Class FieldAltitudeDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldAltitudeDetector

        public FieldAltitudeDetector​(T maxCheck,
                                     T altitude,
                                     BodyShape bodyShape)
        Build a new altitude detector.

        This simple constructor takes default value for convergence threshold (FieldAbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

        The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

        maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
        altitude - threshold altitude value (m)
        bodyShape - body shape with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
      • FieldAltitudeDetector

        public FieldAltitudeDetector​(T maxCheck,
                                     T threshold,
                                     T altitude,
                                     BodyShape bodyShape)
        Build a new altitude detector.

        The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

        The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

        maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
        threshold - convergence threshold (s)
        altitude - threshold altitude value (m)
        bodyShape - body shape with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
      • FieldAltitudeDetector

        protected FieldAltitudeDetector​(FieldAdaptableInterval<T> maxCheck,
                                        T threshold,
                                        int maxIter,
                                        FieldEventHandler<T> handler,
                                        T altitude,
                                        BodyShape bodyShape)
        Protected constructor with full parameters.

        This constructor is not public as users are expected to use the builder API with the various withXxx() methods to set up the instance in a readable manner without using a huge amount of parameters.

        maxCheck - maximum checking interval
        threshold - convergence threshold (s)
        maxIter - maximum number of iterations in the event time search
        handler - event handler to call at event occurrences
        altitude - threshold altitude value (m)
        bodyShape - body shape with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
    • Method Detail

      • getAltitude

        public T getAltitude()
        Get the threshold altitude value.
        the threshold altitude value (m)
      • getBodyShape

        public BodyShape getBodyShape()
        Get the body shape.
        the body shape
      • g

        public T g​(FieldSpacecraftState<T> s)
        Compute the value of the switching function. This function measures the difference between the current altitude and the threshold altitude.
        s - the current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
        value of the switching function