1   /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
2    * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.orbits;
19  import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
20  import org.hipparchus.Field;
21  import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.FieldUnivariateDerivative1;
22  import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.FieldVector3D;
23  import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
24  import org.hipparchus.util.FieldSinCos;
25  import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
26  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitIllegalArgumentException;
27  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitInternalError;
28  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
29  import org.orekit.frames.FieldKinematicTransform;
30  import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
31  import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
32  import org.orekit.utils.FieldPVCoordinates;
33  import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates;
36  /**
37   * This class handles circular orbital parameters.
39   * <p>
40   * The parameters used internally are the circular elements which can be
41   * related to Keplerian elements as follows:
42   *   <ul>
43   *     <li>a</li>
44   *     <li>e<sub>x</sub> = e cos(ω)</li>
45   *     <li>e<sub>y</sub> = e sin(ω)</li>
46   *     <li>i</li>
47   *     <li>Ω</li>
48   *     <li>α<sub>v</sub> = v + ω</li>
49   *   </ul>
50   * where Ω stands for the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node and
51   * α<sub>v</sub> stands for the true latitude argument
52   * <p>
53   * The conversion equations from and to Keplerian elements given above hold only
54   * when both sides are unambiguously defined, i.e. when orbit is neither equatorial
55   * nor circular. When orbit is circular (but not equatorial), the circular
56   * parameters are still unambiguously defined whereas some Keplerian elements
57   * (more precisely ω and Ω) become ambiguous. When orbit is equatorial,
58   * neither the Keplerian nor the circular parameters can be defined unambiguously.
59   * {@link EquinoctialOrbit equinoctial orbits} is the recommended way to represent
60   * orbits.
61   * </p>
62   * <p>
63   * The instance <code>CircularOrbit</code> is guaranteed to be immutable.
64   * </p>
65   * @see    Orbit
66   * @see    KeplerianOrbit
67   * @see    CartesianOrbit
68   * @see    EquinoctialOrbit
69   * @author Luc Maisonobe
70   * @author Fabien Maussion
71   * @author V&eacute;ronique Pommier-Maurussane
72   * @since 9.0
73   * @param <T> type of the field elements
74   */
76  public class FieldCircularOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> extends FieldOrbit<T> implements PositionAngleBased {
78      /** Semi-major axis (m). */
79      private final T a;
81      /** First component of the circular eccentricity vector. */
82      private final T ex;
84      /** Second component of the circular eccentricity vector. */
85      private final T ey;
87      /** Inclination (rad). */
88      private final T i;
90      /** Right Ascension of Ascending Node (rad). */
91      private final T raan;
93      /** Cached latitude argument (rad). */
94      private final T cachedAlpha;
96      /** Type of cached position angle (latitude argument). */
97      private final PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType;
99      /** Semi-major axis derivative (m/s). */
100     private final T aDot;
102     /** First component of the circular eccentricity vector derivative. */
103     private final T exDot;
105     /** Second component of the circular eccentricity vector derivative. */
106     private final T eyDot;
108     /** Inclination derivative (rad/s). */
109     private final T iDot;
111     /** Right Ascension of Ascending Node derivative (rad/s). */
112     private final T raanDot;
114     /** True latitude argument derivative (rad/s). */
115     private final T cachedAlphaDot;
117     /** Partial Cartesian coordinates (position and velocity are valid, acceleration may be missing). */
118     private FieldPVCoordinates<T> partialPV;
120     /** Creates a new instance.
121      * @param a  semi-major axis (m)
122      * @param ex e cos(ω), first component of circular eccentricity vector
123      * @param ey e sin(ω), second component of circular eccentricity vector
124      * @param i inclination (rad)
125      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
126      * @param alpha  an + ω, mean, eccentric or true latitude argument (rad)
127      * @param type type of latitude argument
128      * @param cachedPositionAngleType type of cached latitude argument
129      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the parameters
130      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
131      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
132      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
133      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if eccentricity is equal to 1 or larger or
134      * if frame is not a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
135      * @since 12.1
136      */
137     public FieldCircularOrbit(final T a, final T ex, final T ey, final T i, final T raan,
138                               final T alpha, final PositionAngleType type,
139                               final PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType,
140                               final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
141         throws IllegalArgumentException {
142         this(a, ex, ey, i, raan, alpha,
143              a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(),
144              computeKeplerianAlphaDot(type, a, ex, ey, mu, alpha, type), type, cachedPositionAngleType, frame, date, mu);
145     }
147     /** Creates a new instance without derivatives and with cached position angle same as value inputted.
148      * @param a  semi-major axis (m)
149      * @param ex e cos(ω), first component of circular eccentricity vector
150      * @param ey e sin(ω), second component of circular eccentricity vector
151      * @param i inclination (rad)
152      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
153      * @param alpha  an + ω, mean, eccentric or true latitude argument (rad)
154      * @param type type of latitude argument
155      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the parameters
156      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
157      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
158      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
159      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if eccentricity is equal to 1 or larger or
160      * if frame is not a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
161      */
162     public FieldCircularOrbit(final T a, final T ex, final T ey, final T i, final T raan,
163                               final T alpha, final PositionAngleType type,
164                               final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
165             throws IllegalArgumentException {
166         this(a, ex, ey, i, raan, alpha, type, type, frame, date, mu);
167     }
169     /** Creates a new instance.
170      * @param a  semi-major axis (m)
171      * @param ex e cos(ω), first component of circular eccentricity vector
172      * @param ey e sin(ω), second component of circular eccentricity vector
173      * @param i inclination (rad)
174      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
175      * @param alpha  an + ω, mean, eccentric or true latitude argument (rad)
176      * @param aDot  semi-major axis derivative (m/s)
177      * @param exDot d(e cos(ω))/dt, first component of circular eccentricity vector derivative
178      * @param eyDot d(e sin(ω))/dt, second component of circular eccentricity vector derivative
179      * @param iDot inclination  derivative(rad/s)
180      * @param raanDot right ascension of ascending node derivative (rad/s)
181      * @param alphaDot  d(an + ω), mean, eccentric or true latitude argument derivative (rad/s)
182      * @param type type of latitude argument
183      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the parameters
184      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
185      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
186      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
187      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if eccentricity is equal to 1 or larger or
188      * if frame is not a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
189      */
190     public FieldCircularOrbit(final T a, final T ex, final T ey,
191                               final T i, final T raan, final T alpha,
192                               final T aDot, final T exDot, final T eyDot,
193                               final T iDot, final T raanDot, final T alphaDot, final PositionAngleType type,
194                               final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
195             throws IllegalArgumentException {
196         this(a, ex, ey, i, raan, alpha, aDot, exDot, eyDot, iDot, raanDot, alphaDot, type, type, frame, date, mu);
197     }
199     /** Creates a new instance.
200      * @param a  semi-major axis (m)
201      * @param ex e cos(ω), first component of circular eccentricity vector
202      * @param ey e sin(ω), second component of circular eccentricity vector
203      * @param i inclination (rad)
204      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
205      * @param alpha  an + ω, mean, eccentric or true latitude argument (rad)
206      * @param aDot  semi-major axis derivative (m/s)
207      * @param exDot d(e cos(ω))/dt, first component of circular eccentricity vector derivative
208      * @param eyDot d(e sin(ω))/dt, second component of circular eccentricity vector derivative
209      * @param iDot inclination  derivative(rad/s)
210      * @param raanDot right ascension of ascending node derivative (rad/s)
211      * @param alphaDot  d(an + ω), mean, eccentric or true latitude argument derivative (rad/s)
212      * @param type type of latitude argument
213      * @param cachedPositionAngleType type of cached latitude argument
214      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the parameters
215      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
216      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
217      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
218      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if eccentricity is equal to 1 or larger or
219      * if frame is not a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
220      * @since 12.1
221      */
222     public FieldCircularOrbit(final T a, final T ex, final T ey,
223                               final T i, final T raan, final T alpha,
224                               final T aDot, final T exDot, final T eyDot,
225                               final T iDot, final T raanDot, final T alphaDot,
226                               final PositionAngleType type, final PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType,
227                               final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
228         throws IllegalArgumentException {
229         super(frame, date, mu);
230         if (ex.getReal() * ex.getReal() + ey.getReal() * ey.getReal() >= 1.0) {
231             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.HYPERBOLIC_ORBIT_NOT_HANDLED_AS,
232                                                      getClass().getName());
233         }
235         this.a       =  a;
236         this.aDot    =  aDot;
237         this.ex      = ex;
238         this.exDot   = exDot;
239         this.ey      = ey;
240         this.eyDot   = eyDot;
241         this.i       = i;
242         this.iDot    = iDot;
243         this.raan    = raan;
244         this.raanDot = raanDot;
245         this.cachedPositionAngleType = cachedPositionAngleType;
247         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaUD = initializeCachedAlpha(alpha, alphaDot, type);
248         this.cachedAlpha = alphaUD.getValue();
249         this.cachedAlphaDot = alphaUD.getFirstDerivative();
251         partialPV   = null;
253     }
255     /** Constructor from Cartesian parameters.
256      *
257      * <p> The acceleration provided in {@code FieldPVCoordinates} is accessible using
258      * {@link #getPVCoordinates()} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(Frame)}. All other methods
259      * use {@code mu} and the position to compute the acceleration, including
260      * {@link #shiftedBy(CalculusFieldElement)} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(FieldAbsoluteDate, Frame)}.
261      *
262      * @param pvCoordinates the {@link FieldPVCoordinates} in inertial frame
263      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the {@link FieldPVCoordinates}
264      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
265      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
266      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
267      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
268      */
269     public FieldCircularOrbit(final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<T> pvCoordinates,
270                               final Frame frame, final T mu)
271         throws IllegalArgumentException {
272         super(pvCoordinates, frame, mu);
273         this.cachedPositionAngleType = PositionAngleType.TRUE;
275         // compute semi-major axis
276         final FieldVector3D<T> pvP = pvCoordinates.getPosition();
277         final FieldVector3D<T> pvV = pvCoordinates.getVelocity();
278         final FieldVector3D<T> pvA = pvCoordinates.getAcceleration();
279         final T r2 = pvP.getNormSq();
280         final T r  = r2.sqrt();
281         final T V2 = pvV.getNormSq();
282         final T rV2OnMu = r.multiply(V2).divide(mu);
284         a = r.divide(rV2OnMu.negate().add(2));
286         if (!isElliptical()) {
287             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.HYPERBOLIC_ORBIT_NOT_HANDLED_AS,
288                                                      getClass().getName());
289         }
291         // compute inclination
292         final FieldVector3D<T> momentum = pvCoordinates.getMomentum();
293         final FieldVector3D<T> plusK = FieldVector3D.getPlusK(r.getField());
294         i = FieldVector3D.angle(momentum, plusK);
296         // compute right ascension of ascending node
297         final FieldVector3D<T> node  = FieldVector3D.crossProduct(plusK, momentum);
298         raan = node.getY().atan2(node.getX());
300         // 2D-coordinates in the canonical frame
301         final FieldSinCos<T> scRaan = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
302         final FieldSinCos<T> scI    = FastMath.sinCos(i);
303         final T xP      = pvP.getX();
304         final T yP      = pvP.getY();
305         final T zP      = pvP.getZ();
306         final T x2      = (xP.multiply(scRaan.cos()).add(yP .multiply(scRaan.sin()))).divide(a);
307         final T y2      = (yP.multiply(scRaan.cos()).subtract(xP.multiply(scRaan.sin()))).multiply(scI.cos()).add(zP.multiply(scI.sin())).divide(a);
309         // compute eccentricity vector
310         final T eSE    = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(pvP, pvV).divide(a.multiply(mu).sqrt());
311         final T eCE    = rV2OnMu.subtract(1);
312         final T e2     = eCE.multiply(eCE).add(eSE.multiply(eSE));
313         final T f      = eCE.subtract(e2);
314         final T g      = eSE.multiply(e2.negate().add(1).sqrt());
315         final T aOnR   = a.divide(r);
316         final T a2OnR2 = aOnR.square();
317         ex = a2OnR2.multiply(f.multiply(x2).add(g.multiply(y2)));
318         ey = a2OnR2.multiply(f.multiply(y2).subtract(g.multiply(x2)));
320         // compute latitude argument
321         final T beta = (ex.multiply(ex).add(ey.multiply(ey)).negate().add(1)).sqrt().add(1).reciprocal();
322         cachedAlpha = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToTrue(ex, ey, y2.add(ey).add(eSE.multiply(beta).multiply(ex)).atan2(x2.add(ex).subtract(eSE.multiply(beta).multiply(ey)))
323         );
325         partialPV = pvCoordinates;
327         if (hasNonKeplerianAcceleration(pvCoordinates, mu)) {
328             // we have a relevant acceleration, we can compute derivatives
330             final T[][] jacobian = MathArrays.buildArray(a.getField(), 6, 6);
331             getJacobianWrtCartesian(PositionAngleType.MEAN, jacobian);
333             final FieldVector3D<T> keplerianAcceleration    = new FieldVector3D<>(r.multiply(r2).reciprocal().multiply(mu.negate()), pvP);
334             final FieldVector3D<T> nonKeplerianAcceleration = pvA.subtract(keplerianAcceleration);
335             final T   aX                       = nonKeplerianAcceleration.getX();
336             final T   aY                       = nonKeplerianAcceleration.getY();
337             final T   aZ                       = nonKeplerianAcceleration.getZ();
338             aDot    = jacobian[0][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[0][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[0][5].multiply(aZ));
339             exDot   = jacobian[1][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[1][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[1][5].multiply(aZ));
340             eyDot   = jacobian[2][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[2][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[2][5].multiply(aZ));
341             iDot    = jacobian[3][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[3][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[3][5].multiply(aZ));
342             raanDot = jacobian[4][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[4][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[4][5].multiply(aZ));
344             // in order to compute true anomaly derivative, we must compute
345             // mean anomaly derivative including Keplerian motion and convert to true anomaly
346             final T alphaMDot = getKeplerianMeanMotion().
347                                 add(jacobian[5][3].multiply(aX)).add(jacobian[5][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[5][5].multiply(aZ));
348             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD     = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex, exDot);
349             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD     = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey, eyDot);
350             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaMUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(getAlphaM(), alphaMDot);
351             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphavUD = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToTrue(exUD, eyUD, alphaMUD);
352             cachedAlphaDot = alphavUD.getFirstDerivative();
354         } else {
355             // acceleration is either almost zero or NaN,
356             // we assume acceleration was not known
357             // we don't set up derivatives
358             aDot      = getZero();
359             exDot     = getZero();
360             eyDot     = getZero();
361             iDot      = getZero();
362             raanDot   = getZero();
363             cachedAlphaDot = computeKeplerianAlphaDot(cachedPositionAngleType, a, ex, ey, mu, cachedAlpha, cachedPositionAngleType);
364         }
366     }
368     /** Constructor from Cartesian parameters.
369      *
370      * <p> The acceleration provided in {@code FieldPVCoordinates} is accessible using
371      * {@link #getPVCoordinates()} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(Frame)}. All other methods
372      * use {@code mu} and the position to compute the acceleration, including
373      * {@link #shiftedBy(CalculusFieldElement)} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(FieldAbsoluteDate, Frame)}.
374      *
375      * @param PVCoordinates the {@link FieldPVCoordinates} in inertial frame
376      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the {@link FieldPVCoordinates}
377      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
378      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
379      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
380      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
381      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
382      */
383     public FieldCircularOrbit(final FieldPVCoordinates<T> PVCoordinates, final Frame frame,
384                               final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
385         throws IllegalArgumentException {
386         this(new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(date, PVCoordinates), frame, mu);
387     }
389     /** Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters.
390      * @param op orbital parameters to copy
391      */
392     public FieldCircularOrbit(final FieldOrbit<T> op) {
393         super(op.getFrame(), op.getDate(), op.getMu());
394         a    = op.getA();
395         i    = op.getI();
396         final T hx = op.getHx();
397         final T hy = op.getHy();
398         final T h2 = hx.square().add(hy.square());
399         final T h  = h2.sqrt();
400         raan = hy.atan2(hx);
401         final FieldSinCos<T> scRaan = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
402         final T cosRaan = h.getReal() == 0 ? scRaan.cos() : hx.divide(h);
403         final T sinRaan = h.getReal() == 0 ? scRaan.sin() : hy.divide(h);
404         final T equiEx = op.getEquinoctialEx();
405         final T equiEy = op.getEquinoctialEy();
406         ex   = equiEx.multiply(cosRaan).add(equiEy.multiply(sinRaan));
407         ey   = equiEy.multiply(cosRaan).subtract(equiEx.multiply(sinRaan));
408         cachedPositionAngleType = PositionAngleType.TRUE;
409         cachedAlpha = op.getLv().subtract(raan);
411         if (op.hasNonKeplerianAcceleration()) {
412             aDot      = op.getADot();
413             final T      hxDot = op.getHxDot();
414             final T      hyDot = op.getHyDot();
415             iDot      = cosRaan.multiply(hxDot).add(sinRaan.multiply(hyDot)).multiply(2).divide(h2.add(1));
416             raanDot   = hx.multiply(hyDot).subtract(hy.multiply(hxDot)).divide(h2);
417             final T equiExDot = op.getEquinoctialExDot();
418             final T equiEyDot = op.getEquinoctialEyDot();
419             exDot     = equiExDot.add(equiEy.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(cosRaan).
420                         add(equiEyDot.subtract(equiEx.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(sinRaan));
421             eyDot     = equiEyDot.subtract(equiEx.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(cosRaan).
422                         subtract(equiExDot.add(equiEy.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(sinRaan));
423             cachedAlphaDot = op.getLvDot().subtract(raanDot);
424         } else {
425             aDot      = getZero();
426             exDot     = getZero();
427             eyDot     = getZero();
428             iDot      = getZero();
429             raanDot   = getZero();
430             cachedAlphaDot = computeKeplerianAlphaDot(cachedPositionAngleType, a, ex, ey, op.getMu(), cachedAlpha, cachedPositionAngleType);
431         }
433         partialPV = null;
435     }
437     /** Constructor from Field and CircularOrbit.
438      * <p>Build a FieldCircularOrbit from non-Field CircularOrbit.</p>
439      * @param field CalculusField to base object on
440      * @param op non-field orbit with only "constant" terms
441      * @since 12.0
442      */
443     public FieldCircularOrbit(final Field<T> field, final CircularOrbit op) {
444         super(op.getFrame(), new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field, op.getDate()), field.getZero().newInstance(op.getMu()));
446         a    = getZero().newInstance(op.getA());
447         i    = getZero().newInstance(op.getI());
448         raan = getZero().newInstance(op.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode());
449         ex   = getZero().newInstance(op.getCircularEx());
450         ey   = getZero().newInstance(op.getCircularEy());
451         cachedPositionAngleType = op.getCachedPositionAngleType();
452         cachedAlpha = getZero().newInstance(op.getAlpha(cachedPositionAngleType));
454         aDot      = getZero().newInstance(op.getADot());
455         iDot      = getZero().newInstance(op.getIDot());
456         raanDot   = getZero().newInstance(op.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeDot());
457         exDot     = getZero().newInstance(op.getCircularExDot());
458         eyDot     = getZero().newInstance(op.getCircularEyDot());
459         cachedAlphaDot = getZero().newInstance(op.getAlphaDot(cachedPositionAngleType));
461         partialPV = null;
463     }
465     /** Constructor from Field and Orbit.
466      * <p>Build a FieldCircularOrbit from any non-Field Orbit.</p>
467      * @param field CalculusField to base object on
468      * @param op non-field orbit with only "constant" terms
469      * @since 12.0
470      */
471     public FieldCircularOrbit(final Field<T> field, final Orbit op) {
472         this(field, (CircularOrbit) OrbitType.CIRCULAR.convertType(op));
473     }
475     /** {@inheritDoc} */
476     @Override
477     public OrbitType getType() {
478         return OrbitType.CIRCULAR;
479     }
481     /** {@inheritDoc} */
482     @Override
483     public T getA() {
484         return a;
485     }
487     /** {@inheritDoc} */
488     @Override
489     public T getADot() {
490         return aDot;
491     }
493     /** {@inheritDoc} */
494     @Override
495     public T getEquinoctialEx() {
496         final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
497         return ex.multiply(sc.cos()).subtract(ey.multiply(sc.sin()));
498     }
500     /** {@inheritDoc} */
501     @Override
502     public T getEquinoctialExDot() {
503         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
504             return getZero();
505         }
506         final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
507         return exDot.subtract(ey.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(sc.cos()).
508                subtract(eyDot.add(ex.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(sc.sin()));
510     }
512     /** {@inheritDoc} */
513     @Override
514     public T getEquinoctialEy() {
515         final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
516         return ey.multiply(sc.cos()).add(ex.multiply(sc.sin()));
517     }
519     /** {@inheritDoc} */
520     @Override
521     public T getEquinoctialEyDot() {
522         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
523             return getZero();
524         }
525         final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
526         return eyDot.add(ex.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(sc.cos()).
527                add(exDot.subtract(ey.multiply(raanDot)).multiply(sc.sin()));
529     }
531     /** Get the first component of the circular eccentricity vector.
532      * @return ex = e cos(ω), first component of the circular eccentricity vector
533      */
534     public T getCircularEx() {
535         return ex;
536     }
538     /** Get the first component of the circular eccentricity vector derivative.
539      * @return d(ex)/dt = d(e cos(ω))/dt, first component of the circular eccentricity vector derivative
540      */
541     public T getCircularExDot() {
542         return exDot;
543     }
545     /** Get the second component of the circular eccentricity vector.
546      * @return ey = e sin(ω), second component of the circular eccentricity vector
547      */
548     public T getCircularEy() {
549         return ey;
550     }
552     /** Get the second component of the circular eccentricity vector derivative.
553      * @return d(ey)/dt = d(e sin(ω))/dt, second component of the circular eccentricity vector derivative
554      */
555     public T getCircularEyDot() {
556         return eyDot;
557     }
559     /** {@inheritDoc} */
560     @Override
561     public T getHx() {
562         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
563         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
564             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
565         }
566         return raan.cos().multiply(i.divide(2).tan());
567     }
569     /** {@inheritDoc} */
570     @Override
571     public T getHxDot() {
573         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
574         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
575             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
576         }
577         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
578             return getZero();
579         }
581         final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
582         final T tan             = i.multiply(0.5).tan();
583         return sc.cos().multiply(0.5).multiply(tan.multiply(tan).add(1)).multiply(iDot).
584                subtract(sc.sin().multiply(tan).multiply(raanDot));
586     }
588     /** {@inheritDoc} */
589     @Override
590     public T getHy() {
591         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
592         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
593             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
594         }
595         return raan.sin().multiply(i.divide(2).tan());
596     }
598     /** {@inheritDoc} */
599     @Override
600     public T getHyDot() {
602         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
603         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
604             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
605         }
606         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
607             return getZero();
608         }
610         final FieldSinCos<T> sc = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
611         final T tan     = i.multiply(0.5).tan();
612         return sc.sin().multiply(0.5).multiply(tan.multiply(tan).add(1)).multiply(iDot).
613                add(sc.cos().multiply(tan).multiply(raanDot));
615     }
617     /** Get the true latitude argument.
618      * @return v + ω true latitude argument (rad)
619      */
620     public T getAlphaV() {
621         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
622             case TRUE:
623                 return cachedAlpha;
625             case ECCENTRIC:
626                 return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToTrue(ex, ey, cachedAlpha);
628             case MEAN:
629                 return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToTrue(ex, ey, cachedAlpha);
631             default:
632                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
633         }
634     }
636     /** Get the true latitude argument derivative.
637      * @return d(v + ω)/dt true latitude argument derivative (rad/s)
638      */
639     public T getAlphaVDot() {
641         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
642             case ECCENTRIC:
643                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaEUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAlpha, cachedAlphaDot);
644                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD     = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex,     exDot);
645                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD     = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey,     eyDot);
646                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaVUD = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToTrue(exUD, eyUD,
647                         alphaEUD);
648                 return alphaVUD.getFirstDerivative();
650             case TRUE:
651                 return cachedAlphaDot;
653             case MEAN:
654                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaMUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAlpha, cachedAlphaDot);
655                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD2    = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex,     exDot);
656                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD2    = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey,     eyDot);
657                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaVUD2 = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToTrue(exUD2,
658                         eyUD2, alphaMUD);
659                 return alphaVUD2.getFirstDerivative();
661             default:
662                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
663         }
664     }
666     /** Get the eccentric latitude argument.
667      * @return E + ω eccentric latitude argument (rad)
668      */
669     public T getAlphaE() {
670         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
671             case TRUE:
672                 return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.trueToEccentric(ex, ey, cachedAlpha);
674             case ECCENTRIC:
675                 return cachedAlpha;
677             case MEAN:
678                 return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToEccentric(ex, ey, cachedAlpha);
680             default:
681                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
682         }
683     }
685     /** Get the eccentric latitude argument derivative.
686      * @return d(E + ω)/dt eccentric latitude argument derivative (rad/s)
687      */
688     public T getAlphaEDot() {
690         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
691             case TRUE:
692                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaVUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAlpha, cachedAlphaDot);
693                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex, exDot);
694                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey, eyDot);
695                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaEUD = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.trueToEccentric(exUD, eyUD,
696                         alphaVUD);
697                 return alphaEUD.getFirstDerivative();
699             case ECCENTRIC:
700                 return cachedAlphaDot;
702             case MEAN:
703                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaMUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAlpha, cachedAlphaDot);
704                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex, exDot);
705                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey, eyDot);
706                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaVUD2 = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToEccentric(exUD2,
707                         eyUD2, alphaMUD);
708                 return alphaVUD2.getFirstDerivative();
710             default:
711                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
712         }
714     }
716     /** Get the mean latitude argument.
717      * @return M + ω mean latitude argument (rad)
718      */
719     public T getAlphaM() {
720         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
721             case TRUE:
722                 return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.trueToMean(ex, ey, cachedAlpha);
724             case MEAN:
725                 return cachedAlpha;
727             case ECCENTRIC:
728                 return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToMean(ex, ey, cachedAlpha);
730             default:
731                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
732         }
733     }
735     /** Get the mean latitude argument derivative.
736      * @return d(M + ω)/dt mean latitude argument derivative (rad/s)
737      */
738     public T getAlphaMDot() {
740         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
741             case TRUE:
742                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaVUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAlpha, cachedAlphaDot);
743                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex, exDot);
744                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey, eyDot);
745                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaMUD = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.trueToMean(exUD, eyUD,
746                         alphaVUD);
747                 return alphaMUD.getFirstDerivative();
749             case MEAN:
750                 return cachedAlphaDot;
752             case ECCENTRIC:
753                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaEUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAlpha, cachedAlphaDot);
754                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex, exDot);
755                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey, eyDot);
756                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaMUD2 = FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToMean(exUD2,
757                         eyUD2, alphaEUD);
758                 return alphaMUD2.getFirstDerivative();
760             default:
761                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
762         }
763     }
765     /** Get the latitude argument.
766      * @param type type of the angle
767      * @return latitude argument (rad)
768      */
769     public T getAlpha(final PositionAngleType type) {
770         return (type == PositionAngleType.MEAN) ? getAlphaM() :
771                                               ((type == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) ? getAlphaE() :
772                                                                                    getAlphaV());
773     }
775     /** Get the latitude argument derivative.
776      * @param type type of the angle
777      * @return latitude argument derivative (rad/s)
778      */
779     public T getAlphaDot(final PositionAngleType type) {
780         return (type == PositionAngleType.MEAN) ? getAlphaMDot() :
781                                               ((type == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) ? getAlphaEDot() :
782                                                                                    getAlphaVDot());
783     }
785     /** {@inheritDoc} */
786     @Override
787     public T getE() {
788         return ex.multiply(ex).add(ey.multiply(ey)).sqrt();
789     }
791     /** {@inheritDoc} */
792     @Override
793     public T getEDot() {
795         return ex.multiply(exDot).add(ey.multiply(eyDot)).divide(getE());
797     }
799     /** {@inheritDoc} */
800     @Override
801     public T getI() {
802         return i;
803     }
805     /** {@inheritDoc} */
806     @Override
807     public T getIDot() {
808         return iDot;
809     }
811     /** Get the right ascension of the ascending node.
812      * @return right ascension of the ascending node (rad)
813      */
814     public T getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode() {
815         return raan;
816     }
818     /** Get the right ascension of the ascending node derivative.
819      * @return right ascension of the ascending node derivative (rad/s)
820      */
821     public T getRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeDot() {
822         return raanDot;
823     }
825     /** {@inheritDoc} */
826     @Override
827     public T getLv() {
828         return getAlphaV().add(raan);
829     }
831     /** {@inheritDoc} */
832     @Override
833     public T getLvDot() {
834         return getAlphaVDot().add(raanDot);
835     }
837     /** {@inheritDoc} */
838     @Override
839     public T getLE() {
840         return getAlphaE().add(raan);
841     }
843     /** {@inheritDoc} */
844     @Override
845     public T getLEDot() {
846         return getAlphaEDot().add(raanDot);
847     }
849     /** {@inheritDoc} */
850     @Override
851     public T getLM() {
852         return getAlphaM().add(raan);
853     }
855     /** {@inheritDoc} */
856     @Override
857     public T getLMDot() {
858         return getAlphaMDot().add(raanDot);
859     }
861     /** {@inheritDoc} */
862     @Override
863     public boolean hasNonKeplerianAcceleration() {
864         return aDot.getReal() != 0. || exDot.getReal() != 0 || iDot.getReal() != 0. || eyDot.getReal() != 0. || raanDot.getReal() != 0. ||
865                 FastMath.abs(cachedAlphaDot.subtract(computeKeplerianAlphaDot(cachedPositionAngleType, a, ex, ey, getMu(), cachedAlpha, cachedPositionAngleType)).getReal()) > TOLERANCE_POSITION_ANGLE_RATE;
866     }
868     /** Compute position and velocity but not acceleration.
869      */
870     private void computePVWithoutA() {
872         if (partialPV != null) {
873             // already computed
874             return;
875         }
877         // get equinoctial parameters
878         final T equEx = getEquinoctialEx();
879         final T equEy = getEquinoctialEy();
880         final T hx = getHx();
881         final T hy = getHy();
882         final T lE = getLE();
883         // inclination-related intermediate parameters
884         final T hx2   = hx.multiply(hx);
885         final T hy2   = hy.multiply(hy);
886         final T factH = (hx2.add(1).add(hy2)).reciprocal();
888         // reference axes defining the orbital plane
889         final T ux = (hx2.add(1).subtract(hy2)).multiply(factH);
890         final T uy =  hx.multiply(2).multiply(hy).multiply(factH);
891         final T uz = hy.multiply(-2).multiply(factH);
893         final T vx = uy;
894         final T vy = (hy2.subtract(hx2).add(1)).multiply(factH);
895         final T vz =  hx.multiply(factH).multiply(2);
897         // eccentricity-related intermediate parameters
898         final T exey = equEx.multiply(equEy);
899         final T ex2  = equEx.square();
900         final T ey2  = equEy.square();
901         final T e2   = ex2.add(ey2);
902         final T eta  = e2.negate().add(1).sqrt().add(1);
903         final T beta = eta.reciprocal();
905         // eccentric latitude argument
906         final FieldSinCos<T> scLe = FastMath.sinCos(lE);
907         final T cLe    = scLe.cos();
908         final T sLe    = scLe.sin();
909         final T exCeyS = equEx.multiply(cLe).add(equEy.multiply(sLe));
910         // coordinates of position and velocity in the orbital plane
911         final T x      = a.multiply(beta.negate().multiply(ey2).add(1).multiply(cLe).add(beta.multiply(exey).multiply(sLe)).subtract(equEx));
912         final T y      = a.multiply(beta.negate().multiply(ex2).add(1).multiply(sLe).add(beta.multiply(exey).multiply(cLe)).subtract(equEy));
914         final T factor = getOne().add(getMu()).divide(a).sqrt().divide(exCeyS.negate().add(1));
915         final T xdot   = factor.multiply( beta.multiply(equEy).multiply(exCeyS).subtract(sLe ));
916         final T ydot   = factor.multiply( cLe.subtract(beta.multiply(equEx).multiply(exCeyS)));
918         final FieldVector3D<T> position = new FieldVector3D<>(x.multiply(ux).add(y.multiply(vx)),
919                                                               x.multiply(uy).add(y.multiply(vy)),
920                                                               x.multiply(uz).add(y.multiply(vz)));
921         final FieldVector3D<T> velocity = new FieldVector3D<>(xdot.multiply(ux).add(ydot.multiply(vx)),
922                                                               xdot.multiply(uy).add(ydot.multiply(vy)),
923                                                               xdot.multiply(uz).add(ydot.multiply(vz)));
925         partialPV = new FieldPVCoordinates<>(position, velocity);
927     }
930     /** Initialize cached alpha with rate.
931      * @param alpha input alpha
932      * @param alphaDot rate of input alpha
933      * @param inputType position angle type passed as input
934      * @return alpha to cache with rate
935      * @since 12.1
936      */
937     private FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> initializeCachedAlpha(final T alpha, final T alphaDot,
938                                                                 final PositionAngleType inputType) {
939         if (cachedPositionAngleType == inputType) {
940             return new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(alpha, alphaDot);
942         } else {
943             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> exUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ex, exDot);
944             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eyUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(ey, eyDot);
945             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> alphaUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(alpha, alphaDot);
947             switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
949                 case ECCENTRIC:
950                     if (inputType == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
951                         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToEccentric(exUD, eyUD, alphaUD);
952                     } else {
953                         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.trueToEccentric(exUD, eyUD, alphaUD);
954                     }
956                 case TRUE:
957                     if (inputType == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
958                         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.meanToTrue(exUD, eyUD, alphaUD);
959                     } else {
960                         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToTrue(exUD, eyUD, alphaUD);
961                     }
963                 case MEAN:
964                     if (inputType == PositionAngleType.TRUE) {
965                         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.trueToMean(exUD, eyUD, alphaUD);
966                     } else {
967                         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.eccentricToMean(exUD, eyUD, alphaUD);
968                     }
970                 default:
971                     throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
973             }
975         }
977     }
979     /** Initialize cached alpha.
980      * @param alpha input alpha
981      * @param positionAngleType position angle type passed as input
982      * @return alpha to cache
983      * @since 12.1
984      */
985     private T initializeCachedAlpha(final T alpha, final PositionAngleType positionAngleType) {
986         return FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.convertAlpha(positionAngleType, alpha, ex, ey, cachedPositionAngleType);
987     }
989     /** Compute non-Keplerian part of the acceleration from first time derivatives.
990      * @return non-Keplerian part of the acceleration
991      */
992     private FieldVector3D<T> nonKeplerianAcceleration() {
994         final T[][] dCdP = MathArrays.buildArray(a.getField(), 6, 6);
995         getJacobianWrtParameters(PositionAngleType.MEAN, dCdP);
997         final T nonKeplerianMeanMotion = getAlphaMDot().subtract(getKeplerianMeanMotion());
998         final T nonKeplerianAx =     dCdP[3][0].multiply(aDot).
999                                  add(dCdP[3][1].multiply(exDot)).
1000                                  add(dCdP[3][2].multiply(eyDot)).
1001                                  add(dCdP[3][3].multiply(iDot)).
1002                                  add(dCdP[3][4].multiply(raanDot)).
1003                                  add(dCdP[3][5].multiply(nonKeplerianMeanMotion));
1004         final T nonKeplerianAy =     dCdP[4][0].multiply(aDot).
1005                                  add(dCdP[4][1].multiply(exDot)).
1006                                  add(dCdP[4][2].multiply(eyDot)).
1007                                  add(dCdP[4][3].multiply(iDot)).
1008                                  add(dCdP[4][4].multiply(raanDot)).
1009                                  add(dCdP[4][5].multiply(nonKeplerianMeanMotion));
1010         final T nonKeplerianAz =     dCdP[5][0].multiply(aDot).
1011                                  add(dCdP[5][1].multiply(exDot)).
1012                                  add(dCdP[5][2].multiply(eyDot)).
1013                                  add(dCdP[5][3].multiply(iDot)).
1014                                  add(dCdP[5][4].multiply(raanDot)).
1015                                  add(dCdP[5][5].multiply(nonKeplerianMeanMotion));
1017         return new FieldVector3D<>(nonKeplerianAx, nonKeplerianAy, nonKeplerianAz);
1019     }
1021     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1022     @Override
1023     protected FieldVector3D<T> initPosition() {
1024         // get equinoctial parameters
1025         final T equEx = getEquinoctialEx();
1026         final T equEy = getEquinoctialEy();
1027         final T hx = getHx();
1028         final T hy = getHy();
1029         final T lE = getLE();
1030         // inclination-related intermediate parameters
1031         final T hx2   = hx.multiply(hx);
1032         final T hy2   = hy.multiply(hy);
1033         final T factH = (hx2.add(1).add(hy2)).reciprocal();
1035         // reference axes defining the orbital plane
1036         final T ux = (hx2.add(1).subtract(hy2)).multiply(factH);
1037         final T uy =  hx.multiply(2).multiply(hy).multiply(factH);
1038         final T uz = hy.multiply(-2).multiply(factH);
1040         final T vx = uy;
1041         final T vy = (hy2.subtract(hx2).add(1)).multiply(factH);
1042         final T vz =  hx.multiply(factH).multiply(2);
1044         // eccentricity-related intermediate parameters
1045         final T exey = equEx.multiply(equEy);
1046         final T ex2  = equEx.square();
1047         final T ey2  = equEy.square();
1048         final T e2   = ex2.add(ey2);
1049         final T eta  = e2.negate().add(1).sqrt().add(1);
1050         final T beta = eta.reciprocal();
1052         // eccentric latitude argument
1053         final FieldSinCos<T> scLe = FastMath.sinCos(lE);
1054         final T cLe    = scLe.cos();
1055         final T sLe    = scLe.sin();
1057         // coordinates of position and velocity in the orbital plane
1058         final T x      = a.multiply(beta.negate().multiply(ey2).add(1).multiply(cLe).add(beta.multiply(exey).multiply(sLe)).subtract(equEx));
1059         final T y      = a.multiply(beta.negate().multiply(ex2).add(1).multiply(sLe).add(beta.multiply(exey).multiply(cLe)).subtract(equEy));
1061         return new FieldVector3D<>(x.multiply(ux).add(y.multiply(vx)),
1062                                    x.multiply(uy).add(y.multiply(vy)),
1063                                    x.multiply(uz).add(y.multiply(vz)));
1065     }
1067     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1068     @Override
1069     protected TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<T> initPVCoordinates() {
1071         // position and velocity
1072         computePVWithoutA();
1074         // acceleration
1075         final T r2 = partialPV.getPosition().getNormSq();
1076         final FieldVector3D<T> keplerianAcceleration = new FieldVector3D<>(r2.multiply(r2.sqrt()).reciprocal().multiply(getMu().negate()),
1077                                                                            partialPV.getPosition());
1078         final FieldVector3D<T> acceleration = hasNonKeplerianRates() ?
1079                                               keplerianAcceleration.add(nonKeplerianAcceleration()) :
1080                                               keplerianAcceleration;
1082         return new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(getDate(), partialPV.getPosition(), partialPV.getVelocity(), acceleration);
1084     }
1086     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1087     @Override
1088     public FieldCircularOrbit<T> withFrame(final Frame inertialFrame) {
1089         if (hasNonKeplerianAcceleration()) {
1090             return new FieldCircularOrbit<>(getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame), inertialFrame, getMu());
1091         } else {
1092             final FieldKinematicTransform<T> transform = getFrame().getKinematicTransformTo(inertialFrame, getDate());
1093             return new FieldCircularOrbit<>(transform.transformOnlyPV(getPVCoordinates()), inertialFrame, getDate(), getMu());
1094         }
1095     }
1097     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1098     @Override
1099     public FieldCircularOrbit<T> shiftedBy(final double dt) {
1100         return shiftedBy(getZero().newInstance(dt));
1101     }
1103     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1104     @Override
1105     public FieldCircularOrbit<T> shiftedBy(final T dt) {
1107         // use Keplerian-only motion
1108         final FieldCircularOrbit<T> keplerianShifted = new FieldCircularOrbit<>(a, ex, ey, i, raan,
1109                                                                                 getAlphaM().add(getKeplerianMeanMotion().multiply(dt)),
1110                                                                                 PositionAngleType.MEAN, cachedPositionAngleType, getFrame(),
1111                                                                                 getDate().shiftedBy(dt), getMu());
1113         if (hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
1115             // extract non-Keplerian acceleration from first time derivatives
1116             final FieldVector3D<T> nonKeplerianAcceleration = nonKeplerianAcceleration();
1118             // add quadratic effect of non-Keplerian acceleration to Keplerian-only shift
1119             keplerianShifted.computePVWithoutA();
1120             final FieldVector3D<T> fixedP   = new FieldVector3D<>(getOne(), keplerianShifted.partialPV.getPosition(),
1121                                                                   dt.square().multiply(0.5), nonKeplerianAcceleration);
1122             final T   fixedR2 = fixedP.getNormSq();
1123             final T   fixedR  = fixedR2.sqrt();
1124             final FieldVector3D<T> fixedV  = new FieldVector3D<>(getOne(), keplerianShifted.partialPV.getVelocity(),
1125                                                                  dt, nonKeplerianAcceleration);
1126             final FieldVector3D<T> fixedA  = new FieldVector3D<>(fixedR2.multiply(fixedR).reciprocal().multiply(getMu().negate()),
1127                                                                  keplerianShifted.partialPV.getPosition(),
1128                                                                  getOne(), nonKeplerianAcceleration);
1130             // build a new orbit, taking non-Keplerian acceleration into account
1131             return new FieldCircularOrbit<>(new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(keplerianShifted.getDate(),
1132                                                                                 fixedP, fixedV, fixedA),
1133                                             keplerianShifted.getFrame(), keplerianShifted.getMu());
1135         } else {
1136             // Keplerian-only motion is all we can do
1137             return keplerianShifted;
1138         }
1140     }
1142     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1143     @Override
1144     protected T[][] computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian() {
1146         final T[][] jacobian = MathArrays.buildArray(getOne().getField(), 6, 6);
1148         // compute various intermediate parameters
1149         computePVWithoutA();
1150         final FieldVector3D<T> position = partialPV.getPosition();
1151         final FieldVector3D<T> velocity = partialPV.getVelocity();
1153         final T x          = position.getX();
1154         final T y          = position.getY();
1155         final T z          = position.getZ();
1156         final T vx         = velocity.getX();
1157         final T vy         = velocity.getY();
1158         final T vz         = velocity.getZ();
1159         final T pv         = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(position, velocity);
1160         final T r2         = position.getNormSq();
1161         final T r          = r2.sqrt();
1162         final T v2         = velocity.getNormSq();
1164         final T mu         = getMu();
1165         final T oOsqrtMuA  = getOne().divide(a.multiply(mu).sqrt());
1166         final T rOa        = r.divide(a);
1167         final T aOr        = a.divide(r);
1168         final T aOr2       = a.divide(r2);
1169         final T a2         = a.square();
1171         final T ex2        = ex.square();
1172         final T ey2        = ey.square();
1173         final T e2         = ex2.add(ey2);
1174         final T epsilon    = e2.negate().add(1.0).sqrt();
1175         final T beta       = epsilon.add(1).reciprocal();
1177         final T eCosE      = rOa.negate().add(1);
1178         final T eSinE      = pv.multiply(oOsqrtMuA);
1180         final FieldSinCos<T> scI    = FastMath.sinCos(i);
1181         final FieldSinCos<T> scRaan = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
1182         final T cosI       = scI.cos();
1183         final T sinI       = scI.sin();
1184         final T cosRaan    = scRaan.cos();
1185         final T sinRaan    = scRaan.sin();
1187         // da
1188         fillHalfRow(aOr.multiply(2.0).multiply(aOr2), position, jacobian[0], 0);
1189         fillHalfRow(a2.multiply(mu.divide(2.).reciprocal()), velocity, jacobian[0], 3);
1191         // differentials of the normalized momentum
1192         final FieldVector3D<T> danP = new FieldVector3D<>(v2, position, pv.negate(), velocity);
1193         final FieldVector3D<T> danV = new FieldVector3D<>(r2, velocity, pv.negate(), position);
1194         final T recip   = partialPV.getMomentum().getNorm().reciprocal();
1195         final T recip2  = recip.multiply(recip);
1196         final T recip2N = recip2.negate();
1197         final FieldVector3D<T> dwXP = new FieldVector3D<>(recip,
1198                                                           new FieldVector3D<>(getZero(), vz, vy.negate()),
1199                                                           recip2N.multiply(sinRaan).multiply(sinI),
1200                                                           danP);
1201         final FieldVector3D<T> dwYP = new FieldVector3D<>(recip,
1202                                                           new FieldVector3D<>(vz.negate(), getZero(), vx),
1203                                                           recip2.multiply(cosRaan).multiply(sinI),
1204                                                           danP);
1205         final FieldVector3D<T> dwZP = new FieldVector3D<>(recip,
1206                                                           new FieldVector3D<>(vy, vx.negate(), getZero()),
1207                                                           recip2N.multiply(cosI),
1208                                                           danP);
1209         final FieldVector3D<T> dwXV = new FieldVector3D<>(recip,
1210                                                           new FieldVector3D<>(getZero(), z.negate(), y),
1211                                                           recip2N.multiply(sinRaan).multiply(sinI),
1212                                                           danV);
1213         final FieldVector3D<T> dwYV = new FieldVector3D<>(recip,
1214                                                           new FieldVector3D<>(z, getZero(), x.negate()),
1215                                                           recip2.multiply(cosRaan).multiply(sinI),
1216                                                           danV);
1217         final FieldVector3D<T> dwZV = new FieldVector3D<>(recip,
1218                                                           new FieldVector3D<>(y.negate(), x, getZero()),
1219                                                           recip2N.multiply(cosI),
1220                                                           danV);
1222         // di
1223         fillHalfRow(sinRaan.multiply(cosI), dwXP, cosRaan.negate().multiply(cosI), dwYP, sinI.negate(), dwZP, jacobian[3], 0);
1224         fillHalfRow(sinRaan.multiply(cosI), dwXV, cosRaan.negate().multiply(cosI), dwYV, sinI.negate(), dwZV, jacobian[3], 3);
1226         // dRaan
1227         fillHalfRow(sinRaan.divide(sinI), dwYP, cosRaan.divide(sinI), dwXP, jacobian[4], 0);
1228         fillHalfRow(sinRaan.divide(sinI), dwYV, cosRaan.divide(sinI), dwXV, jacobian[4], 3);
1230         // orbital frame: (p, q, w) p along ascending node, w along momentum
1231         // the coordinates of the spacecraft in this frame are: (u, v, 0)
1232         final T u     =  x.multiply(cosRaan).add(y.multiply(sinRaan));
1233         final T cv    =  x.negate().multiply(sinRaan).add(y.multiply(cosRaan));
1234         final T v     = cv.multiply(cosI).add(z.multiply(sinI));
1236         // du
1237         final FieldVector3D<T> duP = new FieldVector3D<>(cv.multiply(cosRaan).divide(sinI), dwXP,
1238                                                          cv.multiply(sinRaan).divide(sinI), dwYP,
1239                                                          getOne(), new FieldVector3D<>(cosRaan, sinRaan, getZero()));
1240         final FieldVector3D<T> duV = new FieldVector3D<>(cv.multiply(cosRaan).divide(sinI), dwXV,
1241                                                          cv.multiply(sinRaan).divide(sinI), dwYV);
1243         // dv
1244         final FieldVector3D<T> dvP = new FieldVector3D<>(u.negate().multiply(cosRaan).multiply(cosI).divide(sinI).add(sinRaan.multiply(z)), dwXP,
1245                                                          u.negate().multiply(sinRaan).multiply(cosI).divide(sinI).subtract(cosRaan.multiply(z)), dwYP,
1246                                                          cv, dwZP,
1247                                                          getOne(), new FieldVector3D<>(sinRaan.negate().multiply(cosI), cosRaan.multiply(cosI), sinI));
1248         final FieldVector3D<T> dvV = new FieldVector3D<>(u.negate().multiply(cosRaan).multiply(cosI).divide(sinI).add(sinRaan.multiply(z)), dwXV,
1249                                                          u.negate().multiply(sinRaan).multiply(cosI).divide(sinI).subtract(cosRaan.multiply(z)), dwYV,
1250                                                          cv, dwZV);
1252         final FieldVector3D<T> dc1P = new FieldVector3D<>(aOr2.multiply(eSinE.multiply(eSinE).multiply(2).add(1).subtract(eCosE)).divide(r2), position,
1253                                                           aOr2.multiply(-2).multiply(eSinE).multiply(oOsqrtMuA), velocity);
1254         final FieldVector3D<T> dc1V = new FieldVector3D<>(aOr2.multiply(-2).multiply(eSinE).multiply(oOsqrtMuA), position,
1255                                                           getZero().newInstance(2).divide(mu), velocity);
1256         final FieldVector3D<T> dc2P = new FieldVector3D<>(aOr2.multiply(eSinE).multiply(eSinE.multiply(eSinE).subtract(e2.negate().add(1))).divide(r2.multiply(epsilon)), position,
1257                                                           aOr2.multiply(e2.negate().add(1).subtract(eSinE.multiply(eSinE))).multiply(oOsqrtMuA).divide(epsilon), velocity);
1258         final FieldVector3D<T> dc2V = new FieldVector3D<>(aOr2.multiply(e2.negate().add(1).subtract(eSinE.multiply(eSinE))).multiply(oOsqrtMuA).divide(epsilon), position,
1259                                                           eSinE.divide(epsilon.multiply(mu)), velocity);
1261         final T cof1   = aOr2.multiply(eCosE.subtract(e2));
1262         final T cof2   = aOr2.multiply(epsilon).multiply(eSinE);
1263         final FieldVector3D<T> dexP = new FieldVector3D<>(u, dc1P,  v, dc2P, cof1, duP,  cof2, dvP);
1264         final FieldVector3D<T> dexV = new FieldVector3D<>(u, dc1V,  v, dc2V, cof1, duV,  cof2, dvV);
1265         final FieldVector3D<T> deyP = new FieldVector3D<>(v, dc1P, u.negate(), dc2P, cof1, dvP, cof2.negate(), duP);
1266         final FieldVector3D<T> deyV = new FieldVector3D<>(v, dc1V, u.negate(), dc2V, cof1, dvV, cof2.negate(), duV);
1267         fillHalfRow(getOne(), dexP, jacobian[1], 0);
1268         fillHalfRow(getOne(), dexV, jacobian[1], 3);
1269         fillHalfRow(getOne(), deyP, jacobian[2], 0);
1270         fillHalfRow(getOne(), deyV, jacobian[2], 3);
1272         final T cle = u.divide(a).add(ex).subtract(eSinE.multiply(beta).multiply(ey));
1273         final T sle = v.divide(a).add(ey).add(eSinE.multiply(beta).multiply(ex));
1274         final T m1  = beta.multiply(eCosE);
1275         final T m2  = m1.multiply(eCosE).negate().add(1);
1276         final T m3  = (u.multiply(ey).subtract(v.multiply(ex))).add(eSinE.multiply(beta).multiply(u.multiply(ex).add(v.multiply(ey))));
1277         final T m4  = sle.negate().add(cle.multiply(eSinE).multiply(beta));
1278         final T m5  = cle.add(sle.multiply(eSinE).multiply(beta));
1279         final T kk = m3.multiply(2).divide(r).add(aOr.multiply(eSinE)).add(m1.multiply(eSinE).multiply(m1.add(1).subtract(aOr.add(1).multiply(m2))).divide(epsilon)).divide(r2);
1280         final T jj = (m1.multiply(m2).divide(epsilon).subtract(1)).multiply(oOsqrtMuA);
1281         fillHalfRow(kk, position,
1282                     jj, velocity,
1283                     m4, dexP,
1284                     m5, deyP,
1285                     sle.negate().divide(a), duP,
1286                     cle.divide(a), dvP,
1287                     jacobian[5], 0);
1288         final T ll = (m1.multiply(m2).divide(epsilon ).subtract(1)).multiply(oOsqrtMuA);
1289         final T mm = m3.multiply(2).add(eSinE.multiply(a)).add(m1.multiply(eSinE).multiply(r).multiply(eCosE.multiply(beta).multiply(2).subtract(aOr.multiply(m2))).divide(epsilon)).divide(mu);
1291         fillHalfRow(ll, position,
1292                     mm, velocity,
1293                     m4, dexV,
1294                     m5, deyV,
1295                     sle.negate().divide(a), duV,
1296                     cle.divide(a), dvV,
1297                     jacobian[5], 3);
1298         return jacobian;
1300     }
1302     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1303     @Override
1304     protected T[][] computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian() {
1306         // start by computing the Jacobian with mean angle
1307         final T[][] jacobian = computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian();
1309         // Differentiating the Kepler equation aM = aE - ex sin aE + ey cos aE leads to:
1310         // daM = (1 - ex cos aE - ey sin aE) dE - sin aE dex + cos aE dey
1311         // which is inverted and rewritten as:
1312         // daE = a/r daM + sin aE a/r dex - cos aE a/r dey
1313         final T alphaE            = getAlphaE();
1314         final FieldSinCos<T> scAe = FastMath.sinCos(alphaE);
1315         final T cosAe             = scAe.cos();
1316         final T sinAe             = scAe.sin();
1317         final T aOr               = getOne().divide(getOne().subtract(ex.multiply(cosAe)).subtract(ey.multiply(sinAe)));
1319         // update longitude row
1320         final T[] rowEx = jacobian[1];
1321         final T[] rowEy = jacobian[2];
1322         final T[] rowL  = jacobian[5];
1323         for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
1324          // rowL[j] = aOr * (      rowL[j] +   sinAe *        rowEx[j]   -         cosAe *        rowEy[j]);
1325             rowL[j] = aOr.multiply(rowL[j].add(sinAe.multiply(rowEx[j])).subtract( cosAe.multiply(rowEy[j])));
1326         }
1327         jacobian[5] = rowL;
1328         return jacobian;
1330     }
1331     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1332     @Override
1333     protected T[][] computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian() {
1335         // start by computing the Jacobian with eccentric angle
1336         final T[][] jacobian = computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian();
1337         // Differentiating the eccentric latitude equation
1338         // tan((aV - aE)/2) = [ex sin aE - ey cos aE] / [sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2) + 1 - ex cos aE - ey sin aE]
1339         // leads to
1340         // cT (daV - daE) = cE daE + cX dex + cY dey
1341         // with
1342         // cT = [d^2 + (ex sin aE - ey cos aE)^2] / 2
1343         // d  = 1 + sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2) - ex cos aE - ey sin aE
1344         // cE = (ex cos aE + ey sin aE) (sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2) + 1) - ex^2 - ey^2
1345         // cX =  sin aE (sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2) + 1) - ey + ex (ex sin aE - ey cos aE) / sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2)
1346         // cY = -cos aE (sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2) + 1) + ex + ey (ex sin aE - ey cos aE) / sqrt(1-ex^2-ey^2)
1347         // which can be solved to find the differential of the true latitude
1348         // daV = (cT + cE) / cT daE + cX / cT deX + cY / cT deX
1349         final T alphaE            = getAlphaE();
1350         final FieldSinCos<T> scAe = FastMath.sinCos(alphaE);
1351         final T cosAe             = scAe.cos();
1352         final T sinAe             = scAe.sin();
1353         final T eSinE             = ex.multiply(sinAe).subtract(ey.multiply(cosAe));
1354         final T ecosE             = ex.multiply(cosAe).add(ey.multiply(sinAe));
1355         final T e2                = ex.multiply(ex).add(ey.multiply(ey));
1356         final T epsilon           = (getOne().subtract(e2)).sqrt();
1357         final T onePeps           = getOne().add(epsilon);
1358         final T d                 = onePeps.subtract(ecosE);
1359         final T cT                = (d.multiply(d).add(eSinE.multiply(eSinE))).divide(2);
1360         final T cE                = ecosE.multiply(onePeps).subtract(e2);
1361         final T cX                = ex.multiply(eSinE).divide(epsilon).subtract(ey).add(sinAe.multiply(onePeps));
1362         final T cY                = ey.multiply(eSinE).divide(epsilon).add(ex).subtract(cosAe.multiply(onePeps));
1363         final T factorLe          = (cT.add(cE)).divide(cT);
1364         final T factorEx          = cX.divide(cT);
1365         final T factorEy          = cY.divide(cT);
1367         // update latitude row
1368         final T[] rowEx = jacobian[1];
1369         final T[] rowEy = jacobian[2];
1370         final T[] rowA = jacobian[5];
1371         for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
1372             rowA[j] = factorLe.multiply(rowA[j]).add(factorEx.multiply(rowEx[j])).add(factorEy.multiply(rowEy[j]));
1373         }
1374         return jacobian;
1376     }
1378     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1379     @Override
1380     public void addKeplerContribution(final PositionAngleType type, final T gm, final T[] pDot) {
1381         pDot[5] = pDot[5].add(computeKeplerianAlphaDot(type, a, ex, ey, gm, cachedAlpha, cachedPositionAngleType));
1382     }
1384     /**
1385      * Compute rate of argument of latitude.
1386      * @param type position angle type of rate
1387      * @param a semi major axis
1388      * @param ex ex
1389      * @param ey ey
1390      * @param mu mu
1391      * @param alpha argument of latitude
1392      * @param cachedType position angle type of passed alpha
1393      * @param <T> field type
1394      * @return first-order time derivative for alpha
1395      * @since 12.2
1396      */
1397     private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T computeKeplerianAlphaDot(final PositionAngleType type, final T a,
1398                                                                                   final T ex, final T ey, final T mu,
1399                                                                                   final T alpha, final PositionAngleType cachedType) {
1400         final T n = a.reciprocal().multiply(mu).sqrt().divide(a);
1401         if (type == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
1402             return n;
1403         }
1404         final FieldSinCos<T> sc;
1405         final T ksi;
1406         if (type == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) {
1407             sc = FastMath.sinCos(FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.convertAlpha(cachedType, alpha, ex, ey, type));
1408             ksi  = ((ex.multiply(sc.cos())).add(ey.multiply(sc.sin()))).negate().add(1).reciprocal();
1409             return n.multiply(ksi);
1410         } else {  // TRUE
1411             sc = FastMath.sinCos(FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility.convertAlpha(cachedType, alpha, ex, ey, type));
1412             final T one = n.getField().getOne();
1413             final T oMe2  = one.subtract(ex.square()).subtract(ey.square());
1414             ksi   = one.add(ex.multiply(sc.cos())).add(ey.multiply(sc.sin()));
1415             return n.multiply(ksi.square()).divide(oMe2.multiply(oMe2.sqrt()));
1416         }
1417     }
1419     /**  Returns a string representation of this Orbit object.
1420      * @return a string representation of this object
1421      */
1422     public String toString() {
1423         return new StringBuilder().append("circular parameters: ").append('{').
1424                                   append("a: ").append(a.getReal()).
1425                                   append(", ex: ").append(ex.getReal()).append(", ey: ").append(ey.getReal()).
1426                                   append(", i: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(i.getReal())).
1427                                   append(", raan: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(raan.getReal())).
1428                                   append(", alphaV: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(getAlphaV().getReal())).
1429                                   append(";}").toString();
1430     }
1432     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1433     @Override
1434     public PositionAngleType getCachedPositionAngleType() {
1435         return cachedPositionAngleType;
1436     }
1438     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1439     @Override
1440     public boolean hasNonKeplerianRates() {
1441         return hasNonKeplerianAcceleration();
1442     }
1444     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1445     @Override
1446     public FieldCircularOrbit<T> withKeplerianRates() {
1447         return new FieldCircularOrbit<>(getA(), getCircularEx(), getCircularEy(),
1448                 getI(), getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode(), cachedAlpha,
1449                 cachedPositionAngleType, getFrame(), getDate(), getMu());
1450     }
1452     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1453     @Override
1454     public CircularOrbit toOrbit() {
1455         final double cachedPositionAngle = cachedAlpha.getReal();
1456         return new CircularOrbit(a.getReal(), ex.getReal(), ey.getReal(),
1457                                  i.getReal(), raan.getReal(), cachedPositionAngle,
1458                                  aDot.getReal(), exDot.getReal(), eyDot.getReal(),
1459                                  iDot.getReal(), raanDot.getReal(), cachedAlphaDot.getReal(),
1460                                  cachedPositionAngleType, getFrame(),
1461                                  getDate().toAbsoluteDate(), getMu().getReal());
1462     }
1465 }