1   /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
2    * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.orbits;
20  import java.lang.reflect.Array;
22  import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
23  import org.hipparchus.Field;
24  import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.FieldUnivariateDerivative1;
25  import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.FieldVector3D;
26  import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
27  import org.hipparchus.util.FieldSinCos;
28  import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
29  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
30  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitIllegalArgumentException;
31  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitInternalError;
32  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
33  import org.orekit.frames.FieldKinematicTransform;
34  import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
35  import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
36  import org.orekit.utils.FieldPVCoordinates;
37  import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates;
40  /**
41   * This class handles traditional Keplerian orbital parameters.
43   * <p>
44   * The parameters used internally are the classical Keplerian elements:
45   *   <pre>
46   *     a
47   *     e
48   *     i
49   *     ω
50   *     Ω
51   *     v
52   *   </pre>
53   * where ω stands for the Perigee Argument, Ω stands for the
54   * Right Ascension of the Ascending Node and v stands for the true anomaly.
55   * <p>
56   * This class supports hyperbolic orbits, using the convention that semi major
57   * axis is negative for such orbits (and of course eccentricity is greater than 1).
58   * </p>
59   * <p>
60   * When orbit is either equatorial or circular, some Keplerian elements
61   * (more precisely ω and Ω) become ambiguous so this class should not
62   * be used for such orbits. For this reason, {@link EquinoctialOrbit equinoctial
63   * orbits} is the recommended way to represent orbits.
64   * </p>
66   * <p>
67   * The instance <code>KeplerianOrbit</code> is guaranteed to be immutable.
68   * </p>
69   * @see     Orbit
70   * @see    CircularOrbit
71   * @see    CartesianOrbit
72   * @see    EquinoctialOrbit
73   * @author Luc Maisonobe
74   * @author Guylaine Prat
75   * @author Fabien Maussion
76   * @author V&eacute;ronique Pommier-Maurussane
77   * @author Andrea Antolino
78   * @since 9.0
79   * @param <T> type of the field elements
80   */
81  public class FieldKeplerianOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> extends FieldOrbit<T>
82          implements PositionAngleBased {
84      /** Name of the eccentricity parameter. */
85      private static final String ECCENTRICITY = "eccentricity";
87      /** Semi-major axis (m). */
88      private final T a;
90      /** Eccentricity. */
91      private final T e;
93      /** Inclination (rad). */
94      private final T i;
96      /** Perigee Argument (rad). */
97      private final T pa;
99      /** Right Ascension of Ascending Node (rad). */
100     private final T raan;
102     /** Cached anomaly (rad). */
103     private final T cachedAnomaly;
105     /** Semi-major axis derivative (m/s). */
106     private final T aDot;
108     /** Eccentricity derivative. */
109     private final T eDot;
111     /** Inclination derivative (rad/s). */
112     private final T iDot;
114     /** Perigee Argument derivative (rad/s). */
115     private final T paDot;
117     /** Right Ascension of Ascending Node derivative (rad/s). */
118     private final T raanDot;
120     /** Derivative of cached anomaly (rad/s). */
121     private final T cachedAnomalyDot;
123     /** Cached type of position angle. */
124     private final PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType;
126     /** Partial Cartesian coordinates (position and velocity are valid, acceleration may be missing). */
127     private FieldPVCoordinates<T> partialPV;
129     /** PThird Canonical Vector. */
130     private final FieldVector3D<T> PLUS_K;
132     /** Creates a new instance.
133      * @param a  semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
134      * @param e eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
135      * @param i inclination (rad)
136      * @param pa perigee argument (ω, rad)
137      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
138      * @param anomaly mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
139      * @param type type of anomaly
140      * @param cachedPositionAngleType type of cached anomaly
141      * @param frame the frame in which the parameters are defined
142      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
143      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
144      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
145      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
146      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame} or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits,
147      * or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
148      * @since 12.1
149      */
150     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final T a, final T e, final T i,
151                                final T pa, final T raan,
152                                final T anomaly, final PositionAngleType type,
153                                final PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType,
154                                final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
155         throws IllegalArgumentException {
156         this(a, e, i, pa, raan, anomaly,
157              a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(), a.getField().getZero(),
158              computeKeplerianAnomalyDot(type, a, e, mu, anomaly, type), type, cachedPositionAngleType, frame, date, mu);
159     }
161     /** Creates a new instance.
162      * @param a  semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
163      * @param e eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
164      * @param i inclination (rad)
165      * @param pa perigee argument (ω, rad)
166      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
167      * @param anomaly mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
168      * @param type type of anomaly
169      * @param frame the frame in which the parameters are defined
170      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
171      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
172      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
173      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
174      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame} or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits,
175      * or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
176      * @since 12.1
177      */
178     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final T a, final T e, final T i,
179                                final T pa, final T raan,
180                                final T anomaly, final PositionAngleType type,
181                                final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
182             throws IllegalArgumentException {
183         this(a, e, i, pa, raan, anomaly, type, type, frame, date, mu);
184     }
186     /** Creates a new instance.
187      * @param a  semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
188      * @param e eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
189      * @param i inclination (rad)
190      * @param pa perigee argument (ω, rad)
191      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
192      * @param anomaly mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
193      * @param aDot  semi-major axis derivative, null if unknown (m/s)
194      * @param eDot eccentricity derivative, null if unknown
195      * @param iDot inclination derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
196      * @param paDot perigee argument derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
197      * @param raanDot right ascension of ascending node derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
198      * @param anomalyDot mean, eccentric or true anomaly derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
199      * @param type type of anomaly
200      * @param cachedPositionAngleType type of cached anomaly
201      * @param frame the frame in which the parameters are defined
202      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
203      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
204      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
205      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
206      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame} or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits,
207      * or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
208      * @since 12.1
209      */
210     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final T a, final T e, final T i,
211                                final T pa, final T raan, final T anomaly,
212                                final T aDot, final T eDot, final T iDot,
213                                final T paDot, final T raanDot, final T anomalyDot,
214                                final PositionAngleType type, final PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType,
215                                final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
216         throws IllegalArgumentException {
217         super(frame, date, mu);
218         this.cachedPositionAngleType = cachedPositionAngleType;
220         if (a.multiply(e.negate().add(1)).getReal() < 0) {
221             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.ORBIT_A_E_MISMATCH_WITH_CONIC_TYPE, a.getReal(), e.getReal());
222         }
224         // Checking eccentricity range
225         checkParameterRangeInclusive(ECCENTRICITY, e.getReal(), 0.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
227         this.a       =    a;
228         this.aDot    =    aDot;
229         this.e       =    e;
230         this.eDot    =    eDot;
231         this.i       =    i;
232         this.iDot    =    iDot;
233         this.pa      =    pa;
234         this.paDot   =    paDot;
235         this.raan    =    raan;
236         this.raanDot =    raanDot;
238         this.PLUS_K = FieldVector3D.getPlusK(a.getField());  // third canonical vector
240         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> cachedAnomalyUD = initializeCachedAnomaly(anomaly, anomalyDot, type);
241         this.cachedAnomaly = cachedAnomalyUD.getValue();
242         this.cachedAnomalyDot = cachedAnomalyUD.getFirstDerivative();
244         // check true anomaly range
245         if (!isElliptical()) {
246             final T trueAnomaly = getTrueAnomaly();
247             if (e.multiply(trueAnomaly.cos()).add(1).getReal() <= 0) {
248                 final double vMax = e.reciprocal().negate().acos().getReal();
249                 throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.ORBIT_ANOMALY_OUT_OF_HYPERBOLIC_RANGE,
250                         trueAnomaly.getReal(), e.getReal(), -vMax, vMax);
251             }
252         }
254         this.partialPV = null;
256     }
258     /** Creates a new instance.
259      * @param a  semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
260      * @param e eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
261      * @param i inclination (rad)
262      * @param pa perigee argument (ω, rad)
263      * @param raan right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
264      * @param anomaly mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
265      * @param aDot  semi-major axis derivative, null if unknown (m/s)
266      * @param eDot eccentricity derivative, null if unknown
267      * @param iDot inclination derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
268      * @param paDot perigee argument derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
269      * @param raanDot right ascension of ascending node derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
270      * @param anomalyDot mean, eccentric or true anomaly derivative, null if unknown (rad/s)
271      * @param type type of anomaly
272      * @param frame the frame in which the parameters are defined
273      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
274      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
275      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
276      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
277      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame} or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits,
278      * or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
279      */
280     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final T a, final T e, final T i,
281                                final T pa, final T raan, final T anomaly,
282                                final T aDot, final T eDot, final T iDot,
283                                final T paDot, final T raanDot, final T anomalyDot,
284                                final PositionAngleType type,
285                                final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
286             throws IllegalArgumentException {
287         this(a, e, i, pa, raan, anomaly, aDot, eDot, iDot, paDot, raanDot, anomalyDot,
288                 type, type, frame, date, mu);
289     }
291     /** Constructor from Cartesian parameters.
292      *
293      * <p> The acceleration provided in {@code FieldPVCoordinates} is accessible using
294      * {@link #getPVCoordinates()} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(Frame)}. All other methods
295      * use {@code mu} and the position to compute the acceleration, including
296      * {@link #shiftedBy(CalculusFieldElement)} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(FieldAbsoluteDate, Frame)}.
297      *
298      * @param pvCoordinates the PVCoordinates of the satellite
299      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the {@link FieldPVCoordinates}
300      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
301      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
302      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
303      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
304      */
305     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<T> pvCoordinates,
306                                final Frame frame, final T mu)
307         throws IllegalArgumentException {
308         this(pvCoordinates, frame, mu, hasNonKeplerianAcceleration(pvCoordinates, mu));
309     }
311     /** Constructor from Cartesian parameters.
312      *
313      * <p> The acceleration provided in {@code FieldPVCoordinates} is accessible using
314      * {@link #getPVCoordinates()} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(Frame)}. All other methods
315      * use {@code mu} and the position to compute the acceleration, including
316      * {@link #shiftedBy(CalculusFieldElement)} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(FieldAbsoluteDate, Frame)}.
317      *
318      * @param pvCoordinates the PVCoordinates of the satellite
319      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the {@link FieldPVCoordinates}
320      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
321      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
322      * @param reliableAcceleration if true, the acceleration is considered to be reliable
323      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
324      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
325      */
326     private FieldKeplerianOrbit(final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<T> pvCoordinates,
327                                 final Frame frame, final T mu,
328                                 final boolean reliableAcceleration)
329         throws IllegalArgumentException {
331         super(pvCoordinates, frame, mu);
333         // third canonical vector
334         this.PLUS_K = FieldVector3D.getPlusK(getOne().getField());
336         // compute inclination
337         final FieldVector3D<T> momentum = pvCoordinates.getMomentum();
338         final T m2 = momentum.getNormSq();
340         i = FieldVector3D.angle(momentum, PLUS_K);
341         // compute right ascension of ascending node
342         raan = FieldVector3D.crossProduct(PLUS_K, momentum).getAlpha();
343         // preliminary computations for parameters depending on orbit shape (elliptic or hyperbolic)
344         final FieldVector3D<T> pvP     = pvCoordinates.getPosition();
345         final FieldVector3D<T> pvV     = pvCoordinates.getVelocity();
346         final FieldVector3D<T> pvA     = pvCoordinates.getAcceleration();
348         final T   r2      = pvP.getNormSq();
349         final T   r       = r2.sqrt();
350         final T   V2      = pvV.getNormSq();
351         final T   rV2OnMu = r.multiply(V2).divide(mu);
353         // compute semi-major axis (will be negative for hyperbolic orbits)
354         a = r.divide(rV2OnMu.negate().add(2.0));
355         final T muA = a.multiply(mu);
357         // compute true anomaly
358         if (isElliptical()) {
359             // elliptic or circular orbit
360             final T eSE = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(pvP, pvV).divide(muA.sqrt());
361             final T eCE = rV2OnMu.subtract(1);
362             e = (eSE.multiply(eSE).add(eCE.multiply(eCE))).sqrt();
363             this.cachedPositionAngleType = PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC;
364             cachedAnomaly = eSE.atan2(eCE);
365         } else {
366             // hyperbolic orbit
367             final T eSH = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(pvP, pvV).divide(muA.negate().sqrt());
368             final T eCH = rV2OnMu.subtract(1);
369             e = (m2.negate().divide(muA).add(1)).sqrt();
370             this.cachedPositionAngleType = PositionAngleType.TRUE;
371             cachedAnomaly = FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToTrue(e, (eCH.add(eSH)).divide(eCH.subtract(eSH)).log().divide(2));
372         }
374         // Checking eccentricity range
375         checkParameterRangeInclusive(ECCENTRICITY, e.getReal(), 0.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
377         // compute perigee argument
378         final FieldVector3D<T> node = new FieldVector3D<>(raan, getZero());
379         final T px = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(pvP, node);
380         final T py = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(pvP, FieldVector3D.crossProduct(momentum, node)).divide(m2.sqrt());
381         pa = py.atan2(px).subtract(getTrueAnomaly());
383         partialPV = pvCoordinates;
385         if (reliableAcceleration) {
386             // we have a relevant acceleration, we can compute derivatives
388             final T[][] jacobian = MathArrays.buildArray(a.getField(), 6, 6);
389             getJacobianWrtCartesian(PositionAngleType.MEAN, jacobian);
391             final FieldVector3D<T> keplerianAcceleration    = new FieldVector3D<>(r.multiply(r2).reciprocal().multiply(mu.negate()), pvP);
392             final FieldVector3D<T> nonKeplerianAcceleration = pvA.subtract(keplerianAcceleration);
393             final T   aX                       = nonKeplerianAcceleration.getX();
394             final T   aY                       = nonKeplerianAcceleration.getY();
395             final T   aZ                       = nonKeplerianAcceleration.getZ();
396             aDot    = jacobian[0][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[0][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[0][5].multiply(aZ));
397             eDot    = jacobian[1][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[1][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[1][5].multiply(aZ));
398             iDot    = jacobian[2][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[2][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[2][5].multiply(aZ));
399             paDot   = jacobian[3][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[3][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[3][5].multiply(aZ));
400             raanDot = jacobian[4][3].multiply(aX).add(jacobian[4][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[4][5].multiply(aZ));
402             // in order to compute true anomaly derivative, we must compute
403             // mean anomaly derivative including Keplerian motion and convert to true anomaly
404             final T MDot = getKeplerianMeanMotion().
405                            add(jacobian[5][3].multiply(aX)).add(jacobian[5][4].multiply(aY)).add(jacobian[5][5].multiply(aZ));
406             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
407             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> MUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(getMeanAnomaly(), MDot);
408             if (cachedPositionAngleType == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) {
409                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> EUD = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
410                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToEccentric(eUD, MUD) :
411                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToEccentric(eUD, MUD);
412                 cachedAnomalyDot = EUD.getFirstDerivative();
413             } else { // TRUE
414                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> vUD = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
415                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToTrue(eUD, MUD) :
416                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToTrue(eUD, MUD);
417                 cachedAnomalyDot = vUD.getFirstDerivative();
418             }
420         } else {
421             // acceleration is either almost zero or NaN,
422             // we assume acceleration was not known
423             // we don't set up derivatives
424             aDot    = getZero();
425             eDot    = getZero();
426             iDot    = getZero();
427             paDot   = getZero();
428             raanDot = getZero();
429             cachedAnomalyDot    = computeKeplerianAnomalyDot(cachedPositionAngleType, a, e, mu, cachedAnomaly, cachedPositionAngleType);
430         }
432     }
434     /** Constructor from Cartesian parameters.
435      *
436      * <p> The acceleration provided in {@code FieldPVCoordinates} is accessible using
437      * {@link #getPVCoordinates()} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(Frame)}. All other methods
438      * use {@code mu} and the position to compute the acceleration, including
439      * {@link #shiftedBy(CalculusFieldElement)} and {@link #getPVCoordinates(FieldAbsoluteDate, Frame)}.
440      *
441      * @param FieldPVCoordinates the PVCoordinates of the satellite
442      * @param frame the frame in which are defined the {@link FieldPVCoordinates}
443      * (<em>must</em> be a {@link Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame})
444      * @param date date of the orbital parameters
445      * @param mu central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
446      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if frame is not a {@link
447      * Frame#isPseudoInertial pseudo-inertial frame}
448      */
449     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final FieldPVCoordinates<T> FieldPVCoordinates,
450                                final Frame frame, final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final T mu)
451         throws IllegalArgumentException {
452         this(new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(date, FieldPVCoordinates), frame, mu);
453     }
455     /** Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters.
456      * @param op orbital parameters to copy
457      */
458     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final FieldOrbit<T> op) {
459         this(op.getPVCoordinates(), op.getFrame(), op.getMu());
460     }
462     /** Constructor from Field and KeplerianOrbit.
463      * <p>Build a FieldKeplerianOrbit from non-Field KeplerianOrbit.</p>
464      * @param field CalculusField to base object on
465      * @param op non-field orbit with only "constant" terms
466      * @since 12.0
467      */
468     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final Field<T> field, final KeplerianOrbit op) {
469         this(field.getZero().newInstance(op.getA()), field.getZero().newInstance(op.getE()), field.getZero().newInstance(op.getI()),
470                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getPerigeeArgument()), field.getZero().newInstance(op.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode()),
471                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getAnomaly(op.getCachedPositionAngleType())),
472                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getADot()),
473                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getEDot()),
474                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getIDot()),
475                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getPerigeeArgumentDot()),
476                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeDot()),
477                 field.getZero().newInstance(op.getAnomalyDot(op.getCachedPositionAngleType())),
478                 op.getCachedPositionAngleType(), op.getFrame(),
479                 new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field, op.getDate()), field.getZero().newInstance(op.getMu()));
480     }
482     /** Constructor from Field and Orbit.
483      * <p>Build a FieldKeplerianOrbit from any non-Field Orbit.</p>
484      * @param field CalculusField to base object on
485      * @param op non-field orbit with only "constant" terms
486      * @since 12.0
487      */
488     public FieldKeplerianOrbit(final Field<T> field, final Orbit op) {
489         this(field, (KeplerianOrbit) OrbitType.KEPLERIAN.convertType(op));
490     }
492     /** {@inheritDoc} */
493     @Override
494     public OrbitType getType() {
495         return OrbitType.KEPLERIAN;
496     }
498     /** {@inheritDoc} */
499     @Override
500     public T getA() {
501         return a;
502     }
504     /** {@inheritDoc} */
505     @Override
506     public T getADot() {
507         return aDot;
508     }
510     /** {@inheritDoc} */
511     @Override
512     public T getE() {
513         return e;
514     }
516     /** {@inheritDoc} */
517     @Override
518     public T getEDot() {
519         return eDot;
520     }
522     /** {@inheritDoc} */
523     @Override
524     public T getI() {
525         return i;
526     }
528     /** {@inheritDoc} */
529     @Override
530     public T getIDot() {
531         return iDot;
532     }
534     /** Get the perigee argument.
535      * @return perigee argument (rad)
536      */
537     public T getPerigeeArgument() {
538         return pa;
539     }
541     /** Get the perigee argument derivative.
542      * @return perigee argument derivative (rad/s)
543      */
544     public T getPerigeeArgumentDot() {
545         return paDot;
546     }
548     /** Get the right ascension of the ascending node.
549      * @return right ascension of the ascending node (rad)
550      */
551     public T getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode() {
552         return raan;
553     }
555     /** Get the right ascension of the ascending node derivative.
556      * @return right ascension of the ascending node derivative (rad/s)
557      */
558     public T getRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeDot() {
559         return raanDot;
560     }
562     /** Get the true anomaly.
563      * @return true anomaly (rad)
564      */
565     public T getTrueAnomaly() {
566         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
567             case MEAN: return (a.getReal() < 0) ? FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToTrue(e, cachedAnomaly) :
568                     FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToTrue(e, cachedAnomaly);
570             case TRUE: return cachedAnomaly;
572             case ECCENTRIC: return (a.getReal() < 0) ? FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToTrue(e, cachedAnomaly) :
573                     FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticEccentricToTrue(e, cachedAnomaly);
575             default: throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
576         }
577     }
579     /** Get the true anomaly derivative.
580      * @return true anomaly derivative (rad/s)
581      */
582     public T getTrueAnomalyDot() {
583         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
584             case MEAN:
585                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
586                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> MUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAnomaly, cachedAnomalyDot);
587                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> vUD = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
588                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToTrue(eUD, MUD) :
589                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToTrue(eUD, MUD);
590                 return vUD.getFirstDerivative();
592             case TRUE:
593                 return cachedAnomalyDot;
595             case ECCENTRIC:
596                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
597                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> EUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAnomaly, cachedAnomalyDot);
598                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> vUD2 = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
599                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToTrue(eUD2, EUD) :
600                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticEccentricToTrue(eUD2, EUD);
601                 return vUD2.getFirstDerivative();
603             default:
604                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
605         }
606     }
608     /** Get the eccentric anomaly.
609      * @return eccentric anomaly (rad)
610      */
611     public T getEccentricAnomaly() {
612         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
613             case MEAN:
614                 return (a.getReal() < 0) ? FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToEccentric(e, cachedAnomaly) :
615                     FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToEccentric(e, cachedAnomaly);
617             case ECCENTRIC:
618                 return cachedAnomaly;
620             case TRUE:
621                 return (a.getReal() < 0) ? FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicTrueToEccentric(e, cachedAnomaly) :
622                     FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticTrueToEccentric(e, cachedAnomaly);
624             default:
625                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
626         }
627     }
629     /** Get the eccentric anomaly derivative.
630      * @return eccentric anomaly derivative (rad/s)
631      */
632     public T getEccentricAnomalyDot() {
633         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
634             case ECCENTRIC:
635                 return cachedAnomalyDot;
637             case TRUE:
638                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
639                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> vUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAnomaly, cachedAnomalyDot);
640                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> EUD = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
641                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicTrueToEccentric(eUD, vUD) :
642                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticTrueToEccentric(eUD, vUD);
643                 return EUD.getFirstDerivative();
645             case MEAN:
646                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
647                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> MUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAnomaly, cachedAnomalyDot);
648                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> EUD2 = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
649                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToEccentric(eUD2, MUD) :
650                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToEccentric(eUD2, MUD);
651                 return EUD2.getFirstDerivative();
653             default:
654                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
655         }
656     }
658     /** Get the mean anomaly.
659      * @return mean anomaly (rad)
660      */
661     public T getMeanAnomaly() {
662         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
663             case ECCENTRIC: return (a.getReal() < 0) ? FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToMean(e, cachedAnomaly) :
664                     FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticEccentricToMean(e, cachedAnomaly);
666             case MEAN: return cachedAnomaly;
668             case TRUE: return (a.getReal() < 0) ? FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicTrueToMean(e, cachedAnomaly) :
669                     FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticTrueToMean(e, cachedAnomaly);
671             default: throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
672         }
673     }
675     /** Get the mean anomaly derivative.
677      * @return mean anomaly derivative (rad/s)
678      */
679     public T getMeanAnomalyDot() {
680         switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
681             case MEAN:
682                 return cachedAnomalyDot;
684             case ECCENTRIC:
685                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
686                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> EUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAnomaly, cachedAnomalyDot);
687                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> MUD = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
688                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToMean(eUD, EUD) :
689                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticEccentricToMean(eUD, EUD);
690                 return MUD.getFirstDerivative();
692             case TRUE:
693                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD2 = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
694                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> vUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(cachedAnomaly, cachedAnomalyDot);
695                 final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> MUD2 = (a.getReal() < 0) ?
696                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicTrueToMean(eUD2, vUD) :
697                          FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticTrueToMean(eUD2, vUD);
698                 return MUD2.getFirstDerivative();
700             default:
701                 throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
702         }
703     }
705     /** Get the anomaly.
706      * @param type type of the angle
707      * @return anomaly (rad)
708      */
709     public T getAnomaly(final PositionAngleType type) {
710         return (type == PositionAngleType.MEAN) ? getMeanAnomaly() :
711                                               ((type == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) ? getEccentricAnomaly() :
712                                                                                    getTrueAnomaly());
713     }
715     /** Get the anomaly derivative.
716      * @param type type of the angle
717      * @return anomaly derivative (rad/s)
718      */
719     public T getAnomalyDot(final PositionAngleType type) {
720         return (type == PositionAngleType.MEAN) ? getMeanAnomalyDot() :
721                                               ((type == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) ? getEccentricAnomalyDot() :
722                                                                                    getTrueAnomalyDot());
723     }
725     /** {@inheritDoc} */
726     @Override
727     public boolean hasNonKeplerianAcceleration() {
728         return aDot.getReal() != 0. || eDot.getReal() != 0 || iDot.getReal() != 0. || raanDot.getReal() != 0. || paDot.getReal() != 0. ||
729                 FastMath.abs(cachedAnomalyDot.subtract(computeKeplerianAnomalyDot(cachedPositionAngleType, a, e, getMu(), cachedAnomaly, cachedPositionAngleType)).getReal()) > TOLERANCE_POSITION_ANGLE_RATE;
730     }
732     /** {@inheritDoc} */
733     @Override
734     public T getEquinoctialEx() {
735         return e.multiply(pa.add(raan).cos());
736     }
738     /** {@inheritDoc} */
739     @Override
740     public T getEquinoctialExDot() {
741         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
742             return getZero();
743         }
744         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD    = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e,    eDot);
745         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> paUD   = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(pa,   paDot);
746         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> raanUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(raan, raanDot);
747         return eUD.multiply(paUD.add(raanUD).cos()).getFirstDerivative();
749     }
751     /** {@inheritDoc} */
752     @Override
753     public T getEquinoctialEy() {
754         return e.multiply((pa.add(raan)).sin());
755     }
757     /** {@inheritDoc} */
758     @Override
759     public T getEquinoctialEyDot() {
760         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
761             return getZero();
762         }
763         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD    = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e,    eDot);
764         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> paUD   = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(pa,   paDot);
765         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> raanUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(raan, raanDot);
766         return eUD.multiply(paUD.add(raanUD).sin()).getFirstDerivative();
768     }
770     /** {@inheritDoc} */
771     @Override
772     public T getHx() {
773         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
774         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
775             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
776         }
777         return raan.cos().multiply(i.divide(2).tan());
778     }
780     /** {@inheritDoc} */
781     @Override
782     public T getHxDot() {
784         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
785         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
786             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
787         }
788         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
789             return getZero();
790         }
792         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> iUD    = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(i,    iDot);
793         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> raanUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(raan, raanDot);
794         return raanUD.cos().multiply(iUD.multiply(0.5).tan()).getFirstDerivative();
796     }
798     /** {@inheritDoc} */
799     @Override
800     public T getHy() {
801         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
802         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
803             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
804         }
805         return raan.sin().multiply(i.divide(2).tan());
806     }
808     /** {@inheritDoc} */
809     @Override
810     public T getHyDot() {
812         // Check for equatorial retrograde orbit
813         if (FastMath.abs(i.subtract(i.getPi()).getReal()) < 1.0e-10) {
814             return getZero().add(Double.NaN);
815         }
816         if (!hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
817             return getZero();
818         }
820         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> iUD    = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(i,    iDot);
821         final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> raanUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(raan, raanDot);
822         return raanUD.sin().multiply(iUD.multiply(0.5).tan()).getFirstDerivative();
824     }
826     /** {@inheritDoc} */
827     @Override
828     public T getLv() {
829         return pa.add(raan).add(getTrueAnomaly());
830     }
832     /** {@inheritDoc} */
833     @Override
834     public T getLvDot() {
835         return paDot.add(raanDot).add(getTrueAnomalyDot());
836     }
838     /** {@inheritDoc} */
839     @Override
840     public T getLE() {
841         return pa.add(raan).add(getEccentricAnomaly());
842     }
844     /** {@inheritDoc} */
845     @Override
846     public T getLEDot() {
847         return paDot.add(raanDot).add(getEccentricAnomalyDot());
848     }
850     /** {@inheritDoc} */
851     @Override
852     public T getLM() {
853         return pa.add(raan).add(getMeanAnomaly());
854     }
856     /** {@inheritDoc} */
857     @Override
858     public T getLMDot() {
859         return paDot.add(raanDot).add(getMeanAnomalyDot());
860     }
862     /** Initialize cached anomaly with rate.
863      * @param anomaly input anomaly
864      * @param anomalyDot rate of input anomaly
865      * @param inputType position angle type passed as input
866      * @return anomaly to cache with rate
867      * @since 12.1
868      */
869     private FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> initializeCachedAnomaly(final T anomaly, final T anomalyDot,
870                                                                   final PositionAngleType inputType) {
871         if (cachedPositionAngleType == inputType) {
872             return new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(anomaly, anomalyDot);
874         } else {
875             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> eUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(e, eDot);
876             final FieldUnivariateDerivative1<T> anomalyUD = new FieldUnivariateDerivative1<>(anomaly, anomalyDot);
878             if (a.getReal() < 0) {
879                 switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
880                     case MEAN:
881                         if (inputType == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) {
882                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToMean(eUD, anomalyUD);
883                         } else {
884                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicTrueToMean(eUD, anomalyUD);
885                         }
887                     case ECCENTRIC:
888                         if (inputType == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
889                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToEccentric(eUD, anomalyUD);
890                         } else {
891                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicTrueToEccentric(eUD, anomalyUD);
892                         }
894                     case TRUE:
895                         if (inputType == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
896                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicMeanToTrue(eUD, anomalyUD);
897                         } else {
898                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.hyperbolicEccentricToTrue(eUD, anomalyUD);
899                         }
901                     default:
902                         break;
903                 }
905             } else {
906                 switch (cachedPositionAngleType) {
907                     case MEAN:
908                         if (inputType == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) {
909                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticEccentricToMean(eUD, anomalyUD);
910                         } else {
911                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticTrueToMean(eUD, anomalyUD);
912                         }
914                     case ECCENTRIC:
915                         if (inputType == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
916                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToEccentric(eUD, anomalyUD);
917                         } else {
918                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticTrueToEccentric(eUD, anomalyUD);
919                         }
921                     case TRUE:
922                         if (inputType == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
923                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticMeanToTrue(eUD, anomalyUD);
924                         } else {
925                             return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.ellipticEccentricToTrue(eUD, anomalyUD);
926                         }
928                     default:
929                         break;
930                 }
932             }
933             throw new OrekitInternalError(null);
934         }
936     }
938     /** Initialize cached anomaly.
939      * @param anomaly input anomaly
940      * @param inputType position angle type passed as input
941      * @return anomaly to cache
942      * @since 12.1
943      */
944     private T initializeCachedAnomaly(final T anomaly, final PositionAngleType inputType) {
945         return FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.convertAnomaly(inputType, anomaly, e, cachedPositionAngleType);
946     }
948     /** Compute reference axes.
949      * @return reference axes
950      * @since 12.0
951      */
952     private FieldVector3D<T>[] referenceAxes() {
954         // preliminary variables
955         final FieldSinCos<T> scRaan = FastMath.sinCos(raan);
956         final FieldSinCos<T> scPa   = FastMath.sinCos(pa);
957         final FieldSinCos<T> scI    = FastMath.sinCos(i);
958         final T cosRaan = scRaan.cos();
959         final T sinRaan = scRaan.sin();
960         final T cosPa   = scPa.cos();
961         final T sinPa   = scPa.sin();
962         final T cosI    = scI.cos();
963         final T sinI    = scI.sin();
964         final T crcp    = cosRaan.multiply(cosPa);
965         final T crsp    = cosRaan.multiply(sinPa);
966         final T srcp    = sinRaan.multiply(cosPa);
967         final T srsp    = sinRaan.multiply(sinPa);
969         // reference axes defining the orbital plane
970         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
971         final FieldVector3D<T>[] axes = (FieldVector3D<T>[]) Array.newInstance(FieldVector3D.class, 2);
972         axes[0] = new FieldVector3D<>(crcp.subtract(cosI.multiply(srsp)),  srcp.add(cosI.multiply(crsp)), sinI.multiply(sinPa));
973         axes[1] = new FieldVector3D<>(crsp.add(cosI.multiply(srcp)).negate(), cosI.multiply(crcp).subtract(srsp), sinI.multiply(cosPa));
975         return axes;
977     }
979     /** Compute position and velocity but not acceleration.
980      */
981     private void computePVWithoutA() {
983         if (partialPV != null) {
984             // already computed
985             return;
986         }
988         final FieldVector3D<T>[] axes = referenceAxes();
990         if (isElliptical()) {
992             // elliptical case
994             // elliptic eccentric anomaly
995             final T uME2             = e.negate().add(1).multiply(e.add(1));
996             final T s1Me2            = uME2.sqrt();
997             final FieldSinCos<T> scE = FastMath.sinCos(getEccentricAnomaly());
998             final T cosE             = scE.cos();
999             final T sinE             = scE.sin();
1001             // coordinates of position and velocity in the orbital plane
1002             final T x      = a.multiply(cosE.subtract(e));
1003             final T y      = a.multiply(sinE).multiply(s1Me2);
1004             final T factor = FastMath.sqrt(getMu().divide(a)).divide(e.negate().multiply(cosE).add(1));
1005             final T xDot   = sinE.negate().multiply(factor);
1006             final T yDot   = cosE.multiply(s1Me2).multiply(factor);
1008             final FieldVector3D<T> position = new FieldVector3D<>(x, axes[0], y, axes[1]);
1009             final FieldVector3D<T> velocity = new FieldVector3D<>(xDot, axes[0], yDot, axes[1]);
1010             partialPV = new FieldPVCoordinates<>(position, velocity);
1012         } else {
1014             // hyperbolic case
1016             // compute position and velocity factors
1017             final FieldSinCos<T> scV = FastMath.sinCos(getTrueAnomaly());
1018             final T sinV             = scV.sin();
1019             final T cosV             = scV.cos();
1020             final T f                = a.multiply(e.square().negate().add(1));
1021             final T posFactor        = f.divide(e.multiply(cosV).add(1));
1022             final T velFactor        = FastMath.sqrt(getMu().divide(f));
1024             final FieldVector3D<T> position     = new FieldVector3D<>(posFactor.multiply(cosV), axes[0], posFactor.multiply(sinV), axes[1]);
1025             final FieldVector3D<T> velocity     = new FieldVector3D<>(velFactor.multiply(sinV).negate(), axes[0], velFactor.multiply(e.add(cosV)), axes[1]);
1026             partialPV = new FieldPVCoordinates<>(position, velocity);
1028         }
1030     }
1032     /** Compute non-Keplerian part of the acceleration from first time derivatives.
1033      * @return non-Keplerian part of the acceleration
1034      */
1035     private FieldVector3D<T> nonKeplerianAcceleration() {
1037         final T[][] dCdP = MathArrays.buildArray(a.getField(), 6, 6);
1038         getJacobianWrtParameters(PositionAngleType.MEAN, dCdP);
1040         final T nonKeplerianMeanMotion = getMeanAnomalyDot().subtract(getKeplerianMeanMotion());
1041         final T nonKeplerianAx =     dCdP[3][0].multiply(aDot).
1042                                  add(dCdP[3][1].multiply(eDot)).
1043                                  add(dCdP[3][2].multiply(iDot)).
1044                                  add(dCdP[3][3].multiply(paDot)).
1045                                  add(dCdP[3][4].multiply(raanDot)).
1046                                  add(dCdP[3][5].multiply(nonKeplerianMeanMotion));
1047         final T nonKeplerianAy =     dCdP[4][0].multiply(aDot).
1048                                  add(dCdP[4][1].multiply(eDot)).
1049                                  add(dCdP[4][2].multiply(iDot)).
1050                                  add(dCdP[4][3].multiply(paDot)).
1051                                  add(dCdP[4][4].multiply(raanDot)).
1052                                  add(dCdP[4][5].multiply(nonKeplerianMeanMotion));
1053         final T nonKeplerianAz =     dCdP[5][0].multiply(aDot).
1054                                  add(dCdP[5][1].multiply(eDot)).
1055                                  add(dCdP[5][2].multiply(iDot)).
1056                                  add(dCdP[5][3].multiply(paDot)).
1057                                  add(dCdP[5][4].multiply(raanDot)).
1058                                  add(dCdP[5][5].multiply(nonKeplerianMeanMotion));
1060         return new FieldVector3D<>(nonKeplerianAx, nonKeplerianAy, nonKeplerianAz);
1062     }
1064     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1065     @Override
1066     protected FieldVector3D<T> initPosition() {
1067         final FieldVector3D<T>[] axes = referenceAxes();
1069         if (isElliptical()) {
1071             // elliptical case
1073             // elliptic eccentric anomaly
1074             final T uME2             = e.negate().add(1).multiply(e.add(1));
1075             final T s1Me2            = uME2.sqrt();
1076             final FieldSinCos<T> scE = FastMath.sinCos(getEccentricAnomaly());
1077             final T cosE             = scE.cos();
1078             final T sinE             = scE.sin();
1080             return new FieldVector3D<>(a.multiply(cosE.subtract(e)), axes[0], a.multiply(sinE).multiply(s1Me2), axes[1]);
1082         } else {
1084             // hyperbolic case
1086             // compute position and velocity factors
1087             final FieldSinCos<T> scV = FastMath.sinCos(getTrueAnomaly());
1088             final T sinV             = scV.sin();
1089             final T cosV             = scV.cos();
1090             final T f                = a.multiply(e.square().negate().add(1));
1091             final T posFactor        = f.divide(e.multiply(cosV).add(1));
1093             return new FieldVector3D<>(posFactor.multiply(cosV), axes[0], posFactor.multiply(sinV), axes[1]);
1095         }
1097     }
1099     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1100     @Override
1101     protected TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<T> initPVCoordinates() {
1103         // position and velocity
1104         computePVWithoutA();
1106         // acceleration
1107         final T r2 = partialPV.getPosition().getNormSq();
1108         final FieldVector3D<T> keplerianAcceleration = new FieldVector3D<>(r2.multiply(FastMath.sqrt(r2)).reciprocal().multiply(getMu().negate()),
1109                                                                            partialPV.getPosition());
1110         final FieldVector3D<T> acceleration = hasNonKeplerianRates() ?
1111                                               keplerianAcceleration.add(nonKeplerianAcceleration()) :
1112                                               keplerianAcceleration;
1114         return new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(getDate(), partialPV.getPosition(), partialPV.getVelocity(), acceleration);
1116     }
1118     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1119     @Override
1120     public FieldKeplerianOrbit<T> withFrame(final Frame inertialFrame) {
1121         if (hasNonKeplerianAcceleration()) {
1122             return new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(getPVCoordinates(inertialFrame), inertialFrame, getMu());
1123         } else {
1124             final FieldKinematicTransform<T> transform = getFrame().getKinematicTransformTo(inertialFrame, getDate());
1125             return new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(transform.transformOnlyPV(getPVCoordinates()), inertialFrame, getDate(), getMu());
1126         }
1127     }
1129     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1130     @Override
1131     public FieldKeplerianOrbit<T> shiftedBy(final double dt) {
1132         return shiftedBy(getZero().newInstance(dt));
1133     }
1135     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1136     @Override
1137     public FieldKeplerianOrbit<T> shiftedBy(final T dt) {
1139         // use Keplerian-only motion
1140         final FieldKeplerianOrbit<T> keplerianShifted = new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(a, e, i, pa, raan,
1141                                                                                   getKeplerianMeanMotion().multiply(dt).add(getMeanAnomaly()),
1142                                                                                   PositionAngleType.MEAN, cachedPositionAngleType, getFrame(), getDate().shiftedBy(dt), getMu());
1144         if (hasNonKeplerianRates()) {
1146             // extract non-Keplerian acceleration from first time derivatives
1147             final FieldVector3D<T> nonKeplerianAcceleration = nonKeplerianAcceleration();
1149             // add quadratic effect of non-Keplerian acceleration to Keplerian-only shift
1150             keplerianShifted.computePVWithoutA();
1151             final FieldVector3D<T> fixedP   = new FieldVector3D<>(getOne(), keplerianShifted.partialPV.getPosition(),
1152                                                                   dt.square().multiply(0.5), nonKeplerianAcceleration);
1153             final T   fixedR2 = fixedP.getNormSq();
1154             final T   fixedR  = fixedR2.sqrt();
1155             final FieldVector3D<T> fixedV  = new FieldVector3D<>(getOne(), keplerianShifted.partialPV.getVelocity(),
1156                                                                  dt, nonKeplerianAcceleration);
1157             final FieldVector3D<T> fixedA  = new FieldVector3D<>(fixedR2.multiply(fixedR).reciprocal().multiply(getMu().negate()),
1158                                                                  keplerianShifted.partialPV.getPosition(),
1159                                                                  getOne(), nonKeplerianAcceleration);
1161             // build a new orbit, taking non-Keplerian acceleration into account
1162             return new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(keplerianShifted.getDate(),
1163                                                                                  fixedP, fixedV, fixedA),
1164                                              keplerianShifted.getFrame(), keplerianShifted.getMu());
1166         } else {
1167             // Keplerian-only motion is all we can do
1168             return keplerianShifted;
1169         }
1171     }
1173     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1174     @Override
1175     protected T[][] computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian() {
1176         if (isElliptical()) {
1177             return computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesianElliptical();
1178         } else {
1179             return computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesianHyperbolic();
1180         }
1181     }
1183     /** Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with respect to the Cartesian parameters.
1184      * <p>
1185      * Element {@code jacobian[i][j]} is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with
1186      * respect to Cartesian coordinate j (x for j=0, y for j=1, z for j=2, xDot for j=3,
1187      * yDot for j=4, zDot for j=5).
1188      * </p>
1189      * @return 6x6 Jacobian matrix
1190      */
1191     private T[][] computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesianElliptical() {
1193         final T[][] jacobian = MathArrays.buildArray(getA().getField(), 6, 6);
1195         // compute various intermediate parameters
1196         computePVWithoutA();
1197         final FieldVector3D<T> position = partialPV.getPosition();
1198         final FieldVector3D<T> velocity = partialPV.getVelocity();
1199         final FieldVector3D<T> momentum = partialPV.getMomentum();
1200         final T v2         = velocity.getNormSq();
1201         final T r2         = position.getNormSq();
1202         final T r          = r2.sqrt();
1203         final T r3         = r.multiply(r2);
1205         final T px         = position.getX();
1206         final T py         = position.getY();
1207         final T pz         = position.getZ();
1208         final T vx         = velocity.getX();
1209         final T vy         = velocity.getY();
1210         final T vz         = velocity.getZ();
1211         final T mx         = momentum.getX();
1212         final T my         = momentum.getY();
1213         final T mz         = momentum.getZ();
1215         final T mu         = getMu();
1216         final T sqrtMuA    = FastMath.sqrt(a.multiply(mu));
1217         final T sqrtAoMu   = FastMath.sqrt(a.divide(mu));
1218         final T a2         = a.square();
1219         final T twoA       = a.multiply(2);
1220         final T rOnA       = r.divide(a);
1222         final T oMe2       = e.square().negate().add(1);
1223         final T epsilon    = oMe2.sqrt();
1224         final T sqrtRec    = epsilon.reciprocal();
1226         final FieldSinCos<T> scI  = FastMath.sinCos(i);
1227         final FieldSinCos<T> scPA = FastMath.sinCos(pa);
1228         final T cosI       = scI.cos();
1229         final T sinI       = scI.sin();
1230         final T cosPA      = scPA.cos();
1231         final T sinPA      = scPA.sin();
1233         final T pv         = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(position, velocity);
1234         final T cosE       = a.subtract(r).divide(a.multiply(e));
1235         final T sinE       = pv.divide(e.multiply(sqrtMuA));
1237         // da
1238         final FieldVector3D<T> vectorAR = new FieldVector3D<>(a2.multiply(2).divide(r3), position);
1239         final FieldVector3D<T> vectorARDot = velocity.scalarMultiply(a2.multiply(mu.divide(2.).reciprocal()));
1240         fillHalfRow(getOne(), vectorAR,    jacobian[0], 0);
1241         fillHalfRow(getOne(), vectorARDot, jacobian[0], 3);
1243         // de
1244         final T factorER3 = pv.divide(twoA);
1245         final FieldVector3D<T> vectorER   = new FieldVector3D<>(cosE.multiply(v2).divide(r.multiply(mu)), position,
1246                                                                 sinE.divide(sqrtMuA), velocity,
1247                                                                 factorER3.negate().multiply(sinE).divide(sqrtMuA), vectorAR);
1248         final FieldVector3D<T> vectorERDot = new FieldVector3D<>(sinE.divide(sqrtMuA), position,
1249                                                                  cosE.multiply(mu.divide(2.).reciprocal()).multiply(r), velocity,
1250                                                                  factorER3.negate().multiply(sinE).divide(sqrtMuA), vectorARDot);
1251         fillHalfRow(getOne(), vectorER,    jacobian[1], 0);
1252         fillHalfRow(getOne(), vectorERDot, jacobian[1], 3);
1254         // dE / dr (Eccentric anomaly)
1255         final T coefE = cosE.divide(e.multiply(sqrtMuA));
1256         final FieldVector3D<T>  vectorEAnR =
1257             new FieldVector3D<>(sinE.negate().multiply(v2).divide(e.multiply(r).multiply(mu)), position, coefE, velocity,
1258                                 factorER3.negate().multiply(coefE), vectorAR);
1260         // dE / drDot
1261         final FieldVector3D<T>  vectorEAnRDot =
1262             new FieldVector3D<>(sinE.multiply(-2).multiply(r).divide(e.multiply(mu)), velocity, coefE, position,
1263                                 factorER3.negate().multiply(coefE), vectorARDot);
1265         // precomputing some more factors
1266         final T s1 = sinE.negate().multiply(pz).divide(r).subtract(cosE.multiply(vz).multiply(sqrtAoMu));
1267         final T s2 = cosE.negate().multiply(pz).divide(r3);
1268         final T s3 = sinE.multiply(vz).divide(sqrtMuA.multiply(-2));
1269         final T t1 = sqrtRec.multiply(cosE.multiply(pz).divide(r).subtract(sinE.multiply(vz).multiply(sqrtAoMu)));
1270         final T t2 = sqrtRec.multiply(sinE.negate().multiply(pz).divide(r3));
1271         final T t3 = sqrtRec.multiply(cosE.subtract(e)).multiply(vz).divide(sqrtMuA.multiply(2));
1272         final T t4 = sqrtRec.multiply(e.multiply(sinI).multiply(cosPA).multiply(sqrtRec).subtract(vz.multiply(sqrtAoMu)));
1273         final FieldVector3D<T> s = new FieldVector3D<>(cosE.divide(r), this.PLUS_K,
1274                                                        s1,       vectorEAnR,
1275                                                        s2,       position,
1276                                                        s3,       vectorAR);
1277         final FieldVector3D<T> sDot = new FieldVector3D<>(sinE.negate().multiply(sqrtAoMu), this.PLUS_K,
1278                                                           s1,               vectorEAnRDot,
1279                                                           s3,               vectorARDot);
1280         final FieldVector3D<T> t =
1281             new FieldVector3D<>(sqrtRec.multiply(sinE).divide(r), this.PLUS_K).add(new FieldVector3D<>(t1, vectorEAnR,
1282                                                                                                        t2, position,
1283                                                                                                        t3, vectorAR,
1284                                                                                                        t4, vectorER));
1285         final FieldVector3D<T> tDot = new FieldVector3D<>(sqrtRec.multiply(cosE.subtract(e)).multiply(sqrtAoMu), this.PLUS_K,
1286                                                           t1,                                                    vectorEAnRDot,
1287                                                           t3,                                                    vectorARDot,
1288                                                           t4,                                                    vectorERDot);
1290         // di
1291         final T factorI1 = sinI.negate().multiply(sqrtRec).divide(sqrtMuA);
1292         final T i1 =  factorI1;
1293         final T i2 =  factorI1.negate().multiply(mz).divide(twoA);
1294         final T i3 =  factorI1.multiply(mz).multiply(e).divide(oMe2);
1295         final T i4 = cosI.multiply(sinPA);
1296         final T i5 = cosI.multiply(cosPA);
1297         fillHalfRow(i1, new FieldVector3D<>(vy, vx.negate(), getZero()), i2, vectorAR, i3, vectorER, i4, s, i5, t,
1298                     jacobian[2], 0);
1299         fillHalfRow(i1, new FieldVector3D<>(py.negate(), px, getZero()), i2, vectorARDot, i3, vectorERDot, i4, sDot, i5, tDot,
1300                     jacobian[2], 3);
1302         // dpa
1303         fillHalfRow(cosPA.divide(sinI), s,    sinPA.negate().divide(sinI), t,    jacobian[3], 0);
1304         fillHalfRow(cosPA.divide(sinI), sDot, sinPA.negate().divide(sinI), tDot, jacobian[3], 3);
1306         // dRaan
1307         final T factorRaanR = (a.multiply(mu).multiply(oMe2).multiply(sinI).multiply(sinI)).reciprocal();
1308         fillHalfRow( factorRaanR.negate().multiply(my), new FieldVector3D<>(getZero(), vz, vy.negate()),
1309                      factorRaanR.multiply(mx), new FieldVector3D<>(vz.negate(), getZero(),  vx),
1310                      jacobian[4], 0);
1311         fillHalfRow(factorRaanR.negate().multiply(my), new FieldVector3D<>(getZero(), pz.negate(),  py),
1312                      factorRaanR.multiply(mx), new FieldVector3D<>(pz, getZero(), px.negate()),
1313                      jacobian[4], 3);
1315         // dM
1316         fillHalfRow(rOnA, vectorEAnR,    sinE.negate(), vectorER,    jacobian[5], 0);
1317         fillHalfRow(rOnA, vectorEAnRDot, sinE.negate(), vectorERDot, jacobian[5], 3);
1319         return jacobian;
1321     }
1323     /** Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with respect to the Cartesian parameters.
1324      * <p>
1325      * Element {@code jacobian[i][j]} is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with
1326      * respect to Cartesian coordinate j (x for j=0, y for j=1, z for j=2, xDot for j=3,
1327      * yDot for j=4, zDot for j=5).
1328      * </p>
1329      * @return 6x6 Jacobian matrix
1330      */
1331     private T[][] computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesianHyperbolic() {
1333         final T[][] jacobian = MathArrays.buildArray(getA().getField(), 6, 6);
1335         // compute various intermediate parameters
1336         computePVWithoutA();
1337         final FieldVector3D<T> position = partialPV.getPosition();
1338         final FieldVector3D<T> velocity = partialPV.getVelocity();
1339         final FieldVector3D<T> momentum = partialPV.getMomentum();
1340         final T r2         = position.getNormSq();
1341         final T r          = r2.sqrt();
1342         final T r3         = r.multiply(r2);
1344         final T x          = position.getX();
1345         final T y          = position.getY();
1346         final T z          = position.getZ();
1347         final T vx         = velocity.getX();
1348         final T vy         = velocity.getY();
1349         final T vz         = velocity.getZ();
1350         final T mx         = momentum.getX();
1351         final T my         = momentum.getY();
1352         final T mz         = momentum.getZ();
1354         final T mu         = getMu();
1355         final T absA       = a.negate();
1356         final T sqrtMuA    = absA.multiply(mu).sqrt();
1357         final T a2         = a.square();
1358         final T rOa        = r.divide(absA);
1360         final FieldSinCos<T> scI = FastMath.sinCos(i);
1361         final T cosI       = scI.cos();
1362         final T sinI       = scI.sin();
1364         final T pv         = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(position, velocity);
1366         // da
1367         final FieldVector3D<T> vectorAR = new FieldVector3D<>(a2.multiply(-2).divide(r3), position);
1368         final FieldVector3D<T> vectorARDot = velocity.scalarMultiply(a2.multiply(-2).divide(mu));
1369         fillHalfRow(getOne().negate(), vectorAR,    jacobian[0], 0);
1370         fillHalfRow(getOne().negate(), vectorARDot, jacobian[0], 3);
1372         // differentials of the momentum
1373         final T m      = momentum.getNorm();
1374         final T oOm    = m.reciprocal();
1375         final FieldVector3D<T> dcXP = new FieldVector3D<>(getZero(), vz, vy.negate());
1376         final FieldVector3D<T> dcYP = new FieldVector3D<>(vz.negate(),   getZero(),  vx);
1377         final FieldVector3D<T> dcZP = new FieldVector3D<>( vy, vx.negate(),   getZero());
1378         final FieldVector3D<T> dcXV = new FieldVector3D<>(  getZero(),  z.negate(),   y);
1379         final FieldVector3D<T> dcYV = new FieldVector3D<>(  z,   getZero(),  x.negate());
1380         final FieldVector3D<T> dcZV = new FieldVector3D<>( y.negate(),   x,   getZero());
1381         final FieldVector3D<T> dCP  = new FieldVector3D<>(mx.multiply(oOm), dcXP, my.multiply(oOm), dcYP, mz.multiply(oOm), dcZP);
1382         final FieldVector3D<T> dCV  = new FieldVector3D<>(mx.multiply(oOm), dcXV, my.multiply(oOm), dcYV, mz.multiply(oOm), dcZV);
1384         // dp
1385         final T mOMu   = m.divide(mu);
1386         final FieldVector3D<T> dpP  = new FieldVector3D<>(mOMu.multiply(2), dCP);
1387         final FieldVector3D<T> dpV  = new FieldVector3D<>(mOMu.multiply(2), dCV);
1389         // de
1390         final T p      = m.multiply(mOMu);
1391         final T moO2ae = absA.multiply(2).multiply(e).reciprocal();
1392         final T m2OaMu = p.negate().divide(absA);
1393         fillHalfRow(moO2ae, dpP, m2OaMu.multiply(moO2ae), vectorAR,    jacobian[1], 0);
1394         fillHalfRow(moO2ae, dpV, m2OaMu.multiply(moO2ae), vectorARDot, jacobian[1], 3);
1396         // di
1397         final T cI1 = m.multiply(sinI).reciprocal();
1398         final T cI2 = cosI.multiply(cI1);
1399         fillHalfRow(cI2, dCP, cI1.negate(), dcZP, jacobian[2], 0);
1400         fillHalfRow(cI2, dCV, cI1.negate(), dcZV, jacobian[2], 3);
1403         // dPA
1404         final T cP1     =  y.multiply(oOm);
1405         final T cP2     =  x.negate().multiply(oOm);
1406         final T cP3     =  mx.multiply(cP1).add(my.multiply(cP2)).negate();
1407         final T cP4     =  cP3.multiply(oOm);
1408         final T cP5     =  r2.multiply(sinI).multiply(sinI).negate().reciprocal();
1409         final T cP6     = z.multiply(cP5);
1410         final T cP7     = cP3.multiply(cP5);
1411         final FieldVector3D<T> dacP  = new FieldVector3D<>(cP1, dcXP, cP2, dcYP, cP4, dCP, oOm, new FieldVector3D<>(my.negate(), mx, getZero()));
1412         final FieldVector3D<T> dacV  = new FieldVector3D<>(cP1, dcXV, cP2, dcYV, cP4, dCV);
1413         final FieldVector3D<T> dpoP  = new FieldVector3D<>(cP6, dacP, cP7, this.PLUS_K);
1414         final FieldVector3D<T> dpoV  = new FieldVector3D<>(cP6, dacV);
1416         final T re2     = r2.multiply(e.square());
1417         final T recOre2 = p.subtract(r).divide(re2);
1418         final T resOre2 = pv.multiply(mOMu).divide(re2);
1419         final FieldVector3D<T> dreP  = new FieldVector3D<>(mOMu, velocity, pv.divide(mu), dCP);
1420         final FieldVector3D<T> dreV  = new FieldVector3D<>(mOMu, position, pv.divide(mu), dCV);
1421         final FieldVector3D<T> davP  = new FieldVector3D<>(resOre2.negate(), dpP, recOre2, dreP, resOre2.divide(r), position);
1422         final FieldVector3D<T> davV  = new FieldVector3D<>(resOre2.negate(), dpV, recOre2, dreV);
1423         fillHalfRow(getOne(), dpoP, getOne().negate(), davP, jacobian[3], 0);
1424         fillHalfRow(getOne(), dpoV, getOne().negate(), davV, jacobian[3], 3);
1426         // dRAAN
1427         final T cO0 = cI1.square();
1428         final T cO1 =  mx.multiply(cO0);
1429         final T cO2 =  my.negate().multiply(cO0);
1430         fillHalfRow(cO1, dcYP, cO2, dcXP, jacobian[4], 0);
1431         fillHalfRow(cO1, dcYV, cO2, dcXV, jacobian[4], 3);
1433         // dM
1434         final T s2a    = pv.divide(absA.multiply(2));
1435         final T oObux  = m.square().add(absA.multiply(mu)).sqrt().reciprocal();
1436         final T scasbu = pv.multiply(oObux);
1437         final FieldVector3D<T> dauP = new FieldVector3D<>(sqrtMuA.reciprocal(), velocity, s2a.negate().divide(sqrtMuA), vectorAR);
1438         final FieldVector3D<T> dauV = new FieldVector3D<>(sqrtMuA.reciprocal(), position, s2a.negate().divide(sqrtMuA), vectorARDot);
1439         final FieldVector3D<T> dbuP = new FieldVector3D<>(oObux.multiply(mu.divide(2.)), vectorAR,    m.multiply(oObux), dCP);
1440         final FieldVector3D<T> dbuV = new FieldVector3D<>(oObux.multiply(mu.divide(2.)), vectorARDot, m.multiply(oObux), dCV);
1441         final FieldVector3D<T> dcuP = new FieldVector3D<>(oObux, velocity, scasbu.negate().multiply(oObux), dbuP);
1442         final FieldVector3D<T> dcuV = new FieldVector3D<>(oObux, position, scasbu.negate().multiply(oObux), dbuV);
1443         fillHalfRow(getOne(), dauP, e.negate().divide(rOa.add(1)), dcuP, jacobian[5], 0);
1444         fillHalfRow(getOne(), dauV, e.negate().divide(rOa.add(1)), dcuV, jacobian[5], 3);
1446         return jacobian;
1448     }
1450     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1451     @Override
1452     protected T[][] computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian() {
1453         if (isElliptical()) {
1454             return computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesianElliptical();
1455         } else {
1456             return computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesianHyperbolic();
1457         }
1458     }
1460     /** Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with respect to the Cartesian parameters.
1461      * <p>
1462      * Element {@code jacobian[i][j]} is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with
1463      * respect to Cartesian coordinate j (x for j=0, y for j=1, z for j=2, xDot for j=3,
1464      * yDot for j=4, zDot for j=5).
1465      * </p>
1466      * @return 6x6 Jacobian matrix
1467      */
1468     private T[][] computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesianElliptical() {
1470         // start by computing the Jacobian with mean angle
1471         final T[][] jacobian = computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesianElliptical();
1473         // Differentiating the Kepler equation M = E - e sin E leads to:
1474         // dM = (1 - e cos E) dE - sin E de
1475         // which is inverted and rewritten as:
1476         // dE = a/r dM + sin E a/r de
1477         final FieldSinCos<T> scE = FastMath.sinCos(getEccentricAnomaly());
1478         final T aOr              = e.negate().multiply(scE.cos()).add(1).reciprocal();
1480         // update anomaly row
1481         final T[] eRow           = jacobian[1];
1482         final T[] anomalyRow     = jacobian[5];
1483         for (int j = 0; j < anomalyRow.length; ++j) {
1484             anomalyRow[j] = aOr.multiply(anomalyRow[j].add(scE.sin().multiply(eRow[j])));
1485         }
1487         return jacobian;
1489     }
1491     /** Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with respect to the Cartesian parameters.
1492      * <p>
1493      * Element {@code jacobian[i][j]} is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with
1494      * respect to Cartesian coordinate j (x for j=0, y for j=1, z for j=2, xDot for j=3,
1495      * yDot for j=4, zDot for j=5).
1496      * </p>
1497      * @return 6x6 Jacobian matrix
1498      */
1499     private T[][] computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesianHyperbolic() {
1501         // start by computing the Jacobian with mean angle
1502         final T[][] jacobian = computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesianHyperbolic();
1504         // Differentiating the Kepler equation M = e sinh H - H leads to:
1505         // dM = (e cosh H - 1) dH + sinh H de
1506         // which is inverted and rewritten as:
1507         // dH = 1 / (e cosh H - 1) dM - sinh H / (e cosh H - 1) de
1508         final T H      = getEccentricAnomaly();
1509         final T coshH  = H.cosh();
1510         final T sinhH  = H.sinh();
1511         final T absaOr = e.multiply(coshH).subtract(1).reciprocal();
1512         // update anomaly row
1513         final T[] eRow       = jacobian[1];
1514         final T[] anomalyRow = jacobian[5];
1516         for (int j = 0; j < anomalyRow.length; ++j) {
1517             anomalyRow[j] = absaOr.multiply(anomalyRow[j].subtract(sinhH.multiply(eRow[j])));
1519         }
1521         return jacobian;
1523     }
1525     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1526     @Override
1527     protected T[][] computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian() {
1528         if (isElliptical()) {
1529             return computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesianElliptical();
1530         } else {
1531             return computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesianHyperbolic();
1532         }
1533     }
1535     /** Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with respect to the Cartesian parameters.
1536      * <p>
1537      * Element {@code jacobian[i][j]} is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with
1538      * respect to Cartesian coordinate j (x for j=0, y for j=1, z for j=2, xDot for j=3,
1539      * yDot for j=4, zDot for j=5).
1540      * </p>
1541      * @return 6x6 Jacobian matrix
1542      */
1543     private T[][] computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesianElliptical() {
1545         // start by computing the Jacobian with eccentric angle
1546         final T[][] jacobian = computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesianElliptical();
1547         // Differentiating the eccentric anomaly equation sin E = sqrt(1-e^2) sin v / (1 + e cos v)
1548         // and using cos E = (e + cos v) / (1 + e cos v) to get rid of cos E leads to:
1549         // dE = [sqrt (1 - e^2) / (1 + e cos v)] dv - [sin E / (1 - e^2)] de
1550         // which is inverted and rewritten as:
1551         // dv = sqrt (1 - e^2) a/r dE + [sin E / sqrt (1 - e^2)] a/r de
1552         final T e2               = e.square();
1553         final T oMe2             = e2.negate().add(1);
1554         final T epsilon          = oMe2.sqrt();
1555         final FieldSinCos<T> scE = FastMath.sinCos(getEccentricAnomaly());
1556         final T aOr              = e.multiply(scE.cos()).negate().add(1).reciprocal();
1557         final T aFactor          = epsilon.multiply(aOr);
1558         final T eFactor          = scE.sin().multiply(aOr).divide(epsilon);
1560         // update anomaly row
1561         final T[] eRow           = jacobian[1];
1562         final T[] anomalyRow     = jacobian[5];
1563         for (int j = 0; j < anomalyRow.length; ++j) {
1564             anomalyRow[j] = aFactor.multiply(anomalyRow[j]).add(eFactor.multiply(eRow[j]));
1565         }
1566         return jacobian;
1568     }
1570     /** Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with respect to the Cartesian parameters.
1571      * <p>
1572      * Element {@code jacobian[i][j]} is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with
1573      * respect to Cartesian coordinate j (x for j=0, y for j=1, z for j=2, xDot for j=3,
1574      * yDot for j=4, zDot for j=5).
1575      * </p>
1576      * @return 6x6 Jacobian matrix
1577      */
1578     private T[][] computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesianHyperbolic() {
1580         // start by computing the Jacobian with eccentric angle
1581         final T[][] jacobian = computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesianHyperbolic();
1583         // Differentiating the eccentric anomaly equation sinh H = sqrt(e^2-1) sin v / (1 + e cos v)
1584         // and using cosh H = (e + cos v) / (1 + e cos v) to get rid of cosh H leads to:
1585         // dH = [sqrt (e^2 - 1) / (1 + e cos v)] dv + [sinh H / (e^2 - 1)] de
1586         // which is inverted and rewritten as:
1587         // dv = sqrt (1 - e^2) a/r dH - [sinh H / sqrt (e^2 - 1)] a/r de
1588         final T e2       = e.square();
1589         final T e2Mo     = e2.subtract(1);
1590         final T epsilon  = e2Mo.sqrt();
1591         final T H        = getEccentricAnomaly();
1592         final T coshH    = H.cosh();
1593         final T sinhH    = H.sinh();
1594         final T aOr      = e.multiply(coshH).subtract(1).reciprocal();
1595         final T aFactor  = epsilon.multiply(aOr);
1596         final T eFactor  = sinhH.multiply(aOr).divide(epsilon);
1598         // update anomaly row
1599         final T[] eRow           = jacobian[1];
1600         final T[] anomalyRow     = jacobian[5];
1601         for (int j = 0; j < anomalyRow.length; ++j) {
1602             anomalyRow[j] = aFactor.multiply(anomalyRow[j]).subtract(eFactor.multiply(eRow[j]));
1603         }
1605         return jacobian;
1607     }
1609     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1610     @Override
1611     public void addKeplerContribution(final PositionAngleType type, final T gm,
1612                                       final T[] pDot) {
1613         pDot[5] = pDot[5].add(computeKeplerianAnomalyDot(type, a, e, gm, cachedAnomaly, cachedPositionAngleType));
1614     }
1616     /**
1617      * Compute rate of argument of latitude.
1618      * @param type position angle type of rate
1619      * @param a semi major axis
1620      * @param e eccentricity
1621      * @param mu mu
1622      * @param anomaly anomaly
1623      * @param cachedType position angle type of passed anomaly
1624      * @param <T> field type
1625      * @return first-order time derivative for anomaly
1626      * @since 12.2
1627      */
1628     private static <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T computeKeplerianAnomalyDot(final PositionAngleType type, final T a, final T e,
1629                                                                                     final T mu, final T anomaly, final PositionAngleType cachedType) {
1630         final T absA = a.abs();
1631         final T n    = absA.reciprocal().multiply(mu).sqrt().divide(absA);
1632         if (type == PositionAngleType.MEAN) {
1633             return n;
1634         }
1635         final T ksi;
1636         final T oMe2;
1637         final T trueAnomaly = FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility.convertAnomaly(cachedType, anomaly, e, PositionAngleType.TRUE);
1638         if (type == PositionAngleType.ECCENTRIC) {
1639             oMe2 = e.square().negate().add(1).abs();
1640             ksi = e.multiply(trueAnomaly.cos()).add(1);
1641             return n.multiply(ksi).divide(oMe2);
1642         } else {
1643             oMe2 = e.square().negate().add(1).abs();
1644             ksi  = e.multiply(trueAnomaly.cos()).add(1);
1645             return n.multiply(ksi).multiply(ksi).divide(oMe2.multiply(oMe2.sqrt()));
1646         }
1647     }
1649     /**  Returns a string representation of this Keplerian parameters object.
1650      * @return a string representation of this object
1651      */
1652     public String toString() {
1653         return new StringBuilder().append("Keplerian parameters: ").append('{').
1654                                   append("a: ").append(a.getReal()).
1655                                   append("; e: ").append(e.getReal()).
1656                                   append("; i: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(i.getReal())).
1657                                   append("; pa: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(pa.getReal())).
1658                                   append("; raan: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(raan.getReal())).
1659                                   append("; v: ").append(FastMath.toDegrees(getTrueAnomaly().getReal())).
1660                                   append(";}").toString();
1661     }
1663     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1664     @Override
1665     public PositionAngleType getCachedPositionAngleType() {
1666         return cachedPositionAngleType;
1667     }
1669     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1670     @Override
1671     public boolean hasNonKeplerianRates() {
1672         return hasNonKeplerianAcceleration();
1673     }
1675     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1676     @Override
1677     public FieldKeplerianOrbit<T> withKeplerianRates() {
1678         return new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(getA(), getE(), getI(), getPerigeeArgument(), getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode(),
1679                 cachedAnomaly, cachedPositionAngleType, getFrame(), getDate(), getMu());
1680     }
1682     /** Check if the given parameter is within an acceptable range.
1683      * The bounds are inclusive: an exception is raised when either of those conditions are met:
1684      * <ul>
1685      *     <li>The parameter is strictly greater than upperBound</li>
1686      *     <li>The parameter is strictly lower than lowerBound</li>
1687      * </ul>
1688      * <p>
1689      * In either of these cases, an OrekitException is raised.
1690      * </p>
1691      * @param parameterName name of the parameter
1692      * @param parameter value of the parameter
1693      * @param lowerBound lower bound of the acceptable range (inclusive)
1694      * @param upperBound upper bound of the acceptable range (inclusive)
1695      */
1696     private void checkParameterRangeInclusive(final String parameterName, final double parameter,
1697                                               final double lowerBound, final double upperBound) {
1698         if (parameter < lowerBound || parameter > upperBound) {
1699             throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.INVALID_PARAMETER_RANGE, parameterName,
1700                                       parameter, lowerBound, upperBound);
1701         }
1702     }
1704     /** {@inheritDoc} */
1705     @Override
1706     public KeplerianOrbit toOrbit() {
1707         final double cachedPositionAngle = cachedAnomaly.getReal();
1708         return new KeplerianOrbit(a.getReal(), e.getReal(), i.getReal(),
1709                                   pa.getReal(), raan.getReal(), cachedPositionAngle,
1710                                   aDot.getReal(), eDot.getReal(), iDot.getReal(),
1711                                   paDot.getReal(), raanDot.getReal(),
1712                                   cachedAnomalyDot.getReal(),
1713                                   cachedPositionAngleType, cachedPositionAngleType,
1714                                   getFrame(), getDate().toAbsoluteDate(), getMu().getReal());
1715     }
1718 }