Uses of Class
Packages that use Orbit Package Description org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.boundary This package provides classes relative to the boundary conditions for indirect This package provides initial orbit determination The leastsquares package provides an implementation of a batch least squares estimator engine to perform an orbit This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding This package provides models of simple This package provides ways to do tessellation and sampling of zones of interest over an ellipsoid This package provides classes to represent Propagationorg.orekit.propagation.analytical Top level package for analytical This package provides classes to propagate GNSS This package provides classes to propagate Intelsat's 11 This package provides classes to read and extrapolate tle' This package provides tools to convert a given propagator or a set ofSpacecraftState
into another This package wraps methods from various (semi)analytical models in Orekit to convert back and forth between an averaged orbital state and an osculating This package wraps conversions from an osculating orbit to an averaged state according to a given theory (usually via a fixed-point algorithm using the inverse conversion) This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during Utilities for integration-based propagators (both numerical and semi-analytical).org.orekit.propagation.numerical Top level package for numerical This package provides an implementation of the Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces This package provides force models for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities This package provides utilities for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.ssa.collision.shorttermencounter.probability.twod Package specific to calculus assuming a 2D short-term encounter model. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.boundary
Methods in org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.boundary that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
FixedTimeBoundaryOrbits. getInitialOrbit()
Getter for the initial condition.Orbit
FixedTimeBoundaryOrbits. getTerminalOrbit()
Getter for the terminal condition.Constructors in org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.boundary with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description FixedTimeBoundaryOrbits(Orbit initialOrbit, Orbit terminalOrbit)
Constructor. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.estimation.iod
Methods in org.orekit.estimation.iod that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
IodGauss. estimate(Frame outputFrame, Vector3D obsP1, AbsoluteDate obsDate1, Vector3D los1, Vector3D obsP2, AbsoluteDate obsDate2, Vector3D los2, Vector3D obsP3, AbsoluteDate obsDate3, Vector3D los3)
Estimate and orbit based on Gauss Intial Orbit Determination method.Orbit
IodGauss. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularAzEl azEl1, AngularAzEl azEl2, AngularAzEl azEl3)
Estimate and orbit based on Gauss Intial Orbit Determination method.Orbit
IodGauss. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularRaDec raDec1, AngularRaDec raDec2, AngularRaDec raDec3)
Estimate and orbit based on Gauss Intial Orbit Determination method.Orbit
IodGibbs. estimate(Frame frame, Vector3D r1, AbsoluteDate date1, Vector3D r2, AbsoluteDate date2, Vector3D r3, AbsoluteDate date3)
Give an initial orbit estimation, assuming Keplerian motion.Orbit
IodGibbs. estimate(Frame frame, Position p1, Position p2, Position p3)
Give an initial orbit estimation, assuming Keplerian motion.Orbit
IodGibbs. estimate(Frame frame, PV pv1, PV pv2, PV pv3)
Give an initial orbit estimation, assuming Keplerian motion.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, Vector3D O1, Vector3D O2, Vector3D O3, Vector3D lineOfSight1, AbsoluteDate dateObs1, Vector3D lineOfSight2, AbsoluteDate dateObs2, Vector3D lineOfSight3, AbsoluteDate dateObs3, double rho1init, double rho3init)
Estimate orbit from three line of sight.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, Vector3D O1, Vector3D O2, Vector3D O3, Vector3D lineOfSight1, AbsoluteDate dateObs1, Vector3D lineOfSight2, AbsoluteDate dateObs2, Vector3D lineOfSight3, AbsoluteDate dateObs3, double rho1init, double rho3init, int nRev, boolean direction)
Estimate orbit from three line of sight.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularAzEl azEl1, AngularAzEl azEl2, AngularAzEl azEl3)
Estimate orbit from three angular (i.e., azimuth - elevation) observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularAzEl azEl1, AngularAzEl azEl2, AngularAzEl azEl3, double rho1init, double rho3init)
Estimate orbit from three angular observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularAzEl azEl1, AngularAzEl azEl2, AngularAzEl azEl3, double rho1init, double rho3init, int nRev, boolean direction)
Estimate orbit from three angular observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularAzEl azEl1, AngularAzEl azEl2, AngularAzEl azEl3, int nRev, boolean direction)
Estimate orbit from three angular (i.e., azimuth - elevation) observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularRaDec raDec1, AngularRaDec raDec2, AngularRaDec raDec3)
Estimate orbit from three angular (i.e., right ascension - declination) observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularRaDec raDec1, AngularRaDec raDec2, AngularRaDec raDec3, double rho1init, double rho3init)
Estimate orbit from three angular observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularRaDec raDec1, AngularRaDec raDec2, AngularRaDec raDec3, double rho1init, double rho3init, int nRev, boolean direction)
Estimate orbit from three angular observations.Orbit
IodGooding. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularRaDec raDec1, AngularRaDec raDec2, AngularRaDec raDec3, int nRev, boolean direction)
Estimate orbit from three angular (i.e., right ascension - declination) observations.Orbit
IodLambert. estimate(Frame frame, boolean posigrade, int nRev, Vector3D p1, AbsoluteDate t1, Vector3D p2, AbsoluteDate t2)
Estimate a Keplerian orbit given two position vectors and a duration.Orbit
IodLambert. estimate(Frame frame, boolean posigrade, int nRev, Position p1, Position p2)
Estimate an initial orbit from two position measurements.Orbit
IodLambert. estimate(Frame frame, boolean posigrade, int nRev, PV pv1, PV pv2)
Estimate an initial orbit from two PV measurements.Orbit
IodLaplace. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularAzEl azEl1, AngularAzEl azEl2, AngularAzEl azEl3)
Estimate the orbit from three angular observations at the same location.Orbit
IodLaplace. estimate(Frame outputFrame, AngularRaDec raDec1, AngularRaDec raDec2, AngularRaDec raDec3)
Estimate the orbit from three angular observations at the same location.Orbit
IodLaplace. estimate(Frame outputFrame, PVCoordinates obsPva, AbsoluteDate obsDate1, Vector3D los1, AbsoluteDate obsDate2, Vector3D los2, AbsoluteDate obsDate3, Vector3D los3)
Estimate orbit from three line of sight angles at the same location. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.estimation.leastsquares
Methods in org.orekit.estimation.leastsquares that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description protected abstract Orbit
AbstractBatchLSModel. configureOrbits(MatricesHarvester harvester, Propagator propagator)
Configure the current estimated orbits.protected Orbit
BatchLSModel. configureOrbits(MatricesHarvester harvester, Propagator propagator)
Configure the current estimated orbits.protected Orbit
DSSTBatchLSModel. configureOrbits(MatricesHarvester harvester, Propagator propagator)
Configure the current estimated orbits.Methods in org.orekit.estimation.leastsquares with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description void
BatchLSObserver. evaluationPerformed(int iterationsCount, int evaluationsCount, Orbit[] orbits, ParameterDriversList estimatedOrbitalParameters, ParameterDriversList estimatedPropagatorParameters, ParameterDriversList estimatedMeasurementsParameters, EstimationsProvider evaluationsProvider, LeastSquaresProblem.Evaluation lspEvaluation)
Notification callback for the end of each evaluation.void
ModelObserver. modelCalled(Orbit[] orbits, Map<ObservedMeasurement<?>,EstimatedMeasurement<?>> estimations)
Notification callback for orbit changes. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.files.general
Methods in org.orekit.files.general that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
EphemerisSegmentPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers
Methods in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel. apply(Orbit orbit1)
Compute the effect of the maneuver on an orbit.Methods in org.orekit.forces.maneuvers with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel. apply(Orbit orbit1)
Compute the effect of the maneuver on an orbit.void
SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel. getJacobian(Orbit orbit1, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double[][] jacobian)
Compute the Jacobian of the orbit with respect to maneuver parameters. -
Uses of Orbit in
Constructors in with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description AlongTrackAiming(OneAxisEllipsoid ellipsoid, Orbit orbit, boolean isAscending)
Simple constructor. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.orbits
Classes in org.orekit.orbits with type parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Class Description class
WalkerConstellationSlot<O extends Orbit>
Container for one satellite slot in aWalker constellation
.Subclasses of Orbit in org.orekit.orbits Modifier and Type Class Description class
This class holds Cartesian orbital parameters.class
This class handles circular orbital parameters.class
This class handles equinoctial orbital parameters, which can support both circular and equatorial orbits.class
This class handles traditional Keplerian orbital parameters.Methods in org.orekit.orbits with type parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description <O extends Orbit>
WalkerConstellationSlot<O>WalkerConstellation. buildReferenceSlot(O referenceOrbit)
Create the reference slot, which is satellite 0 in plane 0.<O extends Orbit>
List<List<WalkerConstellationSlot<O>>>WalkerConstellation. buildRegularSlots(O referenceOrbit)
Create the regular slots.<O extends Orbit>
WalkerConstellationSlot<O>WalkerConstellation. buildSlot(WalkerConstellationSlot<O> existingSlot, int plane, double satellite)
Create one offset slot from an already existing slot.Methods in org.orekit.orbits that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Orbit
OrbitType. convertType(Orbit orbit)
Convert an orbit to the instance type.abstract Orbit
Orbit. inFrame(Frame inertialFrame)
Create a new object representing the same physical orbital state, but attached to a different reference frame.Orbit
AbstractOrbitInterpolator. interpolate(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate, Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.protected Orbit
OrbitBlender. interpolate(AbstractTimeInterpolator.InterpolationData interpolationData)
Interpolate instance from given interpolation data.protected Orbit
OrbitHermiteInterpolator. interpolate(AbstractTimeInterpolator.InterpolationData interpolationData)
Interpolate instance from given interpolation data.abstract Orbit
OrbitType. mapArrayToOrbit(double[] array, double[] arrayDot, PositionAngleType type, AbsoluteDate date, double mu, Frame frame)
Convert state array to orbital parameters.abstract Orbit
OrbitType. normalize(Orbit orbit, Orbit reference)
Normalize one orbit with respect to a reference one.abstract Orbit
Orbit. shiftedBy(double dt)
Get a time-shifted orbit.abstract Orbit
Orbit. shiftedBy(TimeOffset dt)
Get a time-shifted orbit.abstract Orbit
FieldOrbit. toOrbit()
Transforms the FieldOrbit instance into an Orbit instance.Methods in org.orekit.orbits with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description abstract <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>>
FieldOrbit<T>OrbitType. convertToFieldOrbit(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit)
Convert an orbit to the "Fielded" instance type.abstract Orbit
OrbitType. convertType(Orbit orbit)
Convert an orbit to the instance type.abstract ParameterDriversList
OrbitType. getDrivers(double dP, Orbit orbit, PositionAngleType type)
Get parameters drivers initialized from a reference orbit.abstract void
OrbitType. mapOrbitToArray(Orbit orbit, PositionAngleType type, double[] stateVector, double[] stateVectorDot)
Convert orbit to state array.abstract Orbit
OrbitType. normalize(Orbit orbit, Orbit reference)
Normalize one orbit with respect to a reference one.protected double[]
OrbitType. scale(double dP, Orbit orbit)
Compute scaling factor for parameters drivers.Method parameters in org.orekit.orbits with type arguments of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description static void
AbstractOrbitInterpolator. checkOrbitsConsistency(Collection<Orbit> sample)
Check orbits consistency by comparing their gravitational parameters µ.Orbit
AbstractOrbitInterpolator. interpolate(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate, Collection<Orbit> sample)
Get an interpolated instance.Constructors in org.orekit.orbits with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description CartesianOrbit(Orbit op)
Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters.CircularOrbit(Orbit op)
Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters.EquinoctialOrbit(Orbit op)
Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters.FieldCartesianOrbit(Field<T> field, Orbit op)
Constructor from Field and Orbit.FieldCircularOrbit(Field<T> field, Orbit op)
Constructor from Field and Orbit.FieldEquinoctialOrbit(Field<T> field, Orbit op)
Constructor from Field and Orbit.FieldKeplerianOrbit(Field<T> field, Orbit op)
Constructor from Field and Orbit.KeplerianOrbit(Orbit op)
Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation
Methods in org.orekit.propagation that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
SpacecraftState. getOrbit()
Get the current orbit.protected Orbit
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. interpolateOrbit(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate, List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> neighborList)
Interpolate orbit at given interpolation date.Methods in org.orekit.propagation that return types with arguments of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description protected TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. expressCovarianceInDesiredOutput(Orbit interpolatedOrbit, StateCovariance covarianceInOrbitFrame)
Express covariance in output configuration defined at this instance construction.TimeInterpolator<Orbit>
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. getOrbitInterpolator()
Get orbit interpolator.Optional<TimeInterpolator<Orbit>>
SpacecraftStateInterpolator. getOrbitInterpolator()
Get orbit interpolator.TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. interpolate(AbstractTimeInterpolator.InterpolationData interpolationData)
Interpolate orbit and associated covariance.Methods in org.orekit.propagation with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description StateCovariance
StateCovariance. changeCovarianceFrame(Orbit orbit, Frame frameOut)
Get the covariance in the output frame.StateCovariance
StateCovariance. changeCovarianceFrame(Orbit orbit, LOF lofOut)
Get the covariance in a given local orbital frame.StateCovariance
StateCovariance. changeCovarianceType(Orbit orbit, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outAngleType)
Get the covariance matrix in another orbit type.protected abstract StateCovariance
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> uncertainStates, Orbit interpolatedOrbit)
Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.protected StateCovariance
StateCovarianceBlender. computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> uncertainStates, Orbit interpolatedOrbit)
Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.protected StateCovariance
StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator. computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> uncertainStates, Orbit interpolatedOrbit)
Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.protected TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. expressCovarianceInDesiredOutput(Orbit interpolatedOrbit, StateCovariance covarianceInOrbitFrame)
Express covariance in output configuration defined at this instance construction.static RealMatrix
StateCovariance. getStm(Orbit initialOrbit, double dt)
Get the state transition matrix considering Keplerian contribution only.default double[][]
ToleranceProvider. getTolerances(Orbit referenceOrbit, OrbitType propagationOrbitType)
Retrieve the integration tolerances given a reference orbit.double[][]
ToleranceProvider. getTolerances(Orbit referenceOrbit, OrbitType propagationOrbitType, PositionAngleType positionAngleType)
Retrieve the integration tolerances given a reference orbit.StateCovariance
StateCovariance. shiftedBy(Orbit orbit, double dt)
Get a time-shifted covariance matrix.Method parameters in org.orekit.propagation with type arguments of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description protected abstract StateCovariance
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> uncertainStates, Orbit interpolatedOrbit)
Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.protected StateCovariance
StateCovarianceBlender. computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> uncertainStates, Orbit interpolatedOrbit)
Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.protected StateCovariance
StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator. computeInterpolatedCovarianceInOrbitFrame(List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> uncertainStates, Orbit interpolatedOrbit)
Compute the interpolated covariance expressed in the interpolated orbit frame.protected Orbit
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator. interpolateOrbit(AbsoluteDate interpolationDate, List<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>> neighborList)
Interpolate orbit at given interpolation date.Constructors in org.orekit.propagation with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit)
Build a spacecraft state from orbit only.SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, double mass)
Deprecated.since 13.0, use withXXXSpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, Attitude attitude)
Build a spacecraft state from orbit and attitude.SpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, Attitude attitude, double mass)
Deprecated.since 13.0, use withXXXSpacecraftState(Orbit orbit, Attitude attitude, double mass, DataDictionary additional, DoubleArrayDictionary additionalDot)
Build a spacecraft state from orbit, attitude, mass, additional states and derivatives.Constructor parameters in org.orekit.propagation with type arguments of type Orbit Constructor Description AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, double extrapolationThreshold, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, Frame outFrame, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType)
Constructor.AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, double extrapolationThreshold, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, LOFType outLOF)
Constructor.SpacecraftStateInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, double extrapolationThreshold, Frame outputFrame, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, TimeInterpolator<AbsolutePVCoordinates> absPVAInterpolator, TimeInterpolator<TimeStampedDouble> massInterpolator, TimeInterpolator<Attitude> attitudeInterpolator, TimeInterpolator<TimeStampedDouble> additionalStateInterpolator)
Constructor.StateCovarianceBlender(SmoothStepFactory.SmoothStepFunction blendingFunction, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, Frame outFrame, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType)
Constructor.StateCovarianceBlender(SmoothStepFactory.SmoothStepFunction blendingFunction, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, LOFType outLOF)
Constructor.StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, double extrapolationThreshold, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, CartesianDerivativesFilter filter, Frame outFrame, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType)
Constructor using an output frame.StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, double extrapolationThreshold, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, CartesianDerivativesFilter filter, LOFType outLOF)
Constructor using an output local orbital frame.StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, Frame outFrame, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType)
Constructor using an output frame and : Default number of interpolation points ofDEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_POINTS
Use of position and two time derivatives during interpolation As this implementation of interpolation is polynomial, it should be used only with small number of interpolation points (about 10-20 points) in order to avoid Runge's phenomenon and numerical problems (including NaN appearing).StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, LOFType outLOF)
Constructor using an output local orbital frame and : Default extrapolation threshold value (DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_THRESHOLD_SEC
s) Use of position and two time derivatives during interpolation As this implementation of interpolation is polynomial, it should be used only with small number of interpolation points (about 10-20 points) in order to avoid Runge's phenomenon and numerical problems (including NaN appearing).StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, CartesianDerivativesFilter filter, Frame outFrame, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType)
Constructor using an output frame and : Default extrapolation threshold value (DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_THRESHOLD_SEC
s) As this implementation of interpolation is polynomial, it should be used only with small number of interpolation points (about 10-20 points) in order to avoid Runge's phenomenon and numerical problems (including NaN appearing).StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(int interpolationPoints, TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, CartesianDerivativesFilter filter, LOFType outLOF)
Constructor using an output local orbital frame and : Use of position and two time derivatives during interpolation As this implementation of interpolation is polynomial, it should be used only with small number of interpolation points (about 10-20 points) in order to avoid Runge's phenomenon and numerical problems (including NaN appearing).StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, Frame outFrame, OrbitType outOrbitType, PositionAngleType outPositionAngleType)
Constructor using an output frame and : Default number of interpolation points ofDEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_POINTS
Default extrapolation threshold value (DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_THRESHOLD_SEC
s) Use of position and two time derivatives during interpolation As this implementation of interpolation is polynomial, it should be used only with small number of interpolation points (about 10-20 points) in order to avoid Runge's phenomenon and numerical problems (including NaN appearing).StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator(TimeInterpolator<Orbit> orbitInterpolator, LOFType outLOF)
Constructor using an output local orbital frame and : Default number of interpolation points ofDEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_POINTS
Default extrapolation threshold value (DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_THRESHOLD_SEC
s) Use of position and two time derivatives during interpolation As this implementation of interpolation is polynomial, it should be used only with small number of interpolation points (about 10-20 points) in order to avoid Runge's phenomenon and numerical problems (including NaN appearing). -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.analytical
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
J2DifferentialEffect. apply(Orbit orbit1)
Compute the effect of the maneuver on an orbit.abstract Orbit
AbstractAnalyticalPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.Orbit
AdapterPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.Orbit
AggregateBoundedPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Ephemeris. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.Orbit
KeplerianPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical that return types with arguments of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Optional<TimeInterpolator<TimeStampedPair<Orbit,StateCovariance>>>
Ephemeris. getCovarianceInterpolator()
Get covariance interpolator.Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
J2DifferentialEffect. apply(Orbit orbit1)
Compute the effect of the maneuver on an orbit.static KeplerianOrbit
BrouwerLyddanePropagator. computeMeanOrbit(Orbit osculating, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double M2Value, double epsilon, int maxIterations)
Conversion from osculating to mean orbit.static KeplerianOrbit
BrouwerLyddanePropagator. computeMeanOrbit(Orbit osculating, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics, double M2Value)
Conversion from osculating to mean orbit.static KeplerianOrbit
BrouwerLyddanePropagator. computeMeanOrbit(Orbit osculating, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics, double M2Value, double epsilon, int maxIterations)
Conversion from osculating to mean orbit.static CircularOrbit
EcksteinHechlerPropagator. computeMeanOrbit(Orbit osculating, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, double epsilon, int maxIterations)
Conversion from osculating to mean orbit.static CircularOrbit
EcksteinHechlerPropagator. computeMeanOrbit(Orbit osculating, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics)
Conversion from osculating to mean orbit.static CircularOrbit
EcksteinHechlerPropagator. computeMeanOrbit(Orbit osculating, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics, double epsilon, int maxIterations)
Conversion from osculating to mean orbit.Constructors in org.orekit.propagation.analytical with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit and potential.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, mass and potential.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, mass and potential provider.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider and potential.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, PropagationType initialType, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, PropagationType initialType, double M2, double epsilon, int maxIterations)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential provider.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PropagationType initialType, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential provider.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider and potential provider.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit and potential provider.BrouwerLyddanePropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PropagationType initialType, double M2)
Build a propagator from orbit and potential provider.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60)
Build a propagator from orbit and potential.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60)
Build a propagator from orbit, mass and potential.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider)
Build a propagator from orbit, mass and potential provider.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider and potential.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, PropagationType initialType)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, double referenceRadius, double mu, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, PropagationType initialType, double epsilon, int maxIterations)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential provider.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitude, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics)
Private helper constructor.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitude, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics, PropagationType initialType)
Private helper constructor.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mass, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PropagationType initialType)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider, mass and potential provider.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider and potential provider.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider)
Build a propagator from orbit and potential provider.EcksteinHechlerPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PropagationType initialType)
Build a propagator from orbit and potential provider.J2DifferentialEffect(Orbit orbit0, Orbit orbit1, boolean applyBefore, double referenceRadius, double mu, double j2)
Simple constructor.J2DifferentialEffect(Orbit orbit0, Orbit orbit1, boolean applyBefore, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider gravityField)
Simple constructor.KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit)
Build a propagator from orbit only.KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, double mu)
Build a propagator from orbit and central attraction coefficient μ.KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv)
Build a propagator from orbit and attitude provider.KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mu)
Build a propagator from orbit, attitude provider and central attraction coefficient μ.KeplerianPropagator(Orbit initialOrbit, AttitudeProvider attitudeProv, double mu, double mass)
Build propagator from orbit, attitude provider, central attraction coefficient μ and mass. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
GLONASSAnalyticalPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.Orbit
GNSSPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.Orbit
SBASPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.intelsat
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.intelsat that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
IntelsatElevenElementsPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
TLEPropagator. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.conversion
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.conversion that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description protected Orbit
AbstractPropagatorBuilder. createInitialOrbit()
Build an initial orbit using the current selected parameters.Methods in org.orekit.propagation.conversion with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description T
AbstractIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
abstract T
AbstractIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
AbstractVariableStepFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.T
AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.ClassicalRungeKuttaFieldIntegrator<T>
ClassicalRungeKuttaFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator
ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.EulerFieldIntegrator<T>
EulerFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.EulerIntegrator
EulerIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator
ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
Build a first order integrator.ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator
ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.W
FieldAbstractIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
Build a first order integrator.abstract W
FieldAbstractIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.FieldExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator<T>
FieldExplicitRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
Build a first order integrator.FieldExplicitRungeKuttaIntegrator<T>
FieldExplicitRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.FieldODEIntegrator<T>
FieldODEIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
Build a first order integrator.FieldODEIntegrator<T>
FieldODEIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.GillFieldIntegrator<T>
GillFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.GillIntegrator
GillIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.LutherFieldIntegrator<T>
LutherFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType positionAngleType)
Build a first order integrator.LutherIntegrator
LutherIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.MidpointFieldIntegrator<T>
MidpointFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.MidpointIntegrator
MidpointIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.ODEIntegrator
ODEIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
Build a first order integrator.ODEIntegrator
ODEIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.ThreeEighthesFieldIntegrator<T>
ThreeEighthesFieldIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Field<T> field, Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.ThreeEighthesIntegrator
ThreeEighthesIntegratorBuilder. buildIntegrator(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Build a first order integrator.protected double[][]
AbstractVariableStepFieldIntegratorBuilder. getTolerances(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType angleType)
Computes tolerances.protected double[][]
AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder. getTolerances(Orbit orbit, OrbitType orbitType)
Computes tolerances.void
AbstractPropagatorBuilder. resetOrbit(Orbit newOrbit)
Reset the orbit in the propagator builder.void
DSSTPropagatorBuilder. resetOrbit(Orbit newOrbit, PropagationType orbitType)
Reset the orbit in the propagator builder.void
PropagatorBuilder. resetOrbit(Orbit newOrbit)
Reset the orbit in the propagator builder.Constructors in org.orekit.propagation.conversion with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description AbstractAnalyticalPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, boolean addDriverForCentralAttraction, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, double initialMass)
Build a new instance.AbstractIntegratedPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, ODEIntegratorBuilder builder, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, PropagationType propagationType, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, double mass)
Build a new instance.AbstractPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, boolean addDriverForCentralAttraction)
Build a new instance.AbstractPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, boolean addDriverForCentralAttraction, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Build a new instance.AbstractPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, boolean addDriverForCentralAttraction, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, double initialMass)
Build a new instance.BrouwerLyddanePropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, double referenceRadius, double mu, TideSystem tideSystem, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, double M2)
Build a new instance.BrouwerLyddanePropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, double M2)
Build a new instance.BrouwerLyddanePropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider, double M2)
Build a new instance.DSSTPropagatorBuilder(Orbit referenceOrbit, ODEIntegratorBuilder builder, double positionScale, PropagationType propagationType, PropagationType stateType)
Build a new instance.DSSTPropagatorBuilder(Orbit referenceOrbit, ODEIntegratorBuilder builder, double positionScale, PropagationType propagationType, PropagationType stateType, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Build a new instance.EcksteinHechlerPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, double referenceRadius, double mu, TideSystem tideSystem, double c20, double c30, double c40, double c50, double c60, OrbitType orbitType, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale)
Build a new instance.EcksteinHechlerPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale)
Build a new instance.EcksteinHechlerPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Build a new instance.KeplerianPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale)
Build a new instance.KeplerianPropagatorBuilder(Orbit templateOrbit, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Build a new instance.NumericalPropagatorBuilder(Orbit referenceOrbit, ODEIntegratorBuilder builder, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale)
Build a new instance.NumericalPropagatorBuilder(Orbit referenceOrbit, ODEIntegratorBuilder builder, PositionAngleType positionAngleType, double positionScale, AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Build a new instance. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.conversion.averaging
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.conversion.averaging that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
AveragedOrbitalState. toOsculatingOrbit()
Convert instance to an osculating orbit.Orbit
BrouwerLyddaneOrbitalState. toOsculatingOrbit()
Convert instance to an osculating orbit.Orbit
DSST6X0OrbitalState. toOsculatingOrbit()
Convert instance to an osculating orbit.Orbit
EcksteinHechlerOrbitalState. toOsculatingOrbit()
Convert instance to an osculating orbit.Orbit
SGP4OrbitalState. toOsculatingOrbit()
Convert instance to an osculating orbit. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.conversion.averaging.converters
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.conversion.averaging.converters with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description T
OsculatingToAveragedConverter. convertToAveraged(Orbit osculatingOrbit)
Convert osculating orbit to averaged orbital state according to underlying theory.BrouwerLyddaneOrbitalState
OsculatingToBrouwerLyddaneConverter. convertToAveraged(Orbit osculatingOrbit)
Convert osculating orbit to averaged orbital state according to underlying theory.DSST6X0OrbitalState
OsculatingToDSST6X0Converter. convertToAveraged(Orbit osculatingOrbit)
Convert osculating orbit to averaged orbital state according to underlying theory.EcksteinHechlerOrbitalState
OsculatingToEcksteinHechlerConverter. convertToAveraged(Orbit osculatingOrbit)
Convert osculating orbit to averaged orbital state according to underlying theory.SGP4OrbitalState
OsculatingToSGP4Converter. convertToAveraged(Orbit osculatingOrbit)
Convert osculating orbit to averaged orbital state according to underlying theory. -
Uses of Orbit in
Constructors in with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description AlignmentDetector(double threshold, Orbit orbit, PVCoordinatesProvider body, double alignAngle)
Build a new alignment detector.AlignmentDetector(Orbit orbit, PVCoordinatesProvider body, double alignAngle)
Build a new alignment detector.ApsideDetector(double threshold, Orbit orbit)
Build a new instance.ApsideDetector(Orbit orbit)
Build a new instance.NodeDetector(double threshold, Orbit orbit, Frame frame)
Build a new instance.NodeDetector(Orbit orbit, Frame frame)
Build a new instance. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.integration
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.integration that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
IntegratedEphemeris. propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.numerical
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.numerical with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description static double[][]
NumericalPropagator. tolerances(double dP, double dV, Orbit orbit, OrbitType type)
Deprecated.since 13.0.static double[][]
NumericalPropagator. tolerances(double dP, Orbit orbit, OrbitType type)
Deprecated.since 13.0. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description static double[][]
DSSTPropagator. tolerances(double dP, double dV, Orbit orbit)
Deprecated.since 13.0.static double[][]
DSSTPropagator. tolerances(double dP, Orbit orbit)
Deprecated.since 13.0. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description double[]
AbstractGaussianContribution.GaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients. value(Orbit meanOrbit)
Evaluate the contributions of the short period terms.double[]
ShortPeriodTerms. value(Orbit meanOrbit)
Evaluate the contributions of the short period terms. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities
Methods in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description Orbit
AuxiliaryElements. getOrbit()
Get the orbit.Constructors in org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description AuxiliaryElements(Orbit orbit, int retrogradeFactor)
Simple constructor. -
Uses of Orbit in org.orekit.ssa.collision.shorttermencounter.probability.twod
Methods in org.orekit.ssa.collision.shorttermencounter.probability.twod that return Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description protected Orbit
AbstractShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod. getObjectOrbitFromCdm(CdmRelativeMetadata cdmRelativeMetadata, CdmData cdmData, CdmMetadata cdmMetadata, DataContext cdmDataContext)
Extract collision object spacecraft state from givenConjunction Data Message
ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition. getOtherAtTCA()
Get other's orbit at time of closest approach.Orbit
ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition. getReferenceAtTCA()
Get reference's orbit at time of closest approach.Methods in org.orekit.ssa.collision.shorttermencounter.probability.twod with parameters of type Orbit Modifier and Type Method Description ProbabilityOfCollision
AbstractShortTermEncounter1DNumerical2DPOCMethod. compute(Orbit primaryAtTCA, StateCovariance primaryCovariance, double primaryRadius, Orbit secondaryAtTCA, StateCovariance secondaryCovariance, double secondaryRadius, UnivariateIntegrator customIntegrator, int customMaxNbOfEval, double zeroThreshold)
Compute the probability of collision using parameters necessary for creating acollision definition
AbstractShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod. compute(Orbit primaryAtTCA, StateCovariance primaryCovariance, Orbit secondaryAtTCA, StateCovariance secondaryCovariance, double combinedRadius, double zeroThreshold)
Compute the probability of collision using parameters necessary for creating acollision definition
instance.default ProbabilityOfCollision
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod. compute(Orbit primaryAtTCA, StateCovariance primaryCovariance, double primaryRadius, Orbit secondaryAtTCA, StateCovariance secondaryCovariance, double secondaryRadius)
Compute the probability of collision using parameters necessary for creating acollision definition
instance.default ProbabilityOfCollision
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod. compute(Orbit primaryAtTCA, StateCovariance primaryCovariance, Orbit secondaryAtTCA, StateCovariance secondaryCovariance, double combinedRadius)
Compute the probability of collision using parameters necessary for creating acollision definition
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod. compute(Orbit primaryAtTCA, StateCovariance primaryCovariance, Orbit secondaryAtTCA, StateCovariance secondaryCovariance, double combinedRadius, double zeroThreshold)
Compute the probability of collision using parameters necessary for creating acollision definition
instance.Constructors in org.orekit.ssa.collision.shorttermencounter.probability.twod with parameters of type Orbit Constructor Description ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(Orbit referenceAtTCA, StateCovariance referenceCovariance, double referenceRadius, Orbit otherAtTCA, StateCovariance otherCovariance, double otherRadius)
Constructor.ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(Orbit referenceAtTCA, StateCovariance referenceCovariance, double referenceRadius, Orbit otherAtTCA, StateCovariance otherCovariance, double otherRadius, EncounterLOFType encounterFrameType, double tcaTolerance)
Constructor.ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(Orbit referenceAtTCA, StateCovariance referenceCovariance, Orbit otherAtTCA, StateCovariance otherCovariance, double combinedRadius)
Constructor.ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition(Orbit referenceAtTCA, StateCovariance referenceCovariance, Orbit otherAtTCA, StateCovariance otherCovariance, double combinedRadius, EncounterLOFType encounterFrameType, double tcaTolerance)