that may not have a physical meaning if the time scale is irregular. For example since a leap second was introduced at the end of 2005, the apparent offset between 2005-12-31T23:59:59 and 2006-01-01T00:00:00 is 1 second, but the physical duration of the corresponding time interval as returned by the durationFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate) method is 2 seconds.

        This method is the reverse of the FieldAbsoluteDate(FieldAbsoluteDate, double, TimeScale) constructor.

        instant - instant to subtract from the instance
        timeScale - time scale with respect to which the offset should be computed
        apparent clock offset in seconds between the two instants (positive if the instance is posterior to the argument)
        See Also:
        durationFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate), FieldAbsoluteDate(FieldAbsoluteDate, double, TimeScale)
      • timeScalesOffset

        public T timeScalesOffset​(TimeScale scale1,
                                  TimeScale scale2)
        Compute the offset between two time scales at the current instant.

        The offset is defined as l₁-l₂ where l₁ is the location of the instant in the scale1 time scale and l₂ is the location of the instant in the scale2 time scale.

        scale1 - first time scale
        scale2 - second time scale
        offset in seconds between the two time scales at the current instant
      • toDate

        public Date toDate​(TimeScale timeScale)
        Convert the instance to a Java Date.

        Conversion to the Date class induces a loss of precision because the Date class does not provide sub-millisecond information. Java Dates are considered to be locations in some times scales.

        timeScale - time scale to use
        a Date instance representing the location of the instant in the time scale
      • toInstant

        public Instant toInstant()
        Convert the instance to a Java Instant. Nanosecond precision is preserved during this conversion
        a Instant instance representing the location of the instant in the utc time scale
      • toInstant

        public Instant toInstant​(TimeScales timeScales)
        Convert the instance to a Java Instant. Nanosecond precision is preserved during this conversion
        timeScales - the timescales to use
        a Instant instance representing the location of the instant in the utc time scale
      • getComponents

        public DateTimeComponents getComponents​(TimeScale timeScale)
        Split the instance into date/time components.
        timeScale - time scale to use
        date/time components
      • getComponents

        public DateTimeComponents getComponents​(int minutesFromUTC,
                                                TimeScale utc)
        Split the instance into date/time components for a local time.
        minutesFromUTC - offset in minutes from UTC (positive Eastwards UTC, negative Westward UTC)
        utc - time scale used to compute date and time components.
        date/time components
      • getField

        public Field<T> getField()
        Get the field.
        field instance.
      • getComponents

        public DateTimeComponents getComponents​(TimeZone timeZone,
                                                TimeScale utc)
        Split the instance into date/time components for a time zone.
        timeZone - time zone
        utc - time scale used to compute date and time components.
        date/time components
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> other)
        Compare the instance with another date.
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
        other - other date to compare the instance to
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this date is before, simultaneous, or after the specified date.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object other)
        Check if the instance represents the same time as another instance.
        equals in class Object
        other - other date
        true if the instance and the other date refer to the same instant
      • isEqualTo

        public boolean isEqualTo​(FieldTimeStamped<T> other)
        Check if the instance represents the same time as another.
        other - the instant to compare this date to
        true if the instance and the argument refer to the same instant
        See Also:
        isCloseTo(FieldTimeStamped, double)
      • isCloseTo

        public boolean isCloseTo​(FieldTimeStamped<T> other,
                                 double tolerance)
        Check if the instance time is close to another.
        other - the instant to compare this date to
        tolerance - the separation, in seconds, under which the two instants will be considered close to each other
        true if the duration between the instance and the argument is strictly below the tolerance
        See Also:
      • isBefore

        public boolean isBefore​(FieldTimeStamped<T> other)
        Check if the instance represents a time that is strictly before another.
        other - the instant to compare this date to
        true if the instance is strictly before the argument when ordering chronologically
        See Also:
      • isAfter

        public boolean isAfter​(FieldTimeStamped<T> other)
        Check if the instance represents a time that is strictly after another.
        other - the instant to compare this date to
        true if the instance is strictly after the argument when ordering chronologically
        See Also:
      • isBeforeOrEqualTo

        public boolean isBeforeOrEqualTo​(FieldTimeStamped<T> other)
        Check if the instance represents a time that is before or equal to another.
        other - the instant to compare this date to
        true if the instance is before (or equal to) the argument when ordering chronologically
        See Also:
      • isAfterOrEqualTo

        public boolean isAfterOrEqualTo​(FieldTimeStamped<T> other)
        Check if the instance represents a time that is after or equal to another.
        other - the instant to compare this date to
        true if the instance is after (or equal to) the argument when ordering chronologically
        See Also:
      • isBetween

        public boolean isBetween​(FieldTimeStamped<T> boundary,
                                 FieldTimeStamped<T> otherBoundary)
        Check if the instance represents a time that is strictly between two others representing the boundaries of a time span. The two boundaries can be provided in any order: in other words, whether boundary represents a time that is before or after otherBoundary will not change the result of this method.
        boundary - one end of the time span
        otherBoundary - the other end of the time span
        true if the instance is strictly between the two arguments when ordering chronologically
        See Also:
        isBetweenOrEqualTo(FieldTimeStamped, FieldTimeStamped)
      • isBetweenOrEqualTo

        public boolean isBetweenOrEqualTo​(FieldTimeStamped<T> boundary,
                                          FieldTimeStamped<T> otherBoundary)
        Check if the instance represents a time that is between two others representing the boundaries of a time span, or equal to one of them. The two boundaries can be provided in any order: in other words, whether boundary represents a time that is before or after otherBoundary will not change the result of this method.
        boundary - one end of the time span
        otherBoundary - the other end of the time span
        true if the instance is between the two arguments (or equal to at least one of them) when ordering chronologically
        See Also:
        isBetween(FieldTimeStamped, FieldTimeStamped)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Get a hashcode for this date.
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Get a String representation of the instant location with up to 16 digits of precision for the seconds value.

        Since this method is used in exception messages and error handling every effort is made to return some representation of the instant. If UTC is available from the default data context then it is used to format the string in UTC. If not then TAI is used. Finally if the prior attempts fail this method falls back to converting this class's internal representation to a string.

        This method uses the default data context.

        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the instance, in ISO-8601 format if UTC is available from the default data context.
        See Also:
        AbsoluteDate.toString(), toString(TimeScale), DateTimeComponents.toString(int, int)
      • toString

        public String toString​(TimeScale timeScale)
        Get a String representation of the instant location in ISO-8601 format without the UTC offset and with up to 16 digits of precision for the seconds value.
        timeScale - time scale to use
        a string representation of the instance.
        See Also:
        DateTimeComponents.toString(int, int)
      • toString

        public String toString​(int minutesFromUTC)
        Get a String representation of the instant location for a local time.

        This method uses the default data context.

        minutesFromUTC - offset in minutes from UTC (positive Eastwards UTC, negative Westward UTC).
        string representation of the instance, in ISO-8601 format with milliseconds accuracy
        See Also:
        toString(int, TimeScale)
      • toString

        public String toString​(int minutesFromUTC,
                               TimeScale utc)
        Get a String representation of the instant location for a local time.
        minutesFromUTC - offset in minutes from UTC (positive Eastwards UTC, negative Westward UTC).
        utc - time scale used to compute date and time components.
        string representation of the instance, in ISO-8601 format with milliseconds accuracy
      • toString

        public String toString​(TimeZone timeZone,
                               TimeScale utc)
        Get a String representation of the instant location for a time zone.
        timeZone - time zone
        utc - time scale used to compute date and time components.
        string representation of the instance, in ISO-8601 format with milliseconds accuracy
      • toStringWithoutUtcOffset

        public String toStringWithoutUtcOffset​(TimeScale timeScale,
                                               int fractionDigits)
        Return a string representation of this date-time, rounded to the given precision.

        The format used is ISO8601 without the UTC offset.

        timeScale - to use to compute components.
        fractionDigits - the number of digits to include after the decimal point in the string representation of the seconds. The date and time is first rounded as necessary. fractionDigits must be greater than or equal to 0.
        string representation of this date, time, and UTC offset
        See Also:
        toString(TimeScale), DateTimeComponents.toString(int, int), DateTimeComponents.toStringWithoutUtcOffset(int, int)
      • toAbsoluteDate

        public AbsoluteDate toAbsoluteDate()
        Transform the FieldAbsoluteDate in an AbsoluteDate.
        AbsoluteDate of the FieldObject
      • hasZeroField

        public boolean hasZeroField()
        Check if the Field is semantically equal to zero.

        Using FieldElement.isZero()

        true the Field is semantically equal to zero
      • getMJD

        public T getMJD()
        Return the given date as a Modified Julian Date expressed in UTC.
        double representation of the given date as Modified Julian Date.
      • getMJD

        public T getMJD​(TimeScale ts)
        Return the given date as a Modified Julian Date expressed in given timescale.
        ts - time scale
        double representation of the given date as Modified Julian Date.
      • getJD

        public T getJD()
        Return the given date as a Julian Date expressed in UTC.
        double representation of the given date as Julian Date.
      • getJD

        public T getJD​(TimeScale ts)
        Return the given date as a Julian Date expressed in given timescale.
        ts - time scale
        double representation of the given date as Julian Date.
      • getDayOfYear

        public T getDayOfYear​(TimeScale utc)
        Get day of year, preserving continuity as much as possible.

        This is a continuous extension of the integer value returned by getComponents(utc).getDate().getDayOfYear(). In order to have it remain as close as possible to its integer counterpart, day 1.0 is considered to occur on January 1st at noon.

        Continuity is preserved from day to day within a year, but of course there is a discontinuity at year change, where it switches from 365.49999… (or 366.49999… on leap years) to 0.5

        utc - time scale to compute date components
        day of year, with day 1.0 occurring on January first at noon