Class STKEphemerisFileParser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class STKEphemerisFileParser
    extends Object
    implements EphemerisFileParser<STKEphemerisFile>
    Parser of STKEphemerisFiles.

    The STK ephemeris file format specification is quite extensive and this implementation does not attempt (nor is it possible, given the lack of an STK scenario to provide context) to support all possible variations of the format. The following keywords are recognized (case-insensitive):

    Recognized Keywords
    Keyword Supported Comment
    stk.v.*.* Yes STK version number
    BEGIN/END Ephemeris Yes
    ScenarioEpoch Yes Gregorian UTC time format (dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss.s) assumed; the TimeFormat keyword is not recognized.
    CentralBody No Class constructors require gravitational parameter.
    CoordinateSystem Yes Implementation uses a frame mapping to map STKEphemerisFile.STKCoordinateSystems to Frames.
    DistanceUnit Yes Only Meters and Kilometers are supported.
    InterpolationMethod No The Orekit EphemerisSegmentPropagator class uses AbstractTimeInterpolator.interpolate(AbsoluteDate, Stream) to do Hermite interpolation, so the value of InterpolationMethod, if present, is ignored.
    InterpolationSamplesM1 Yes Note that the InterpolationMethod keyword is ignored, but the value of InterpolationSamplesM1 will be used to determine the number of sample points in the Hermite interpolator used by Orekit.
    NumberOfEphemerisPoints Yes
    BEGIN/END SegmentBoundaryTimes Yes

    Any keyword in the format specification which is not explicitly named in the above table is not recognized and will cause a parse exception. Those keywords that are listed above as recognized but not supported are simply ignored.

    The following ephemeris formats are recognized and supported:

    • EphemerisTimePos
    • EphemerisTimePosVel
    • EphemerisTimePosVelAcc
    Any ephemeris format in the format specification which is not explicitly named in the above list is not recognized and will cause an exception.
    Andrew Goetz