Supported data types

The data types supported by Orekit are described in the following table, where the # character represents any digit, (m/p) represents either the m character or the p character and * represents any character sequence. The [.gz|.Z] part at the end of all naming patterns means that optional .gz (resp. .Z) suffixes can be appended, in which case the data are considered to be compressed with gzip (resp. Unix compress). Decompression is performed on the fly in memory by the library upon data loading when using the default setup, but can be used explicitly with any other setup, if users call the filtering capabilities by themselves.

Some of the data in the table are loaded automatically by the library itself for its internal needs (for example Earth Orientation parameters, leap seconds history or planetary ephemerides), and some must be loaded explicitly by applications (for example CCSDS orbit, attitude, tracking or navigation messages).

Earth Orientation Parameters are provided by observatories in many different formats (Bulletin A in txt, csv and xml formats, several different formats of Bulletin B, EOP C04, finals file combining both Bulletin A and Bulletin B information …). They are also provided for different precession-nutation models (IAU-1980 and IAU-2006/2000A). Orekit supports all of these formats and supports both precession-nutation models. Two different naming patterns for Bulletin B are supported by default. Both the old Bulletin B format used up to 2009, new format used since 2010, the csv format and the xml format are supported. Thevsupported formats for finals2000A files for IAU-2006/2000A and the finals files for IAU-1980 are both the XML format and the columns format.

data type format default naming pattern source
leap seconds introduction history USNO tai-utc tai-utc.dat[.gz|.Z]
leap seconds introduction history IERS history UTC-TAI.history[.gz|.Z]
weekly Earth Orientation Parameters, IAU-1980 and IAU-2000, rapid service and prediction IERS Bulletin A bulletina-xxxx-###{.txt|.csv|xml}[.gz|.Z]
monthly Earth Orientation Parameters model IAU 2006/2000A, final values IERS Bulletin B bulletinb-###{.txt|.csv|.xml}[.gz|.Z]
yearly Earth Orientation Parameters model IAU 2006/2000A IERS EOP C04 eopc04*{.##|.csv|.xml}[.gz|.Z]
Earth Orientation Parameters model IAU 2006/2000A IERS standard EOP finals2000A.*.[.gz|.Z]
Earth Orientation Parameters model IAU 1980 IERS standard EOP finals.*.[.gz|.Z]
JPL DE 4xx planets ephemerides DE 4xx binary (l/u)nx(m/p)####.4##[.gz|.Z]
IMCCE inpop planets ephemerides DE 4xx binary inpop*_m####_p####*.dat[.gz|.Z]
Eigen gravity field (old format) SHM format eigen_*_coef[.gz|.Z]
gravity fields from International Centre for Global Earth Models ICGEM format *.gfc, g###_eigen_*_coef[.gz|.Z]
EGM gravity field EGM format egm##_to#*[.gz|.Z]
GRGM1200B and GRGM1200L gravity field SHA format sha.*
Marshall Solar Activity Future Estimation MSAFE format jan####f10.txt to dec####f10[_prd].txt[.gz|.Z]
Klobuchar coefficients Bern Astronomical Institute format CGIM###0.##N [.gz|.Z]
Vienna Mapping Function VMF VMF*.##H
Global Ionosphere Map ionex *.##i CDDIS
space weather CSSI format SpaceWeather-All-v1.2.txt
JB2008 SOLFSMY Space Environment format SOLFSMY.TXT
JB2008 DTC Space Environment format DTCFILE.TXT
EOP files to ITRF versions mapping Orekit itrf-versions.conf itrf-versions.conf Orekit Physical Data Archive
CCSDS Attitude Data Message CCSDS ADM V1 and V2 (KVN and XML) none (must be loaded explicitly) various, can be produced by Orekit itself
CCSDS Orbit Data Message CCSDS ODM V2 and V3 (KVN and XML) none (must be loaded explicitly) various, can be produced by Orekit itself
CCSDS Tracking Data Message CCSDS TDM V1 and V2 (KVN and XML) none (must be loaded explicitly) various, can be produced by Orekit itself
CCSDS Navigation Data Message CCSDS NDM V1 and V3 (KVN and XML) none (must be loaded explicitly) various, can be produced by Orekit itself
CCSDS Conjunction Data Message CCSDS CDM V1 (KVN and XML) none (must be loaded explicitly) various, can be produced by Orekit itself
GNSS Antenna data Antex *.atx various, mainly IGS
GNSS measurements Receiver Independant EXchange Format 2-4 *."#{od}|*.{crx|rnx}[.gz|.Z] various, can be produced by Orekit itself
GNSS clock rinex clock 3 *.clk[.gz|.Z] various
GNSS solutions Solution Independant EXchange Format 2 *.snx[.gz|.Z] various
GNSS orbits SP3 a, c and d *.sp3[.gz|.Z] various, can be produced by Orekit itself
GNSS navigation based on RINEX 2-4 *.n[.gz|.Z] various
GNSS almanach SEM and YUMA various
GNSS real time (navigation, clock…) IGS SSR messages, through RTCM and NTRIP none (streaming data) various, sourcetable usually from BKG
laser ranging prediction file CPF format various, mainly CDDIS
laser ranging data CRD format various, mainly CDDIS
ocean loading coefficients BLQ format *.blq Onsala Space Observatory