See: Description
Class | Description |
AbstractShapiroBaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
AngularIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with ionospheric delay.
AngularRadioRefractionModifier |
Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with ionospheric radio refractive index.
AngularTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with tropospheric delay.
Bias<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Class modeling a measurement bias.
DynamicOutlierFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Modifier that sets estimated measurement weight to 0 if residual is too far from expected domain.
IonosphericDSConverter | Deprecated
as of 10.2, replaced by
IonosphericGradientConverter |
IonosphericGradientConverter |
Converter for states and parameters arrays.
OnBoardAntennaInterSatellitesRangeModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on inter-satellites range measurements.
OnBoardAntennaPhaseModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on phase measurements.
OnBoardAntennaRangeModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on range measurements.
OnBoardAntennaTurnAroundRangeModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on turn around range measurements.
OutlierFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Modifier that sets estimated measurement weight to 0 if residual is too far from expected domain.
PhaseAmbiguityModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with ambiguity.
PhaseIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with ionospheric delay.
PhaseTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with tropospheric delay.
RangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with ionospheric delay.
RangeRateIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with ionospheric delay.
RangeRateTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurements with tropospheric delay.
RangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with tropospheric delay.
ShapiroInterSatelliteRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
TroposphericDSConverter | Deprecated
as of 10.2, replaced by
TroposphericGradientConverter |
TroposphericGradientConverter |
Converter for states and parameters arrays.
TurnAroundRangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical TurnAroundRange measurement with ionospheric delay.
TurnAroundRangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical turn-around TurnAroundRange measurement with tropospheric delay.
Measurement modifiers are used to take into account some effects during the modeling (i.e. the estimation) of a measurement. Modifiers currently implemented in Orekit are:
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